
She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery
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She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

In 2006, 31-year-old Lao Chunyan stood at the crossroads of life. As a well-known host of Shanghai Dragon TV, she is faced with an opportunity that is enough to change her fate - CCTV is openly recruiting hosts.

This is the stage she dreams of, but choosing to go north means separating from her beloved husband Qiu Zhengyi. Faced with her family's opposition and inner struggles, Lao Chunyan finally made a difficult decision: to follow her career aspirations.

She resolutely stepped on the train to Beijing and started a 17-year long-distance married life. This choice not only shaped her career, but also profoundly influenced her personal life, composing a story full of hardships and touching struggles.

Lao Chunyan's career is like an inspirational drama, from an unknown reporter to a well-known CCTV host, she has paved a bright road of growth with sweat and wisdom.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

In 1994, with a love for journalism, Lao Chunyan, who had just graduated from the Department of Journalism of Fudan University, joined the Shanghai TV News Center. When she first entered the workplace, although she was still inexperienced, she quickly emerged in the news and information program "Today's Report" with her keen insight and meticulous logical thinking.

Her amiable image and professional performance have won the love of the audience and laid a solid foundation for future development.

Four years later, Lao Chunyan, who is eager for a bigger stage, ushered in a new opportunity. In 1998, she moved to Shanghai Satellite TV (later renamed Shanghai Dragon TV) as the editor-in-chief and host of the in-depth reporting column group.

This position is both a challenge and an opportunity for her. The "Weekly Viewpoint" program hosted by her has gradually become an eye-catching news brand, and the character interview show "People in Shanghai" shows her profound business skills and unique hosting style.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

At this stage, Lao Chunyan continued to explore and deepen the connotation of news reporting, and her professional quality and ability have been significantly improved.

The year 2006 was an important turning point for Lao Chunyan. CCTV is openly recruiting hosts across the country, which is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her, who is eager for a bigger stage.

Despite the difficulties of separating from her husband, she resolutely chose to go north to chase her dream.

In CCTV, Lao Chunyan's talent has been fully displayed. She has successively hosted important programs such as "China Rule of Law Report" and "Everyone's Views", showing excellent professionalism and unique hosting style.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

In addition to her daily programs, she also participated in the coverage of major events such as the Hangzhou Summit, the 20th anniversary celebration of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In 2013, Lao Chunyan ushered in another peak of her career - hosting "Focus Interview". This in-depth news show is extremely demanding for the host, requiring keen insight, in-depth analytical skills, and excellent presentation skills.

With her years of accumulated experience and constantly improving business capabilities, Lao Chunyan is perfectly qualified for this role and has pushed her career to a new level.

In her long and brilliant career, we can see Lao Chunyan's consistent love and dedication to journalism. She continues to learn and improve, and has grown from a young reporter to a gold medal host of CCTV.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

Her success is not accidental, but stems from her persistence in her profession and her pursuit of excellence over the years. Lao Chunyan's career advancement is not only her personal success story, but also a vivid example of inspiring many young people to climb the peak of their careers.

In 2009, Lao Chunyan, whose career was on the rise, ushered in another important moment in her life - she was pregnant. The status of a 37-year-old pregnant woman has brought unprecedented challenges to this successful CCTV host.

Just as Lao Chunyan was about to adjust the pace of work, CCTV transferred her to the international channel, and the work pressure increased sharply. Faced with the opportunity of career development and the upcoming new life, Lao Chunyan fell into a dilemma.

After much deliberation, she made a surprising decision: to continue working while taking good care of the baby in her womb.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

During her pregnancy, Lao Chunyan still stuck to her presiding post. Even though her body is getting bulky, she still maintains an elegant demeanor and a clear mind, and completes various tasks excellently.

Her dedication has not only won the admiration of her colleagues, but also demonstrated the strength and perseverance of a professional woman.

However, this period was not an easy one for Lao Chunyan. She needs to be extra careful to balance work stress and physical condition, while also dealing with the emotional distress of a long separation.

Despite this, Lao Chunyan gritted her teeth and persevered.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

Finally, at the end of 2009, Lao Chunyan successfully gave birth to her lovely daughter Susu. However, as a highly enterprising woman, she did not opt for long-term maternity leave.

After careful consideration, Lao Chunyan made another difficult decision: to entrust her daughter to the care of her mother, who lives in Shanghai, while she continued to devote herself to her busy work.

This decision undoubtedly brought huge emotional pressure to Lao Chunyan. Every weekend, she rushes back to Shanghai to visit her parents and daughter. In the short time together, she will accompany her daughter as much as possible to make up for her absence on weekdays.

This kind of tiring lifestyle tests Lao Chunyan's physical strength and willpower.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

However, Lao Chunyan never regretted her choice. She knows that this is the only way to balance her career and family. In her opinion, there is no contradiction between being a good professional woman and being a competent mother at the same time.

She hopes that through her own efforts, she will set a positive and enterprising example for her daughter.

Ms. Lao's choice may be controversial, but it is a true reflection of the plight faced by many working women. Finding a balance between career and family requires wisdom and, above all, courage.

