
Jiang Ping failed to make stars! Ali refuted the rumors, and the experts questioned it with their real name, saying that her mentor deliberately faked

author:Little milk cats love to bake bread

Jiang Ping failed to make stars! Ali refuted the rumors, and the experts questioned it with their real name, saying that her mentor deliberately faked

Hello everyone, I'm a little milk cat who loves to bake bread. Here, I wish the friends who read this article a harmonious relationship, good health, and smooth sailing.

With the fermentation of public opinion these days, the Jiang Ping incident has come to an inflection point.

Jiang Ping failed to make stars! Ali refuted the rumors, and the experts questioned it with their real name, saying that her mentor deliberately faked

From the beginning of the fermentation of the incident, Jiang Ping was frantically coerced by public opinion and was touted to a point where she did not belong to her at all. What is the 12th mathematical genius in the world, what is the magical girl who refreshes the history of the country, what is the mathematician who beats Qingbei, what Wei Shen is far inferior to her, etc., all let people see the madness of public opinion.

It's only the 12th place in the event, how can it be the 12th in the world? You can get a place in the finals in a game, and it becomes a hanging beat to Qingbei, and after an exam, you become a mathematician, and you haven't made any results, so you can say that Wei Shen is not as good as her, and you can only say that these people are really crazy.

At the same time, various fictitious deeds continue to be fabricated on the Internet, trying to shape Jiang Ping's golden body.

What Zhejiang University made an exception to admit it, Zhejiang University personally refuted the rumors.

What Harvard threw an olive branch, Harvard refutes rumors and has no such thing.

What Ali personally came to verify, Ali directly said that there was no such thing.

Jiang Ping failed to make stars! Ali refuted the rumors, and the experts questioned it with their real name, saying that her mentor deliberately faked

In particular, the rumor that Ali personally came to verify it was widely circulated, saying that Ali Damo Academy saw that a secondary school student could get the 12th place in the exam, so they couldn't believe it, so they personally came to Jiang Ping to ask questions, and when Jiang Ping wrote the answer on the blackboard, Damo Academy finally confirmed that this was a genius girl, so he immediately announced the test results and left that classic smiling photo.

This plot was quoted a lot by the whole network, and in the end, Ali Damo Academy couldn't stand it, and personally went out to refute the rumors, there was no such thing!

Jiang Ping failed to make stars! Ali refuted the rumors, and the experts questioned it with their real name, saying that her mentor deliberately faked

Before and after the Damo Academy's refutation of rumors, it was a sudden wave of inverted ginger on the whole network.

Fang Zhouzi, a well-known anti-counterfeiter, fired at Jiang Ping, saying that she wrote the wrong symbols, said that she could only recite the title of the book, the formulas were copied incorrectly, and there were people cheating in the closed-book exam, not to mention the two-day open-book exam.

Jiang Ping failed to make stars! Ali refuted the rumors, and the experts questioned it with their real name, saying that her mentor deliberately faked

Jiang Ping only scored 51 points in mathematics in the monthly exam at the end of March, which is an obvious failure for a normal 100-point test paper.

Jiang Ping failed to make stars! Ali refuted the rumors, and the experts questioned it with their real name, saying that her mentor deliberately faked

This result is a stretch for ordinary students, and even more incomprehensible for math masters.

According to the previous news of the Beijing News, Jiang Ping did not finish the math questions in the high school entrance examination, which also made everyone incomprehensible, isn't she the top in junior high school mathematics? Isn't it out of gear ahead of other disciplines? Why can't you even finish the question?

Jiang Ping failed to make stars! Ali refuted the rumors, and the experts questioned it with their real name, saying that her mentor deliberately faked

If Fang Zhouzi's reputation is stinky and the majority of netizens have no influence, then Zhao Bin, a famous master of mathematics from Peking University and an international mathematics gold medal coach, questioned Jiang Ping with his real name, and this matter is really not trivial.

Zhao Bin believes that 99.99% of this matter is fraud and hype in the proxy examination, and the driving force behind it is her teacher Wang Yanqiu, the purpose may be to do postgraduate entrance examination training, and she needs to be well-known. With the spread of Zhao Bin's doubts, public opinion became more polarized, and the skeptics and supporters began to attack each other, and no one could convince anyone.

Jiang Ping failed to make stars! Ali refuted the rumors, and the experts questioned it with their real name, saying that her mentor deliberately faked

Skepticism is bound to exist, and we must also support it, and everyone has the right to express their doubts as long as there are good reasons for doing so.

Of course, questioning is not a groundless smear, let's also remember.

To be honest, as far as I'm concerned, I don't know if Jiang Ping is fake or not, but the heat of the whole thing is obviously abnormal, and the self-media pounce on it like flies, crazy with rhythm, and make an ordinary news known to the whole country.

Wait until the 22nd exam, the real will come soon.




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