
Why do you get diabetes? These 5 common triggers, let's see if you have been tricked?

author:Bai Nian Health

As a chronic disease, diabetes has long been the focus of attention of the medical community and the general public. With the change of people's lifestyle, the prevention and treatment of diabetes in the mainland is becoming increasingly severe. Nowadays, diabetes is not only high in middle-aged and elderly people, but also many young people have symptoms of diabetes.

Why are more and more people developing diabetes? It may have something to do with these 5 reasons!

Why do you get diabetes? These 5 common triggers, let's see if you have been tricked?

1. Obesity

Obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes, and patients with type 2 diabetes are basically obese in the abdomen. This is mainly because obese people have a lot of fat accumulation in their bodies, which hinders metabolism and makes them more likely to cause insulin resistance and diabetes.

2. Unhealthy diet

With the improvement of living standards, people's diets are becoming more and more abundant, but they are also more prone to overnutrition. A high-fat diet can lead to a decrease in the body's metabolism, which makes it impossible to metabolize the sugar ingested in the body in a timely manner, and also increases the risk of diabetes.

3. Lack of exercise

Modern people work and live under great pressure, often sedentary, which is not conducive to body metabolism in the long run. Moderate exercise increases tissue sensitivity to insulin, lowers body weight, improves metabolism, reduces insulin resistance, relieves hyperinsulinemia while reducing cardiovascular complications.

4. Poor mental state

In the process of the occurrence and development of diabetes, mental factors play an important role but are often overlooked. Mental tension, excitement and psychological stress will cause a large increase in the secretion of certain stress hormones, resulting in endocrine and metabolic regulation disorders, resulting in an increase in blood sugar and eventually the development of diabetes.

5. Heredity

Diabetes mellitus runs in families. Type 1 diabetes is caused by congenital insulin insufficiency or abnormal insulin secretion, and this inheritance is not certain, as long as you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, you can still reduce the chance of attacks to a certain extent.

Why do you get diabetes? These 5 common triggers, let's see if you have been tricked?

After reading these points, are you already feeling uneasy? You must know that although diabetes is terrible, it can be completely controlled or even reversed before its arrival or even in the early stage of development, as long as timely intervention is made. Metabolic syndrome is generally regarded as the "early stage" of diabetes, and the so-called "metabolic syndrome" is a pathological state of a variety of metabolic disorders, including obesity, hypertension, hyperglycemia, high uric acid, etc. If we can seize this stage and intervene scientifically, we can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes.

One of the main ways to intervene in metabolic syndrome and prevent diabetes is to take drugs symptomatically, and the Jinlida granules developed under the guidance of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine have the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing yin, strengthening the spleen and transporting Jin, which can significantly intervene in the condition of abnormal glucose tolerance in metabolic syndrome.

Why do you get diabetes? These 5 common triggers, let's see if you have been tricked?

Based on the innovative traditional Chinese medicine developed under the guidance of the theory of network disease, Jinlida integrates the benefits of spleen and qi, nourishes spleen and yin, clears spleen heat, warms spleen and yang, dissolves spleen dampness, and clears the spleen and meridians, which can improve the function of islet microcirculation and islet secretion by protecting pancreatic islet microvessels and islet cells, regulate the balance between glycemic hormones and hypoglycemic hormones, and achieve the effect of regulating blood sugar.

On June 3, 2024, local time in the United States, Professor Jia Zhenhua of Hebei Institute of Integrative Medicine, Academician Tong Xiaolin and Professor Lian Fengmei of Guang'anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences as co-corresponding authors of the paper "The Preventive Effect of Jinlida on Diabetes in People with Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Multiple Metabolic Disorders - FOCUS Randomized Clinical Trial" was published in the international authoritative medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine (Impact Factor 39). The paper introduced the major results achieved by Jinlida in the intervention of patients with impaired glucose tolerance in metabolic syndrome: the study showed that Jinlida can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes by 41%, reduce waist circumference index, body mass index, fasting blood glucose, 2h postprandial blood glucose, fasting triglycerides, glycosylated hemoglobin and other metabolic abnormalities, improve insulin resistance, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.

Of course, while taking symptomatic drug intervention, patients also need to do a good job of daily monitoring, and at the same time, they must adhere to a healthy lifestyle, stay away from the risk factors mentioned above as much as possible, achieve regular work and rest, balanced diet and moderate exercise, and strive to maintain a peaceful and happy mood, so as to prevent the arrival and development of diabetes to the greatest extent.