
Cold legs are yang deficiency, do you have to tonify the kidneys? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you a trick to replenish the spleen and dispel cold, and warm the lower scorch

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wang Yaofeng

Although the weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently, many fans still ask me, what should I do if my legs and feet are cold and I am afraid of the cold? It is said that it is yang deficiency, but it has no effect if it is supplemented, why is this? In fact, many of them can't make up for it because of their spleen deficiency.

I have selected a more representative case and share it with you.

Cold legs are yang deficiency, do you have to tonify the kidneys? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you a trick to replenish the spleen and dispel cold, and warm the lower scorch

The patient, 56 years old, had cold lower limbs, was afraid of cold, urinated a lot, got up frequently at night, and the stool was not formed, accompanied by indigestion, and felt tired of doing everything.

Observing the tongue, it was found that his tongue was fat, with tooth marks, sunken tongue, white and greasy tongue coating, and on the whole, he had spleen and kidney deficiency.

Cold legs are yang deficiency, do you have to tonify the kidneys? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you a trick to replenish the spleen and dispel cold, and warm the lower scorch

The spleen is the foundation of nurture, the main limbs, that is to say, if the spleen and stomach are weak and cold, and the decaying water valley is weak, the qi and blood will not be biochemically enough, resulting in the limbs not being nourished, and the yang qi cannot follow the qi and blood to the end of the limbs.

In addition, the kidney is the foundation of the body's yang qi, and the spleen yang also needs to rely on the support of the kidney yang, so the spleen yang deficiency is often accompanied by the kidney yang deficiency.

Cold legs are yang deficiency, do you have to tonify the kidneys? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you a trick to replenish the spleen and dispel cold, and warm the lower scorch

This is also why it is useless for him to replenish kidney yang.

Because the spleen and stomach are weak and cold, the ability to transport and absorb is weakened, and the products that tonify the kidney and yang are too greasy and more difficult to absorb, and the natural effect of tonifying yang is not obvious.

Therefore, in view of his situation, on the basis of warming the kidney and yang, it is also necessary to warm the spleen and dissolve dampness, and nourish qi and blood.

Cold legs are yang deficiency, do you have to tonify the kidneys? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you a trick to replenish the spleen and dispel cold, and warm the lower scorch

What I am sharing today is a conditioning idea, which is intended to tell you that when replenishing yang, don't stick to only supplementing yang, sometimes you need to strengthen the spleen and stomach and replenish yang, and sometimes you even need to nourish yin first and then replenish yang.

The above ideas are only shared, and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. If you feel unwell, please find a professional doctor to distinguish the syndrome, and do not blindly use medication to avoid delaying the condition.

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