Lao Chunyan interprets the responsibility and strength of professional women in the new era in her own way, and also provides an example worth thinking about for many women facing similar choices.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

Her experience teaches us that a successful career and a happy family life are not an either/or choice. With enough determination and perseverance, we can enjoy the happiness of parenthood while pursuing career success.

Lao Chunyan's story will undoubtedly inspire more professional women to bravely pursue their dreams.

Behind Lao Chunyan's brilliant career, there is a man who silently supports her - her husband Qiu Zhengyi. As an outstanding representative of China's journalism, Qiu Zhengyi's life trajectory is also wonderful, and he can be called an amphibious leader in academia and industry.

In 1990, he received his Juris Doctor degree with honors. With a passion for education, he joined a prestigious journalism school.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

With his outstanding academic ability and management skills, Qiu Zhengyi was promoted to vice president just two years later. Under his leadership, the school has made a series of remarkable academic achievements and made important contributions to the cause of journalism education in China.

However, Qiu Zhengyi, who is eager to combine theory and practice, is not satisfied with purely academic research. In 1993, he resolutely left the education sector and joined Xinmin Evening News as the deputy director of the newsroom.

During his time in the newspaper industry, he demonstrated his outstanding news editing and planning talents. He has successfully founded two well-known magazines, Xinmin Weekly and Shanghai Wednesday, demonstrating his innovative thinking and business acumen.

In addition to his achievements in the field of journalism practice, Qiu Zhengyi has also been fruitful in academic research. He has won many awards, such as the Second Prize of Outstanding Achievement in Social Sciences of the State Education Commission and the Outstanding Achievement Award of Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

In addition, he has published 11 monographs and textbooks, published more than 3 million words of high-quality academic papers, and made important contributions to the development of journalism theory.

It is with Qiu Zhengyi's understanding and support that Lao Chunyan can devote herself to the cause she loves. Faced with his wife's decision to join CCTV, Qiu Zhengyi did not regard her as a "canary in a cage", but gave her full understanding and encouragement.

Their marriage is a model of mutual achievement and mutual growth.

Qiu Zhengyi's life trajectory not only shows his outstanding achievements in the field of journalism, but also reflects his tolerance and wisdom as a husband. His story and Lao Chunyan's experience complement each other, and together compose a moving movement of modern intellectuals pursuing excellence and supporting each other.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

With the rapid development of Internet technology, the new media era is surging like a tide. In the face of this change, Lao Chunyan did not rest on her laurels, but actively embraced the change, showing another side of traditional media people.

As a gold medal host of CCTV, Lao Chunyan is keenly aware of the importance of social media. She began to try to share her life and views on current affairs on platforms such as Douyin, showing a different side from the TV screen.

This transformation not only demonstrated her ability to keep up with the times, but also won her the love of more young fans.

Lao Chunyan's performance on social media can be described as amazing. Her Douyin account has attracted a whopping 3.9 million followers, and the cumulative number of likes has exceeded a staggering 14.32 million.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

These figures not only prove her influence outside of traditional media, but also show her success in the field of new media.

On the Douyin platform, Lao Chunyan showed a more friendly and down-to-earth side. She will share interesting clips from her daily life, and she will also express her own unique opinions on hot events.

This image is an interesting contrast to her serious and professional hosting style on TV, allowing viewers to see her multifaceted personality.

Lao Chunyan's social media journey is not only an extension of her personal influence, but also a successful case of the transformation of traditional media people in the new media era. She proved with practical actions that even veteran TV hosts can shine on new communication platforms.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

This cross-border success has provided valuable experience and inspiration for many traditional media practitioners.

Lao Chunyan's story is like a mirror, reflecting the challenges and opportunities faced by modern professional women. Her story is not only a testament to her personal success, but also a valuable lesson for us.

Secondly, Lao Chunyan demonstrated excellent professionalism and professionalism. Even during her pregnancy, she remained at work and showed a strong work ethic.

This kind of dedication and love for work is worth learning from every person in the workplace. Her experience teaches us that success is not accidental, but comes from continuous hard work and perseverance.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

Furthermore, Lao Chunyan's story reveals the importance of family support to the success of working women. Her husband, Qiu Zhengyi, has given her great understanding and support, which is an important reason why she can devote herself to her career.

This reminds us to cherish and maintain family relationships while pursuing our personal careers.

Finally, Lao Chunyan's successful transformation in the new media era demonstrates the importance of lifelong learning. Even though she is already a successful TV host, she still actively embraces new things and succeeds on new platforms.

This tells us that in an era of rapid change, only by constantly learning and keeping pace with the times can we remain competitive.

She is a famous CCTV host, she has been away from her husband for many years, she is pregnant and still working, and there are tears behind the scenery

Lao Chunyan's story is not only her personal success experience, but also the epitome of professional women in the new era. She uses her actions to explain how to balance career and family while chasing her dreams.

This will undoubtedly inspire and inspire more women who are pursuing success, motivating them to move forward bravely on the road of life and realize their self-worth.

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