
Not only is qi deficiency and sweating, yin and yang are not in harmony, but also sweat like rain! Teach you a trick of yin and yang double supplement from the root to keep the sweat

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wang Yaofeng

As the old saying goes, "prolonged sweating hurts the body", because excessive sweating can damage the body and mind, and even induce other diseases in severe cases. But there are many people who always feel that as long as they sweat a lot, it is caused by qi deficiency, but in my opinion, if yin and yang are not in harmony, they will also not be able to hold sweat, today I will teach you to replenish vitality, reconcile yin and yang, and help you keep sweat from the root!

Not only is qi deficiency and sweating, yin and yang are not in harmony, but also sweat like rain! Teach you a trick of yin and yang double supplement from the root to keep the sweat

First, let's take a look at qi deficiency and sweating

Because it is believed in medicine that qi can control the opening and closing of pores on the skin, which can help us resist external evils, once the qi is insufficient, it will lose control of the pores, resulting in sweat that will start to flow out of control, and at the same time, diseases will also take this opportunity to invade our body.

This condition is mostly manifested as sweating during the day, even if you are motionless and sweating, you will start to sweat a lot, you can't do anything, and you will always have chest tightness and shortness of breath. In this case, you need to go to the qi in time.

Not only is qi deficiency and sweating, yin and yang are not in harmony, but also sweat like rain! Teach you a trick of yin and yang double supplement from the root to keep the sweat

The second is yin deficiency and sweating

This situation is just the opposite of the performance of people with qi deficiency, sweating, mostly after falling asleep at night, then this is because of the lack of yin and jin in our body, resulting in the imbalance of yin and yang, and the situation of internal deficiency fire, and these virtual fires will continue to evaporate in the body, forcing the fluid to go out, resulting in sweating, and it will be accompanied by sweating in the hearts of the hands and feet, irritability, insomnia and dreams, then this kind of conditioning requires us to nourish yin and reduce fire.

Not only is qi deficiency and sweating, yin and yang are not in harmony, but also sweat like rain! Teach you a trick of yin and yang double supplement from the root to keep the sweat

Finally, there is yang deficiency and sweating

In medicine, it is believed that yang energy not only has a warming effect, which can warm our body, but also can stabilize sweat. Therefore, once yang deficiency appears, the most obvious manifestation of such patients is "cold", and they will start to sweat after a little activity, but this sweat is cold, so it leads to the fact that after sweating, the body will be even colder, and it is easy to start catching a cold and fever when encountering a little wind. In this case, it is necessary to replenish yang qi to strengthen the surface and stop perspiration and alleviate the symptoms.

Not only is qi deficiency and sweating, yin and yang are not in harmony, but also sweat like rain! Teach you a trick of yin and yang double supplement from the root to keep the sweat

Well, the above is all shared today, but due to different personal circumstances, the article is for reference only, the drugs mentioned in the article are not universal, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention in time.