
Live hit! Putin invited Kim Jong-un to ride in his "Orus" car

Live hit! Putin invited Kim Jong-un to ride in his "Orus" car

China News Network

2024-06-19 10:51Posted on the official account of China News Network in Beijing, June 19 According to "Russia Today" (RT) report, on the evening of June 18, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un at the airport after arriving in North Korea.

Live hit! Putin invited Kim Jong-un to ride in his "Orus" car

Image source: "Russia Today" (RT)

According to a video released by Russia Today (RT), Putin and Kim Jong-un walked to the convoy together, and Putin warmly invited Kim Jong-un to ride in his "Orus" car, and the two humbled each other for a while. In the end, Putin got into the limousine from the right back seat, and Kim Jong-un sat in the left back seat.

Live hit! Putin invited Kim Jong-un to ride in his "Orus" car

Image source: "Russia Today" (RT)

When welcoming Putin at the airport, a delegation of North Korean officials presented him with a plaque commemorating the friendship between the two countries, and the road leading to the airport was lined with Russian flags and portraits of Putin.

It was previously reported that in September 2023, Kim Jong-un visited Russia. Kim Jong-un held a "historic" meeting with Putin at the Vostok Cosmodrome in the Amur Region in the Russian Far East, during which the two sides discussed a number of major issues and matters of cooperation, and reached agreements and consensus. During this period, Kim Jong-un invited Putin to visit the DPRK, and Putin accepted the invitation.

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  • Live hit! Putin invited Kim Jong-un to ride in his "Orus" car
  • Live hit! Putin invited Kim Jong-un to ride in his "Orus" car

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