
A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

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A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In the 2002 World Cup, when all Chinese were paying attention to the Chinese team's group qualification, a storm of transactions that swept South Korea was coming.

According to later statistics, South Korea earned 24 trillion won in gray income alone during the entire World Cup.

Many people see it as an economic miracle, but many more see it as a sign of South Korea's "degeneration."

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

South Korea's "Fall"

In fact, it was "Park Chung-hee" who made South Korea begin to degenerate.

In 1961, Park Chung-hee overthrew the democratically elected government through a military coup.

In order to quickly consolidate his position, Park Chung-hee quickly implemented a series of reforms and focused on developing the South Korean economy.

His first thought was to enlist the support of the United States.

Unlike in the past, Park Chung-hee focused more on getting the United States to invest in South Korea and help South Korea strengthen its infrastructure by bringing in foreign investment.

The United States has troops stationed in South Korea, and naturally it is happy that South Korea will become stronger. At the same time, South Koreans are poorer and have cheap labor, which can also bring higher profits to American companies.

With the help of American capitalists, South Korea soon built a large number of factories, the unemployment rate fell sharply, the income of ordinary people increased, and the government's tax revenue also rose.

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

(Park Chung-hee)

At the same time as the influx of foreign capital, South Korea's scientific and technological level has also been improved, and Park Chung-hee began to consciously support local enterprises. It is in this context that some local companies, including Samsung, have begun to rise.

Among them, South Korea's heavy industry company Pohang Steel Plant, the successful construction of the steel mill opened the prelude to the development of South Korea's heavy industry, which has greatly excited the Korean industries.

Since then, South Korea's economy has gradually taken off, and it has even become one of the four Asian tigers.

People call the development of South Korea the "Han River Miracle" during this period, but behind the miracle, there are many criticisms, especially the gray industry in South Korea has also been greatly developed.

Some even see the grey industry as a disgrace to South Korea's glory.

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

The grey industry has been around for a long time

In fact, the gray industry in South Korea began to develop a long time ago, mainly due to the influence of Japan.

In 1867, Japan began to invade the Korean Peninsula, and the gray industry entered.

The Japanese have opened many pornography establishments in North Korea, and they force young women to engage in the sex trade.

At that time, the Korean people were very poor, and many people had to accept the Japanese arrangements in order to survive. These women became a money-making tool for the Japanese.

Later, South Korea was founded, and a bill was introduced to curb the development of gray industries, but with the outbreak of the Korean War, such a bill became an ornament.

Especially in the Park Chung-hee era, for the sake of economic development, he adopted a conniving attitude towards the gray industry.

With the connivance and acquiescence of the state, many Korean women are not ashamed of their involvement in the industry, but are proud of it.

Park Chung-hee called the women who threw themselves into the gray industry "foreign princesses". In this beautifying way, the women of their own country willingly give their bodies.

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

(U.S. GIs and young Korean women)

Many of the Korean women who serve are U.S. soldiers stationed in Korea.

In order to meet the needs of American GIs, Park Chung-hee also built regular comfort stations to facilitate women to serve American GIs.

With the tacit approval of the state, many sex industries have developed and the sex trade has gradually been legalized.

The government has even set up a special training school to brainwash and train Korean women to make the services they provide more professional.

To a certain extent, Korean women have become instruments in the service of the national interest during that period.

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

(Comfort places in South Korea)

Until 2002, there was a fire accident in South Korea in which 14 young girls who worked as sex workers were killed. It is the gray industry in South Korea that has attracted people's attention.

Since then, the South Korean government has stepped up its control measures on sex education. However, this deep-rooted gray industry has only moved from the ground to the underground and has become slightly hidden.

The most direct manifestation was the 2002 World Cup in South Korea.

During the World Cup, the revenue of the gray industry was as high as 24 trillion

In 2002, South Korea and Japan co-hosted the World Cup.

For a time, thousands of fans from all over the world poured into South Korea, and behind the world carnival boom, the Korean gray industry also took the opportunity to develop.

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

(Pornography in South Korea)

Many people in the gray industry go around looking for young and flashy young girls and trick them into joining the industry.

At that time, the concept of young people in South Korea also changed a lot, especially young girls, who were no longer willing to rely on men or rely on their own efforts to change their lives, and many people took the initiative to choose the gray industry with quick money.

On the streets, many young women dress boldly, behave exaggeratedly and are open-minded.

The South Korean government continues to take measures to address these phenomena in a vague manner.

On the surface, criticizing the industry and enacting policies to curb the rampant industry, in fact, the thunder is loud and the rain is small, and even if those who are caught in the sex trade, the punishment is not severe.

This kind of superficially strict and actually relaxed policy is undoubtedly a disguised encouragement to the industry, and you can easily get through it by paying some money anyway.

So, during the World Cup, South Korea's industry seems to have become more unscrupulous.

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

(Korean House)

Many of the seemingly formal barber shops and foot bath shops are actually pornographic establishments, and there are also some formal business shops that also provide sexual trafficking.

Fans from all over the world are not just here to see the game, but many people come here. There are even a lot of players who, when not competing, patronize venues in South Korea.

During the entire World Cup, South Korea's gray industry earned 24 trillion won, which shows how crazy South Korea's industry is.

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

A gray industry that is hard to stop

After the World Cup, the number of pornography establishments of all kinds in South Korea increased dramatically, from more than 20,000 at the beginning to nearly 50,000 in just ten years.

For a time, the streets and alleys of Korea were filled with various "leisure houses" and "shower hotels" and other shops.

A few years ago, there was also a popular gray industry in South Korea called "KISS room", which has young girls in the room to provide services such as kissing for people.

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

(Nightclubs in Korea)

This kind of short and fast gray industry attracts many people to experience.

With the rise of the gray industry, it seems that having fun has become a popular thing for the Korean people, and even the cooperation between many enterprises and companies also regards whether they have fun together as an important condition for gaining mutual trust.

According to statistics, the total revenue of various nightclubs in South Korea is as high as $1 billion in corporate credit card spending.

In 2011, it was estimated that the per capita expenditure of the sex industry in South Korea was as high as $527, while in Japan it was only $157. In 2016, a set of data showed that more than 560 out of 1,000 Korean men had been in and out of pornography.

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

Therefore, South Korea has always claimed to be cracking down on the pornography industry, but it is just deceiving itself.

At times, the South Korean government has stepped up its crackdown on the sex industry, which has been quickly opposed by sex workers.

During the demonstration, some female practitioners shouted, "We have to provide for our families!" ”

The fact that many women are involved in the industry also stems from South Korea's deep-rooted patriarchy, and women's rights and interests have been neglected for a long time. According to some data, South Korean women's wages are generally lower than men's, only two-thirds of men's.

The suicide rate among women in South Korea has remained high, especially during the pandemic in previous years, when the number of suicides among Korean women increased by 30%.

Based on the above factors, the industry in South Korea cannot be extinguished at all, both for historical reasons and social problems.

It is gratifying that with the exposure of some sex scandals in South Korea, more and more women have begun to pay attention to protecting their rights and interests, and many people have begun to call for more crackdown on the sex industry.

If it continues to indulge in the gray industry, South Korea really doesn't know what will become of it.

A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?


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A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

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A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

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A World Cup that brings 24 trillion gray income, how did the fall of the South Koreans begin?

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