
Go to pieces! Married for half a month and pregnant, her husband suspects that the child is not his, is this kind of man reliable?

author:Indulge the mother ^O^ dominantly
Go to pieces! Married for half a month and pregnant, her husband suspects that the child is not his, is this kind of man reliable?

After only half a month of marriage, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was pregnant. It was supposed to be a beautiful time for both of us to welcome a new life together, but my husband became suspicious of the child in my arms. His eyes were full of distrust and he even began to question our marriage. In the face of such a man, I felt extremely broken inside, and I didn't know how to face all this.

Go to pieces! Married for half a month and pregnant, her husband suspects that the child is not his, is this kind of man reliable?

Looking back on the days when we met, he was so gentle and considerate and cared for me. We have experienced many good times, gone through many ups and downs together, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. I thought we would be happy forever, but the reality is so cruel.

When I told him the good news, he didn't show the joy he deserved, but a solemn face. He began to wonder if the child was really his, and even asked for a paternity test. I couldn't understand his thoughts, and I couldn't accept this unreasonable suspicion. Is trust between us so fragile?

Go to pieces! Married for half a month and pregnant, her husband suspects that the child is not his, is this kind of man reliable?

I began to reflect on our marriage, whether it was something I didn't do well enough that made him think like this. I struggled to think back to the moments we had together, trying to get to the root of the problem. However, the more I thought about it, the more aggrieved I felt, could the trust between us be broken by a small suspicion?

I tried to communicate with him and tell him how I felt and what I thought. I hope he will understand my pain and rebuild trust between us. However, he always avoided talking about it and even began to be cold to me. I felt desperate and didn't know how to continue this marriage.

Go to pieces! Married for half a month and pregnant, her husband suspects that the child is not his, is this kind of man reliable?

In this case, I began to wonder if this man was still reliable. He doesn't even believe his own children, can I still expect him to raise me and my children in the future? I began to worry about the future and didn't know how to deal with the new life that was coming.

Just when I was in despair, I suddenly realized that I couldn't just give up. I want to fight for the dignity and happiness that I deserve for myself and my children. I started trying to adjust my mindset and try to make myself stronger.

Go to pieces! Married for half a month and pregnant, her husband suspects that the child is not his, is this kind of man reliable?

I started to seek help and support from my friends and family, who gave me a lot of encouragement and advice. With them by my side, I gradually stepped out of the shadows and regained my self-confidence. I started to focus on my physical health and prepare myself for the new life that was about to come.

I also started trying to communicate more deeply with my husband. I told him that the child is our common future and hope, and that we should work together to welcome him. I told him that I was willing to give everything for our family, but I also needed his trust and support.

At my insistence, my husband's attitude gradually changed. He began to reflect on his actions and began to try to understand my feelings. Our relationship was gradually repaired, and I felt the warmth of family again.

Go to pieces! Married for half a month and pregnant, her husband suspects that the child is not his, is this kind of man reliable?

Now, I have successfully passed the pregnancy and welcomed our lovely baby. The husband also became more mature and responsible, and he became a good father and husband. Although our marriage had its ups and downs, it eventually came to happiness.

Looking back on this experience, I deeply feel that trust is the most important cornerstone of marriage. Only by trusting and supporting each other can we face the challenges and difficulties of life together. At the same time, I have also learned that we cannot easily give up our happiness and dignity, and we must be brave enough to fight for the happiness we deserve for ourselves and our families.

Go to pieces! Married for half a month and pregnant, her husband suspects that the child is not his, is this kind of man reliable?

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