
Alibaba, Baidu, and Zhipu launched migration services, and domestic large models opened the battle for users

author:Sister Ru

The wave of science and technology has swept the world, and artificial intelligence models have become the hottest topic. However, just when the development of AI is in full swing, a piece of news has caused an uproar in the domestic technology circle.

Alibaba, Baidu, and Zhipu launched migration services, and domestic large models opened the battle for users

"OpenAI will terminate API services for unsupported countries from July 9." This short notice, like a bombshell, caused a strong response in the developer community. As one of the world's most well-known AI companies, OpenAI's decision has undoubtedly had a huge impact on many Chinese companies and developers who rely on its services.

It is the so-called endless road. Just when many users were in trouble, domestic technology giants reached out one after another, opening a vigorous "user war". Alibaba Cloud, Baidu Intelligent Cloud, Zhipu AI, etc. have launched migration services to attract users with preferential policies and technical strength. This battle is not only about market share, but also a concentrated display of the strength of domestic large models.

Walking into Alibaba Cloud headquarters, the atmosphere seemed to be more enthusiastic than usual. The company has just released a striking news through official channels: "OpenAI can't be used? Silky Migration General API! This slogan is shocking and shows Alibaba Cloud's strong self-confidence and strength.

Alibaba, Baidu, and Zhipu launched migration services, and domestic large models opened the battle for users

As a loyal user of Alibaba Cloud, I had the privilege of experiencing their latest Qwen2-72B model firsthand. This model is ranked among the top five in the world on Stanford University's large model evaluation list, and its performance is amazing. What's even more exciting is that Alibaba Cloud has also launched a super cost-effective preferential policy - the API price of the GPT4 main model is only 1/50 of OpenAI, and it also provides 22 million free Tokens. This is great news for those of us who have relied on AI services for a long time.

At the same time, Baidu Intelligent Cloud is not to be outdone. The "Hometown Cloud and Domestic Large Model Inclusive Program" launched by them has also attracted the attention of a large number of users. As a developer who often uses Baidu's intelligent cloud services, I deeply feel their sincerity. Newly registered enterprise users can call the Wenxin flagship model for free, and can also receive a 50 million Tokens package for the ERNIE3.5 flagship model. For users who migrate from OpenAI, Baidu has generously provided the ERNIE3.5 flagship model Tokens package that is equivalent to the original usage scale.

Alibaba, Baidu, and Zhipu launched migration services, and domestic large models opened the battle for users

In this fierce competition, Zhipu AI is not far behind. They launched a special move plan for OpenAI API users early on. As a developer who has used Zhipu AI services, I am very impressed with their GLM large model. This time, they promised to provide developers with up to 150 million tokens in free credit, while also providing a series of migration training from OpenAI to GLM. This kind of all-round support will undoubtedly make many hesitant users excited.

However, the impact of this battle for users goes far beyond that. It marks that the domestic large model has officially entered a new stage of development. We have reason to believe that in the near future, China's AI technology will usher in a qualitative leap.

Imagine that one day in the future, we might see more super models like the Qwen2-72B emerge. Not only do these models excel in natural language understanding, knowledge processing, code generation, and more, but they may also demonstrate amazing capabilities in more verticals. For example, in the field of medical diagnostics, they may be a powerful assistant to doctors, helping to quickly analyze cases and provide accurate diagnostic recommendations.

Alibaba, Baidu, and Zhipu launched migration services, and domestic large models opened the battle for users

In education, these big models have the potential to revolutionize the way we learn. Imagine that each student has a personalized AI tutor who tailors a learning plan according to the student's learning progress and interests, which will greatly improve learning efficiency and make educational resources more equitable.

In the business world, these models may become an important reference for business decision-making. They can quickly analyze massive amounts of data, predict market trends, and provide accurate strategic recommendations to businesses. This will greatly improve the decision-making efficiency of enterprises and reduce business risks.

Of course, this user battle also allows us to see the potential and challenges of domestic large models. On the one hand, the technical strength shown by companies such as Alibaba Cloud, Baidu, and Zhipu AI is encouraging. The performance of their models in many fields is already comparable to the top international models, and even slightly better in some aspects. This undoubtedly strengthens our confidence in domestic AI technology.

Alibaba, Baidu, and Zhipu launched migration services, and domestic large models opened the battle for users

On the other hand, the scramble has also exposed some problems. For example, how to further reduce the cost of use while ensuring the performance of the model? How can I better protect user data privacy? How do you ensure the accuracy and reliability of the model output? These are all important issues that need to be solved in the future development of domestic large models.

As a developer who has experienced this revolution firsthand, I feel my finger on the pulse of technological development. With every click, every line of code, I feel like I'm being part of shaping the future. Although there are still many challenges ahead, I firmly believe that as long as we persist in innovation and have the courage to make breakthroughs, domestic large models will eventually occupy a place on the global AI stage.

Looking back at this vigorous user battle, what we see is not only the competition between several companies, but also a collective appearance of the entire Chinese AI industry. It has demonstrated to the world China's strength and determination in the field of AI, and has also opened up new possibilities for countless developers like me.

Alibaba, Baidu, and Zhipu launched migration services, and domestic large models opened the battle for users

In this era of rapid AI development, every day is full of new surprises and opportunities. As a developer, I feel incredibly fortunate to be part of this technological revolution firsthand. I believe that with the continuous development and improvement of domestic large models, we will see more amazing application scenarios.

Perhaps in the near future, we will see a smart city that is entirely driven by AI. The transportation system is dispatched by AI to achieve zero congestion; Environmental monitoring is carried out by AI to ensure that the air is fresh; Energy distribution is optimized by AI for maximum efficiency. Such a scenario may seem a little distant now, but with the rapid development of large domestic models, all this will become within reach.

Of course, while we are excited about the convenience that AI will bring, we can't ignore the challenges it can bring. How to ensure that the direction of AI is in line with human values? How do you find a balance between efficiency and privacy? These are all questions that we need to think about seriously.

Alibaba, Baidu, and Zhipu launched migration services, and domestic large models opened the battle for users

As a developer, I feel a great responsibility. We must not only strive to improve the level of technology, but also always be vigilant about the risks that AI may bring, and ensure that technological development always serves the well-being of mankind. This is both a responsibility and a mission.

Looking back at the user battle for domestic large models, we see the vigorous vitality of China's AI industry. The performance of companies such as Alibaba Cloud, Baidu Intelligent Cloud, and Zhipu AI allows us to see the unlimited potential of domestic large models. I believe that in the near future, we will definitely see more amazing domestic AI technologies emerging.

Alibaba, Baidu, and Zhipu launched migration services, and domestic large models opened the battle for users

I am immensely proud and excited to be a witness and participant in this era. We are standing on the cusp of the technological revolution and shaping the future with our own hands. Although there are still many challenges ahead, I firmly believe that as long as we persist in innovation and have the courage to make breakthroughs, China's AI technology will eventually shine on the global stage and make indelible contributions to the progress of human civilization.

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