
The tongue is red and lacks water, the tongue is white and lacks blood, the tongue is fat and lacks qi, teach you a trick to replenish the essence of qi and blood at one time!

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wang Yaofeng

Tongue diagnosis is an indispensable part of our traditional Chinese medicine, many times they can more directly reflect our physical condition, today I will share with you what our traditional Chinese medicine often says, "tongue red and dehydrated, tongue white ischemia, tongue fat and lack of gas", what does this sentence mean, how to regulate, Dr. Wang will explain it to you at one time!

The tongue is red and lacks water, the tongue is white and lacks blood, the tongue is fat and lacks qi, teach you a trick to replenish the essence of qi and blood at one time!

The first is a red tongue and lack of water

Long-term tongue red, less moss or no moss, the occurrence of this situation, it is necessary to consider that it is mostly caused by heart inflammation, and the most common reason for this situation is mostly because of the lack of kidney yin, kidney water can not help the heart fire, resulting in yin does not control yang, and the situation of false fire inflammation, that is, we often say "heart and kidney do not communicate", more will show mouth ulcers, dry mouth, insomnia and dreams, hot hands and feet, men will also have excessive desire, but premature surrender during actual combat, etc., conditioning needs to nourish yin and extinguish fires, You can refer to the addition and subtraction of Zhibai Dihuang soup.

The tongue is red and lacks water, the tongue is white and lacks blood, the tongue is fat and lacks qi, teach you a trick to replenish the essence of qi and blood at one time!

The second is ischemia of the white tongue

This is common for two reasons, the first is caused by blood deficiency and the inability to nourish the tongue, and the second is due to the weakness of yang qi, which cannot promote qi and blood to nourish the tongue and causes the color to be whitish, which will appear at the same time. Therefore, this kind of disease will often show symptoms such as cold hands and feet, weakness, dizziness and forgetfulness, lack of energy, and soreness in the waist and knees. It is all caused by the inability of qi and blood to be nourished, so the conditioning of this white tongue needs to be carried out simultaneously with blood nourishment and warmth, which can be referred to the addition and subtraction of Wuwu decoction.

The tongue is red and lacks water, the tongue is white and lacks blood, the tongue is fat and lacks qi, teach you a trick to replenish the essence of qi and blood at one time!

The third type is that the tongue is fat and lacks air

The so-called tongue fat refers to the fat and thick tongue of the "fat tongue", which is mostly because of the spleen and kidney after long-term qi deficiency, which causes spleen and kidney yang deficiency, resulting in water can not be transported out in time, it is easy to gather on the tongue, thus forming a fat tongue, like this will show a decrease in appetite, poor appetite, weakness, cold hands and feet, frequent urination and urgency and other symptoms.

The tongue is red and lacks water, the tongue is white and lacks blood, the tongue is fat and lacks qi, teach you a trick to replenish the essence of qi and blood at one time!

Well, the above is all shared today, but due to different personal circumstances, the article is for reference only, the drugs mentioned in the article are not universal, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention in time.