
Dr. Wang's actual analysis of tongue diagnosis - kidney yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, and lower coke dampness and heat

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wang Yaofeng

Follow Dr. Wang to learn tongue diagnosis and take your health firmly in your own hands!

Today I will share with you 4 practical analysis of tongue diagnosis

You can cross-reference it to see which one you are

If you don't understand, you can leave a tongue and analyze them one by one

Case 1: Kidney yang deficiency, heavy dampness, and blood stasis

Sensitivity to cold, frequent indigestion, bloating, excessive urination, unformed stools, and decreased function

Dr. Wang's actual analysis of tongue diagnosis - kidney yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, and lower coke dampness and heat

Case 2: Kidney yin deficiency, spleen deficiency, qi stagnation

The palms of the hands and feet are hot, the heart is irritable, often insomnia, dreams, and poor function

Dr. Wang's actual analysis of tongue diagnosis - kidney yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, and lower coke dampness and heat

Case 3: Deficiency of kidney essence, scorching dampness and heat, liver depression and fire

Irritable temper, irritation, dry mouth and bitter mouth, dizziness and tinnitus, memory loss, inability to see clearly, and premature gray hair

Dr. Wang's actual analysis of tongue diagnosis - kidney yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, and lower coke dampness and heat

Case 4: Lower coke and damp heat, liver and gallbladder fire, and insufficient fluid

Dry mouth and bitter mouth, irritable temper, swelling and pain in the head, red eyes, dampness at the base of the thighs, itching, peculiar smell, and affected function

Pay attention to your blood pressure

Dr. Wang's actual analysis of tongue diagnosis - kidney yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, and lower coke dampness and heat

The above content is for reference only, I will share with you the actual case analysis of tongue diagnosis every day, thank you for your support, if you feel unwell, it is recommended to find a professional doctor in time, we will see you next time!