
The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside


Dyson, the "Hermès" of household appliances, is known for its stylish design and innovative technology, mainly producing household appliances and personal care products.

Whether it's a vacuum cleaner, an air purifier or a hair dryer, Dyson's products are always at the top of the list, and despite the high price, many consumers still pay for them and think they are worth the money.

Asian girl Nini ( is a Dyson fan, and Dyson's hair dryer is an indispensable companion for her every day.

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

The image is from Sephora, and the copyright belongs to the original author

This $430 hair dryer dries quickly and doesn't hurt your hair.

But a small accident changed Nini's view of Dyson.

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

The picture comes from TikTok, and the copyright belongs to the original author

Not long ago, Nini was drying her hair when the diffuser of the hair dryer cracked.

This wasn't a big deal, but just as Nini was cleaning up the broken accessory, she accidentally found a circle of handwritten sentences written with a marker pen inside the accessory.

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

The picture comes from TikTok, and the copyright belongs to the original author

Inside the broken hair dryer diffuser attachment, the words "Made in Nepal" handwritten with a black marker are clearly visible and repeated three or four times.

What does that mean?

Nini clearly remembers that her Dyson hair dryer was purchased at a Dyson boutique in Singapore, and when it was purchased, it was brand new, and no one had opened it, so how could anyone write on it?

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

The picture comes from TikTok, and the copyright belongs to the original author

What's even more unbelievable is that my hair dryer is obviously made in Malaysia, and the packaging is clearly written?

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

Could it be that your own machine is not made in Malaysia, but in Nepal? Is the quality of goods different from country to origin? That's why your machine breaks down so easily?

In order to get to the bottom of the matter, Nini contacted Dyson's customer service and asked about the origin of the product.

The customer service representative replied: "Dyson has a lot of suppliers. "This means that not all Dyson machines are made in Malaysia.

Nini continued to ask, "So maybe my machine is not made in Malaysia?" The customer service admitted it.

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

The picture comes from TikTok, and the copyright belongs to the original author

But this answer still did not solve Nini's doubts. If it's made in Nepal, why write about Made in Malaysia?

With doubts in mind, she googled "Made in Dyson Nepal" and the results left her in disbelief...

Nini found a report by human rights watch that in 2022, a group of migrant workers from Nepal and Bangladesh sued Dyson for poor working conditions at a factory in Malaysia.

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

The picture comes from TikTok, and the copyright belongs to the original author

The workers alleged that they were paid less than the minimum wage; living in unhygienic, overcrowded places where their movements are monitored and restricted; The working hours are up to 18 hours, far exceeding the legal maximum of 12 hours; and was deprived of annual leave.

Isn't this just a sweatshop?!

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

Image from humanrightswatch, copyright belongs to the original author

Although the allegations are against the supplier company in Malaysia, the workers want to hold Dyson accountable because Dyson is fully aware of their working environment and condition.

Dyson reportedly said it conducted six audits of supplier companies between 2019 and 2021. The last in-depth audit identified significant forced labor risks, but audit records have not been made public.

Dyson then terminated the supplier's contract in November 2021 because the company had not made "timely" improvements.

The truth seems to have come to light...

Nini uploaded what happened and what she found on TikTok, which attracted the attention and discussion of netizens.

Some netizens believe that the reason why they chose to write inside the accessories is to convey their situation to consumers, similar to a kind of "call for help".

"The words written inside are a distress signal :("

"Yes! I think so too! ”

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

Oh, my God! These stories should be seen!

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

Some netizens expressed their disappointment with Dyson.

Not to mention that Dyson made $7.3 billion in 2023. There is no reason why they should not pay their employees at least a living wage.

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

At such an outrageous price, they should at least offer better perks to those who get their products on the market. It's speechless, I'll never be able to understand these big brands.

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

Some netizens pointed out that this is not just Dyson's problem. Many big brands and luxury brands also have this kind of problem.

These big companies have all the power, they set tight budgets, and finally pass the cost pressure down from the foundry to the actual workers.

Last month, the BBC released an investigation report that they undercover the Egyptian perfume supply chain and found that many well-known makeup brands use a large amount of jasmine picked by Egyptian child labor.

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

The picture is from the BBC, and the copyright belongs to the original author

A significant proportion of the farms that supply perfume manufacturers are children under the age of 15. Some of the children work on the foundry's farms, and some of the pickers are between the ages of 12 and 14.

It is hard to imagine that these luxury brand perfumes, which often cost tens or hundreds of dollars, are actually from the hands of these children who have not yet grown up.

And just yesterday, the French giant Dior was also investigated for labor exploitation, according to the investigation, according to the investigation, the production price of the bag priced at 2,600 euros (2,782.5 dollars) is only 53 euros (56.7 dollars)!

The Dyson hair dryer of the Asian girl paper was broken, but she accidentally found that there was a sentence written with a pen inside

The picture is from X, and the copyright belongs to the original author

A total of 32 employees are employed at four Dior suppliers around Milan, who work seamlessly around the clock. These workers, many of whom do not have fixed-term contracts, live in warehouses with a kitchenette, seven bedrooms and two bathrooms with extremely poor hygiene.

Their wages are below the minimum threshold, the working environment is unhealthy and unauthorized, and there are no safety devices to protect workers from chemicals.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

Imagine if Nini's hair dryer accessories hadn't broken, we'd never have seen this information, and we'd never have known that behind these expensive products was such cheap, sweaty labor.

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