
How do rheumatoid patients get tired?

author:Dr. Rheumatology and Immunology

Rheumatoid is an autoimmune disease that is common in adults and is characterized by chronic inflammation and pain in the joints. Many rheumatoid patients face the challenge of fatigue and fatigue that makes them feel as if they are climbing a mountain every day. This fatigue is not simply tired, but a long-lasting feeling of fatigue that affects the patient's daily life and work. So, what exactly makes rheumatoid patients so tired?

How do rheumatoid patients get tired?

1. Fatigue caused by immune response

Rheumatoid is a disease caused by the immune system mistakenly attacking its own tissues. This abnormal immune response causes the body to produce persistent inflammation, which can lead to increased fatigue. An overactive immune system consumes a lot of energy from the patient, leaving them feeling exhausted. Even at rest, the fatigue does not relieve, making the patient feel as if they cannot get rid of the fatigue.

2. Fatigue caused by pain

Rheumatoid patients often suffer from joint pain that not only interferes with their daily activities, but also makes them feel tired. The constant pain makes it difficult for patients to fall asleep, affecting the quality of their sleep. Fatigue caused by lack of sleep is even more unbearable for rheumatoid patients.

How do rheumatoid patients get tired?

3. Fatigue caused by drug side effects

Many people with rheumatoid need to take long-term medications to control the progression of the disease. However, side effects of some medications include fatigue and fatigue, making already exhausted patients more unable to cope with the challenges of daily living. The side effects of the drug not only make patients feel fatigued, but they may also affect their mood and mental state, further aggravating the fatigue.

4. Fatigue caused by emotional stress

Rheumatoid is a chronic disease in which patients need to face pain and discomfort for a long time, which can put a heavy burden on their emotions. Low mood and anxiety can not only worsen rheumatoid symptoms, but also make patients feel more tired. Long-term emotional stress can deplete the patient's physical strength and energy, making them feel unable to get rid of fatigue.

How do rheumatoid patients get tired?

In summary, the reason why rheumatoid patients feel so tired is the result of a combination of factors such as immune response, pain, medication side effects, and emotional stress. In order to alleviate the fatigue of rheumatoid patients, in addition to actively treating the disease, it is also necessary to pay attention to their emotional state, arrange their work and rest time reasonably, avoid overwork, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, so as to improve their quality of life and work efficiency.