
Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

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In 1974, a martial arts family in Beijing ushered in the birth of Wu Jing. Since childhood, Wu Jing has shown an amazing talent for martial arts, and has been praised as "gifted" by the martial arts community.

When he was two years old, he wielded all kinds of weapons in the courtyard of his home, and there was a terrifying murderous aura between his eyebrows, which surprised his elders.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

When Wu Jing was six years old, he encountered the first ordeal in his life. That winter, the sky and the earth were white, he was pushing a tin skateboard on the snow and playing, one of them was not careful, his feet accidentally slipped, and unfortunately lost half of his right thumb.

It is hard to imagine how a six-year-old child would react to such trauma. But Wu Jing did not give up practicing martial arts because of this, but became more diligent and diligent.

When he was six years old, Wu Jing's father sent him to Shichahai Sports School for rigorous training. There, Wu Jing was always the first to get up and the last to return to his dormitory, and his daily routine was almost entirely occupied by martial arts training.

Intensive training during the day, making up martial arts theories at night, and almost never resting. I remember one time, he didn't close his eyes and slept for three consecutive days, so much so that he fainted while practicing Tai Chi, and the instructor had no choice but to carry him back to the dormitory.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

In this way, with sweat and tears, Wu Jing stubbornly walked through the nine-year martial arts school career. But who would have thought that the wheel of fortune would add another difficult experience to him.

The old injuries accumulated over the years could not be completely healed, which finally made it difficult for him to withstand high-intensity training. In desperation, he had to follow in the footsteps of his mentor and serve as a martial arts instructor.

But the good times don't last long, and fate always prepares a new chapter for people just right. At the age of 21, the appearance of a great director completely changed the trajectory of Wu Jing's life.

The director's name is Zhang Xinyan, he has directed the classic film and television drama "Shaolin Temple", and is looking for martial arts actors for the new film "Kung Fu Kid Breaking Love".

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

By chance, Director Zhang accidentally caught a glimpse of his heroic figure at the school where Wu Jing studied, and was immediately deeply attracted by Wu Jing's martial arts, and did not hesitate to invite him to join his crew.

Faced with such a great opportunity, Wu Jing was extremely excited, he bid farewell to his identity as a martial arts coach and embarked on a new and unfamiliar road of acting.

Wu Jing, who first entered the showbiz, was once in a predicament. Although his martial arts performance is extremely good, because his face is too immature, he often causes laughter from the audience on the screen, and it is difficult for everyone to regard him as a real martial arts master.

Whenever he appeared as a kung fu superstar, he was always questioned and ridiculed, which brought many restrictions on his development in the circle.

It wasn't until 2010 that the theme of patriotism began to become a hot topic in society.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

In this way, the high-profile movie "Wolf Warrior" came into being. This masterpiece full of family and country feelings not only shows Wu Jing's excellent martial arts skills, but also runs the theme of patriotism through profound character portrayals and touching storylines, and has successfully won unanimous praise from the audience.

The huge success of "Wolf Warrior" reversed Wu Jing's career in one fell swoop, making this previously unknown actor instantly become the "first person at the inland box office" and become famous.

It can be said that he has gone from the edge of the entertainment industry to the peak of his career.

However, behind this sensational masterpiece, there is countless sweat and hard work put in by the crew. During the filming of that year, the local heat was very hot, and many actors fainted because they couldn't bear it on the first day of filming, and others retreated, even if Wu Jing offered a higher salary, he couldn't keep everyone.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

In the face of many difficulties, Wu Jing gritted his teeth and persevered, personally went into battle to take the lead, and finally completed this movie, which is known as a classic. A few years later, in order to pursue the victory, Wu Jing resolutely decided to shoot "Wolf Warrior 2".

This sequel has a better reputation than its predecessor, not only winning applause from the audience, but also achieving unprecedented box office results in the mainland, making Wu Jing a real "box office responsible".

At this time, Wu Jing has completely gotten rid of the doubts of the past and has become the most shining star under the patriotic theme. But just as his reputation was at its peak, some controversy and criticism began to surface.

On the screen, Wu Jing always gives the impression of being serious and solemn, full of family and country feelings. But in fact, his personality in private is completely different, and he is a complete "master of humor".

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

At various event sites, you can always see his funny and funny figure, which seems to release the vitality and recklessness in his heart.

This contrast has gradually aroused doubts from the outside world. People began to wonder if Wu Jing was deliberately creating a patriotic image just to attract attention. Some fans bluntly said: "I used to admire Wu Jing very much, but in recent years, he has frequently promoted movies in the name of patriotism and used patriotism as a commercial password, which is really disgusting."

In order to prove his strength and prove that he is not just an action movie actor, Wu Jing bravely challenged himself and participated in the high-profile Hollywood blockbuster "Megalodon 2".

But as soon as this film was released, it fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

Wu Jing's acting skills bore the brunt of the stormy doubts and criticism. Some netizens directly commented that "Shark's performances are better than him", "With such acting skills, it is better to stay in the domestic market".

The plot of the film itself has also been criticized as illogical, and the difficult action scenes have been revealed to be completed with special effects.

Negative press continues. In 2022, when Wu Jing attended the Golden Rooster Award ceremony, he was photographed by the camera frantically filming his idol Andy Lau with an Apple mobile phone offstage, which was in stark contrast to his previous image of endorsing ZTE mobile phones, which caused a large number of netizens to criticize and write.

