
Jingdong 618 mobile phone sales ranking announced K70 beats iPhone 15

Jingdong 618 mobile phone sales ranking announced K70 beats iPhone 15


2024-06-19 11:07Posted on Henan Antutu official account

The 618 promotion event has officially ended last night, and the JD racing list has also announced the cumulative sales ranking of mobile phones during this period.

According to the list, although the industry thinks that the iPhone is not innovative, it still sells the best, with the iPhone 15 Pro Max and iPhone 15 Pro ranking first and second respectively.

I thought that the iPhone would dominate the top three, but there was a change in this third place, and the domestic mobile phone Redmi K70 ranked third, beating the iPhone 15 standard version, it is worth noting that this is also the only domestic mobile phone and Android phone that can wrestle with the iPhone in the e-commerce promotion.

And according to Xiaomi's official announcement618Judging from the results of the Redmi K70 not only the first sales of Jingdong, but also the first sales of Tmall、Pinduoduo、Douyin618Domestic mobile phone single product sales,The machine is equipped with Snapdragon8Gen2Processor,The performance is absolutely sufficient,There are also metal straight bezels and straight screen screens,But the starting price is already within 2000 yuan,Cost performance overflow。

Jingdong 618 mobile phone sales ranking announced K70 beats iPhone 15
Jingdong 618 mobile phone sales ranking announced K70 beats iPhone 15

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  • Jingdong 618 mobile phone sales ranking announced K70 beats iPhone 15
  • Jingdong 618 mobile phone sales ranking announced K70 beats iPhone 15

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