
Buy 1 three-yellow chicken and teach you to make braised home-cooked dishes, which are tender and low in fat, and satisfy your cravings and serve your meal

author:The taste is flowing for years


Buy 1 three-yellow chicken and teach you to make braised home-cooked dishes, which are tender and low in fat, and satisfy your cravings and serve your meal

In the ancient East, there was a land with four distinct seasons and abundant products. Here, the spring drizzle nourishes the growth of all things, the scorching summer sun scorches the earth, the cool breeze of autumn brings the joy of a good harvest, and the winter snow covers the fields, planting hope for the coming year's vitality. In these changing seasons, braised chicken has become an indispensable delicacy in this land with its unique flavor.

Buy 1 three-yellow chicken and teach you to make braised home-cooked dishes, which are tender and low in fat, and satisfy your cravings and serve your meal

Braised chicken, a traditional dish with a long history, can be traced back to the Song Dynasty, when cooking skills were already quite developed. This dish has different flavors in different regions, but no matter where you go, it always evokes a longing for home and a good life. In a particular culture or region, braised chicken is not only a dish, but also an emotional sustenance and a cultural inheritance.

The choice of ingredients is crucial to the flavor of braised chicken. High-quality chicken, fresh vegetables, and a selection of spices are all key to the success of this dish. In ancient recipes, such as the Suiyuan Food List and the Compendium of Materia Medica, there are detailed records of the selection of ingredients, emphasizing the importance of freshness and pairing of ingredients. Modern food documentaries, such as "A Bite of China", show the production process and cultural connotation of braised chicken to the fullest, allowing the audience to enjoy it both visually and tastefully.

Buy 1 three-yellow chicken and teach you to make braised home-cooked dishes, which are tender and low in fat, and satisfy your cravings and serve your meal

Cooking in detail

Nutritional information

Braised chicken contains about 250 calories per 100 grams, 22 grams of protein, 15 grams of fat, and is rich in trace elements and minerals such as iron, zinc, selenium, etc.

Cooking principle

The cooking principle of braised chicken is to simmer it over a slow flame so that the chicken can fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning while keeping the meat tender.

A list of ingredients

  • 1 fresh triple yellow chicken
  • Ginger 50 grams
  • 30 grams of garlic
  • Dark soy sauce 50ml
  • Light soy sauce 30ml
  • 30 grams of caster sugar
  • Cooking wine 50 ml
  • Water: Appropriate amount
  • Star anise: 2 pcs
  • Cinnamon bark 1 small piece
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Dried chili peppers to taste (adjust to taste)
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
Buy 1 three-yellow chicken and teach you to make braised home-cooked dishes, which are tender and low in fat, and satisfy your cravings and serve your meal

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the chicken, remove the offal and excess fat, and cut it into pieces of the appropriate size.
  2. Slice the ginger, mince the garlic and prepare the other spices.
  3. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pan, heat until it is 50% hot, add sugar, and slowly fry over low heat until the sugar turns red.
  4. Add the chicken pieces and stir-fry quickly so that the surface of the chicken is evenly coated with sugar.
  5. Add ginger, garlic and spices and continue to stir-fry until fragrant.
  6. Pour in cooking wine, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce and stir-fry evenly to color the chicken.
  7. Add enough water to cover the chicken, bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat and simmer.
  8. Simmer until the chicken is cooked through, the soup is thick, add salt and pepper to taste, and remove from the pan.
Buy 1 three-yellow chicken and teach you to make braised home-cooked dishes, which are tender and low in fat, and satisfy your cravings and serve your meal

Self-adjustment of personal style

The amount of sugar and chili can be adjusted to your taste, or different spices can be added to create your own unique flavor.

Cooking tips and tricks

  1. Stir-frying sugar: Stir-frying sugar is a key step in braised chicken, and the control of heat is crucial. If the heat is too large, the sugar will be easy to scorch, and if the fire is too small, the color will be uneven.
  2. Pre-treatment of chicken: Before simmering, the chicken can be marinated in cooking wine, ginger slices, and a little salt to remove the smell and enhance the flavor.
  3. Use of spices: The use of spices should be adjusted according to personal taste, too much spice may mask the original flavor of the chicken.
  4. Cooking time: The simmering time should not be too long, so as not to make the chicken too soft and lose its texture.
  5. Adjustment of the soup: During the simmering process, pay attention to the consistency of the soup and adjust the heat in time.
  6. Final Seasoning: Perform the final seasoning before serving out of the pan to ensure a balanced taste.
Buy 1 three-yellow chicken and teach you to make braised home-cooked dishes, which are tender and low in fat, and satisfy your cravings and serve your meal

Cooking Instructions

  1. Question: Why does water come out of chicken during stewing? A: It is normal for chicken to come out of water during stewing, which is the release of water and grease from the chicken at high temperatures. The release of moisture can be reduced by blanching the chicken in advance.
  2. Question: How can you tell if chicken is stewed? A: It can be judged by looking at the color and texture of the chicken. When the chicken is cooked, the color becomes more dark red, the meat becomes soft, and the meat can be easily separated from the bone with chopsticks.
  3. Q: How thick should the soup of braised chicken be? A: The soup of braised chicken should maintain a certain consistency, neither too thin nor too thick. The consistency of the soup can be controlled by adjusting the simmering time and heat.
  4. Question: How do you avoid braised chicken from being too greasy? A: Before simmering, the chicken can be blotted dry with kitchen paper to reduce the release of grease. At the same time, the oil slick can be properly skimmed off during the stewing process.
Buy 1 three-yellow chicken and teach you to make braised home-cooked dishes, which are tender and low in fat, and satisfy your cravings and serve your meal

Related dishes to share

  1. Kung Pao Chicken

    Kung Pao Chicken is a classic Sichuan dish known for its spicy and fragrant aroma. The main ingredients include chicken, peanuts and dried chilies, which are quickly sautéed to keep the chicken tender and crispy.

  2. Saliva chicken

    Saliva Chicken is a spicy-based cold dish, the chicken is sliced after cooking and drizzled with a special spicy seasoning, which is tender and rich in flavor.

  3. White-cut chicken

    White-cut chicken is a traditional Cantonese dish that is known for its light taste and original flavor of the chicken. Slice the chicken after it is cooked and serve with green onion and ginger dipping sauce.

  4. Spicy chicken

    Spicy chicken is a dish with dried chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns as the main seasoning, and the chicken is fried and stir-fried with chili peppers to give it a crispy and spicy texture.

Buy 1 three-yellow chicken and teach you to make braised home-cooked dishes, which are tender and low in fat, and satisfy your cravings and serve your meal


Braised chicken, a traditional delicacy that spans thousands of years, not only carries rich cultural connotations, but also conquers the taste buds of countless diners with its unique flavor. In the process of making this dish, we can not only experience the joy of cooking, but also feel the delicate balance between ingredients and heat. Hopefully, this recipe will be a valuable guide to your culinary journey and take you through the charm of braised chicken.

Here, I sincerely invite you to share your cooking tips in the comment section, like your favorite braised chicken recipes, and follow me so that we can explore more culinary secrets together. Remember, every cooking is a new discovery, and every tasting is a journey of the mind. Let's enjoy the journey together!

Buy 1 three-yellow chicken and teach you to make braised home-cooked dishes, which are tender and low in fat, and satisfy your cravings and serve your meal

Pay attention to the taste of food, and take you to learn more about food-related knowledge and skills.