In order to redeem the impact, Wu Jing insisted on using domestic mobile phones in public, hoping to express his love for the motherland through practical actions. But at this moment, an even more absurd scene happened - in 2016, Wu Jing was arrested on the spot for drunk driving because he was late to a friend's birthday party.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

Afterwards, Wu Jing issued a public apology statement, sincerely admitting his mistake. But the public has lost trust in his words and deeds, and he is accused of using patriotism for personal gain, and his image is falling to the altar step by step.

Just when Wu Jing was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, an incident in Myanmar pushed him to the forefront.

In May 2022, a company in Kyaukphyu, Myanmar, was revealed to have committed fraud, and the number of victims was as high as tens of thousands. As one of the investors of this company, Wu Jing and his wife were also involved in it and were bombarded indiscriminately by public opinion.

Soon, many netizens poured into the comment area of Wu Jing's social platform, calling for a refund of the ticket, and some even said that they had been deceived and demanded a full refund of the ticket purchase.

People's anger towards Wu Jing can be seen.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

The root cause of this turmoil is because the hero image created by Wu Jing in the movie "Wolf Warrior 2" is too tall. The audience has high expectations of him, believing that no matter what difficulties he encounters, he should be able to stand up as bravely and fearlessly as the wolf warrior on the screen, and finally save everyone from danger.

However, real life is far more brutal than the on-screen plot.

In the face of abuse, Wu Jing chose to remain silent. He did not defend himself, nor did he make any promises or statements. As a client, he must be suffering like never before.

As a public figure, he has no way back but to let the world laugh at him and accuse him.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

We can imagine that on that night, Wu Jing sat alone in the living room, and all that echoed in his mind was the abuse of netizens. His eyes were gloomy, and it seemed that all his fighting spirit and dreams had left him.

The reason why Wu Jing is in such a predicament is largely due to the influence of the social environment. In recent years, with the rise of patriotism, people's desire to carry forward the feelings of family and country has reached an unprecedented height.

As an actor, Wu Jing has insight into this, so he has continuously launched films with patriotic themes, and deliberately maintains his patriotic image.

It can be said that Wu Jing skillfully grasped this trend in society, otherwise he would not have achieved such great achievements. However, when a sound is over-rendered and packaged, it can trigger public disgust and aesthetic fatigue.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

"To tell the truth, Wu Jing's patriotic spirit has been squandered by him!" An audience member bluntly said, "It can be seen from his frequent patriotic banner in recent years that patriotism is more like an eye-catching business code for him."

If he wants to develop further, he should figure out the content of the script, not clichés, after all, there are not many opportunities left for him to promote patriotism.

Admittedly, we cannot deny that Wu Jing has indeed made great achievements under the patriotic theme, but at the same time, there are some deficiencies in his works.

For example, the controversial "Megalodon 2" has been criticized for its plot loopholes and poor quality.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

But in the final analysis, Wu Jing's criticism and criticism are closely related to some of his own wrongdoings. For example, he was photographed using an Apple mobile phone at the Golden Rooster Awards in 2022, and he was arrested for drunk driving in 2016, which affected and damaged his public image to a certain extent.

But how can we not be at fault? Wu Jing is a flesh and blood body after all, a mortal who can be weak and make mistakes. He is just an actor, and in addition to the heroic image created on the screen, it is inevitable that he will be outstanding in real life.

Everyone has the right to pursue their dreams, and Wu Jing is no exception. As an actor, he naturally hopes to be an all-round performance artist, not just a single genre of action movies.

After all, a true artist should have the ability to interpret different roles. Therefore, Wu Jing's attempt to participate in "Megalodon 2" to expand himself is a courage worthy of affirmation.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

Admittedly, Wu Jing's current patriotic packaging makes people feel a little offended. However, we cannot deny that patriotism itself is worthy of praise and praise. We should appreciate Wu Jing's courage and perseverance in conveying this emotion.

It's just that in the choice of expression, Wu Jing needs to reflect on whether it is too blunt and contrived. Art comes from life, but it is higher than life. Blindly piling up patriotic slogans will become superficial and empty, and even counterproductive.

A true artist should have a higher pattern and cultivation, and use a more subtle, restrained but tense way to let the audience experience the power of the national spirit in their works.

At the end of the day, Wu Jing is just an actor, and his job is to bring joy and thought to people through his work, not to be a propagandist of any ideology.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

Although he did achieve great success in the "Wolf Warrior" series, we must also be soberly aware that the quality of this work itself is not outstanding, and many scenes even have serious logical holes.

In the future, we have every reason to expect Wu Jing to bring more and more wonderful works. After all, he has proven himself to be both a director and a leading actor.

Perhaps, the next masterpiece will allow him to completely get rid of the haze of "wolf warrior" and become a resourceful and versatile all-round artist.

Of course, this requires Wu Jing himself to have enough courage to dare to face the death bundle of past glory and bravely seek transformation and breakthrough. Right now, he is at a crossroads in his career, and his choices will determine his future.

Actor Wu Jing has been under the guise of patriotism for more than ten years, and now his retribution is coming

If you are complacent and stubbornly maintain the image of a patriotic idol, you will inevitably be eliminated by the torrent of the times. But if he can learn with an open mind and continue to broaden his horizons, he will definitely look to the future and have a lot to do.

Let's imagine that one day in a few years, we will walk into the theater and see a mature and stable Wu Jing on the big screen, who may be playing a military elder full of wisdom and humanity, or interpreting a tenacious grassroots image, or creating an intellectual who pursues ideals...... He will meet us with a new look, with a soft and restrained but full of tension performance, which will shock people.

At that time, I believe we will be amazed by the malleable talent of this artist, and admire that he is finally no longer just a representative of a single element, but has successfully transformed into an all-round artist who can embody the inner world of every ordinary person! This is what a true master of art should look like.

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