
It is a "natural sleeping pill" in summer, and the hotter the day, the more you should eat it! The more you eat and sleep, the more stable your mentality will be

author:Health Road Plue
It is a "natural sleeping pill" in summer, and the hotter the day, the more you should eat it! The more you eat and sleep, the more stable your mentality will be

After the Dragon Boat Festival, the humid and hot attributes of summer are more prominent.

In the days that follow, the weather will get hotter and hotter in the north and stuffier in the south.

People's emotions will also become more and more restless with climate change, such as fire, mouth ulcers, irritability at night, and can't sleep......

Don't be afraid, nature has sent us - lotus seeds!

Lotus seed heart - pure heart fire

It is a "natural sleeping pill" in summer, and the hotter the day, the more you should eat it! The more you eat and sleep, the more stable your mentality will be

Lotus seeds are a seasonal ingredient in summer, and eating lotus seeds is impossible to avoid the heart of lotus seeds.

When we peel off the lotus seeds, the bitter taste of the bud sandwiched between the lotus flesh is the lotus seed heart.

Although it tastes bitter, don't throw it away, it's a great herb to clear your heart.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that lotus seeds have a cold heart and a bitter taste, and enter the heart and kidney meridians, which have the effect of clearing the heart and calming the nerves and communicating the heart and kidneys.

If you are usually a mild-tempered person, but you often have problems such as upset, insomnia, palpitation, and chest tightness in the summer, most of the time you are on fire.

At this time, make tea with some lotus seed hearts, which can lead the "kidney water" stored in our kidneys to the heart and restrain the heart fire; At the same time, it helps the "heart fire" to pass through the kidneys and warm the kidney water.

When the water and fire in the human body reach a balance, the person will naturally be comfortable, and the insomnia will be improved!

Lotus seed heart sleep tea

It is a "natural sleeping pill" in summer, and the hotter the day, the more you should eat it! The more you eat and sleep, the more stable your mentality will be

Ingredients: 2 grams of lotus seed heart, 3 grams of raw licorice, appropriate amount of sugar.


1. Brew lotus seed hearts and raw licorice in boiling water.

2. Add an appropriate amount of sugar to taste.

3. Drink instead of tea, add water as you drink, until the taste is light.

Note: This tea is not recommended to be taken for a long time, especially for those with spleen and stomach deficiency, chest and abdomen fullness, vomiting and edema.

Lotus seed meat - nourishing the mind

It is a "natural sleeping pill" in summer, and the hotter the day, the more you should eat it! The more you eat and sleep, the more stable your mentality will be

The heart of lotus seeds can clear the heart, and the flesh of lotus seeds is not bad.

"Materia Medica" once recorded: The heart of the god dwells also, fragrant and pure heart, so nourish the spirit.

Fresh lotus seeds are fragrant, so the lotus meat itself has the effect of calming the heart. Moreover, lotus seeds have astringent properties, and they also have a good performance in gathering the mind.

Usually, when we are upset and emotionally unstable, it is easy to produce extreme emotions such as sadness, upset, depression, anger, excitement, etc., which not only affect our lives, but also endanger our health.

Modern medical research has also affirmed the "heart-nourishing" effect of lotus seeds.

Studies have shown that lotus seeds can lower blood pressure, slow down heart rate, and have anti-arrhythmic, anti-myocardial ischemia, anti-aging and other effects.

Moreover, lotus seeds are also a hidden high-potassium food, with dried lotus seeds having a high potassium of 846 mg per 100 grams, which is about 6 times that of tomatoes.

Eating some lotus seeds after sweating in summer will help the body recover quickly!