
How tragic is the fate of Afghan women? Willing to give up dignity in order to survive and become a tragic character

author:History of the Great Nation

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Born a treasure, but become a deadly poison, what a tragic fate Afghanistan, the women in it are even more in order to survive, without dignity.

In today's turbulent world, women in some countries live and work in peace and contentment, enjoying the happiness brought by the strength of their motherland.

However, in some countries, women are precarious, and they can only give up their dignity in order to survive.

This group is women from Afghanistan, and their fate can only be described as tragic.

How tragic is the fate of Afghan women? Willing to give up dignity in order to survive and become a tragic character

"Graveyard of Empires" Afghanistan

When it comes to Afghanistan, many people think of the Taliban and his famous nickname "Graveyard of Empires".

As the title says.

Afghanistan defeated the British Empire three times, dragged down the behemoth Soviet Union, and even the United States, now the only superpower, was mired in Afghanistan and had to retreat in a hurry.

He planted many of the world's great powers here, and any country that wanted to occupy Afghanistan ended up paying a huge price to turn it into its own graveyard.

Since 1973, the country has been at war almost constantly, with many regimes born but subverted by war.

Although it defeated so many strong enemies in disguise, and the "record" can be proud in the world, it itself has been destroyed to pieces.

And the reason why so many world powers are eyeing Afghanistan is because of its special geographical location.

How tragic is the fate of Afghan women? Willing to give up dignity in order to survive and become a tragic character

Although Afghanistan is a highland country, the whole country is mainly mountainous, and it is not rich in oil resources like other Middle Eastern countries.

However, it is located in the heart of Asia and is an important hub connecting all parts of Asia.

Whether it is the Soviet Union or the United States, if they want to control Asia, then Afghanistan is the first stop they must take.

After all, only by controlling the transportation hubs of Asia can it be possible to realize its dream of hegemony.

As the saying goes, "if the husband is not guilty, he will be guilty", which has become an important reason for the continuous war in Afghanistan, and has also caused the turbulence of the situation in Afghanistan.

This has made the people of the entire country precarious, and as women living in Afghanistan, they have been forced to live an extremely tragic fate.

What is even more surprising is that one of the causes of the miserable lives of Afghan women is the oppression of them from within their own country.

How tragic is the fate of Afghan women? Willing to give up dignity in order to survive and become a tragic character

The tragic fate of Afghan women

How tragic is the life of women living in Afghanistan? It is not so much a human being as it is a mere commodity in the minds of the country and the people.

In order to make women become vassals of men and society, Afghanistan has restricted and exploited women in all aspects such as religion, politics, and law.

Afghanistan is an Islamic country, and according to Islamic teachings, all Muslim women must wear burqas if they want to appear in public.

The so-called buka is a kind of smock that wraps a person from head to toe, and cannot expose any part of the body.

Such regulations have greatly restricted the freedom of dress and social activities of Afghan women.

The reason for this is that in Afghanistan, women are considered to be the property of their husbands.

The wife's skin can only be seen by her husband, and if this rule is violated, a cruel caning awaits Afghan women.

A simple blouse deprives women of their freedom to dress and dress themselves, and local women are not allowed to go out alone, but must be accompanied by a male relative.

This also brings great inconvenience to them when they go out in public.

It can be said that this regulation is a disguised way to make women lose their right to socialize, so that they will forever become an accessory to men.

How tragic is the fate of Afghan women? Willing to give up dignity in order to survive and become a tragic character

In August 2021, the Taliban returned to Afghanistan.

Although the war has been reduced to a great extent, the overall economic and social situation in Afghanistan today is still not optimistic, and the people are still living in dire straits.

The Taliban government, which came to power as early as 1996, has been even more harsh on women than any previous party.

After the Taliban government took up this responsibility, it not only demanded that all women in the country abide by Islamic values, but also forcibly closed all women's colleges in the country and did not allow women to receive education.

As a result, countless women across the country have been forced to drop out of school, while at the same time they are doing everything possible to prevent women from working.

On July 4, 2023, the Taliban ordered the closure of beauty salons across Afghanistan, which directly caused 60,000 women to lose their jobs and make it impossible to support an idler at home.

Then women will have to take on the heavy housework.

According to relevant statistics, Afghanistan has lost 25% of its employed women, which has further hit the country's fragile economy.

How tragic is the fate of Afghan women? Willing to give up dignity in order to survive and become a tragic character

The truth behind it

How tragic is the life of women living in Afghanistan? They are just tools for men to vent.

If it is said that allowing women to wear burqas and not allowing women to go to school is a violation of women's legitimate rights and interests, then Afghanistan is simply considered.

Women in Afghanistan have long faced threats of violence from their families and society.

They have no human rights at all, and as long as the husband does not agree, he can punch and kick his wife for no reason.

How tragic is the fate of Afghan women? Willing to give up dignity in order to survive and become a tragic character

In addition to the physical pain, what is even more desperate is the mental humiliation.

Due to the extremely poor economic conditions in the country, many families only give a wife to one of their sons.

But this wife may be insulted by her husband's brothers, and will also be abused by her family, and she will be blamed alone.

So on the surface she is married to her husband, but in fact she is married to a group of men, including her husband, and is the wife of everyone.

If her husband dies, she will not be able to get out of such a family, because there is a rule that they cannot remarry anyone else, but only the brother of the deceased husband.

There are even men who are addicted to hard work and have the vice of gambling.

They would also send their daughters to creditors as concubines to pay off their debts, or sell them to others in exchange for gambling money, and women had no choice but to accept a tragic fate.

How tragic is the fate of Afghan women? Willing to give up dignity in order to survive and become a tragic character

It is no exaggeration to say that women living in Afghanistan are living in hell.

There are two main reasons why Afghan women are treated unfairly.

The first is that the game between the great powers has led to the continuous war in Afghanistan, which threatens even the most basic survival.

At this time, whether it is a man or a woman, their fate cannot be decided by themselves, and they can only follow the fate of the country.

The second is Afghanistan's backward and narrow religious doctrine.

It denies the value of women, ignores women's contributions in history, and binds women's lives to exploit them.

Today's Afghanistan is still mired in poverty and contradictions, and Afghan women are still praying for light in the dark.

For this reason, I have to sigh that our great motherland has been silently escorting the future of the people behind the scenes, and holding up a vast blue sky for Chinese women.


The Afghan Taliban "reversed course" and suspended the return of senior women to school China News Network

The Afghan Taliban do not allow women to go to school, she insists on opening a "secret school", China News Weekly

The Taliban ordered Afghan women's beauty salons to close within a month, The Paper

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