
No matter how stubborn the lung nodules are, I am afraid that these three flavor medicines can solve big problems with a small amount of money

author:Ji Xiuli, director of the Department of Pulmonology
No matter how stubborn the lung nodules are, I am afraid that these three flavor medicines can solve big problems with a small amount of money

Hello everyone, I am Ji Xiuli, a Chinese medicine practitioner.

Many people will ask: Director, I have pulmonary nodules, can they be eliminated? If you don't want to have surgery, is there a good way to do it in Chinese medicine? Today we will talk about the problem of pulmonary nodules.

In fact, pulmonary nodules, with the following three flavor medicines, have accurate syndrome differentiation, proper compatibility, and significant efficacy. If you have mastered the theoretical foundation, it is recommended to bookmark this article, read it twice, and follow it in case you need it.

So why do nodules grow on the lungs? I'll tell you about it below

As we all know, the lungs are phlegm dampness, and the tangible phlegm produced by the body is stored in the lungs, and the lungs become a large container for phlegm. As the years go by, the accumulation of sputum intensifies, affecting qi flow and stasis into stasis.

Eventually, phlegm and stasis are intertwined, forming a phlegm and stasis physique. Such people often show irritability, irritability, and difficulty in letting go. Some patients may also have symptoms such as dry mouth, bitter mouth, dry eyes, dizziness and tinnitus.

No matter how stubborn the lung nodules are, I am afraid that these three flavor medicines can solve big problems with a small amount of money

There is a simple and effective prescription for this problem for your reference.

The required medicinal materials include Prunella vulgaris, Fritillaria, and incense. This formula has the effect of clearing away heat and dissipating phlegm, but it is cold in nature and should not be taken for a long time. It is important to avoid staying up late while taking the medication and maintain a good state of mind.

The above three types of Chinese medicine are commonly used in the treatment of pulmonary nodules, phlegm and fire condensation, and liver stagnation and fire syndrome.

However, TCM emphasizes individual differences, so it is not possible to apply prescriptions directly, and it needs to be adjusted according to individual circumstances.

Tips: TCM treatment focuses on individualization, and the specific medication and treatment plan should be adjusted according to the individual's constitution and condition, and do not use drugs without authorization. If a lung nodule is found, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible and receive guidance from a medical professional.

No matter how stubborn the lung nodules are, I am afraid that these three flavor medicines can solve big problems with a small amount of money