
Can't stand it when your teeth touch the ice? Most of them indicate that there may be 4 problems with teeth, and it is recommended not to ignore them

author:Dr. Wang Zhimin

On a hot summer day, the sun poured into the consultation room through the window, and Xiao Ming sat in the dentist's chair, beads of sweat on his forehead, waiting for the results of the examination with an uneasy expression.

"Doctor, I don't know what's wrong, every time I eat ice cream or drink ice water, my teeth feel unbearable pain." Xiao Ming clenched his arms and said with a painful expression.

The doctor gently patted Xiao Ming's shoulder, smiled gently, and said, "Xiao Ming, you don't have to worry too much, this may be a common problem, let's find out the reason together." ”

Can't stand it when your teeth touch the ice? Most of them indicate that there may be 4 problems with teeth, and it is recommended not to ignore them

Most of them indicate that there may be 4 problems with teeth, and it is recommended not to ignore them

Tooth sensitivity is an early warning sign of oral health

Tooth sensitivity to cold food can be a sign of an oral health problem, and there are four main issues to consider:

1. Tooth enamel wear

Tooth enamel is the outer layer that protects teeth, and when the enamel wears away, the dentin is exposed, resulting in tooth sensitivity. Wear and tear can be caused by poor eating habits or the wrong way of brushing your teeth.

Recommended Actions:

Avoid foods that are too acidic or too alkaline to reduce enamel wear.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently to protect your enamel from further damage.

Regular use of fluoride toothpaste can help strengthen tooth enamel.

2. Tooth decay

Tooth decay is a common problem in the mouth, and decay of the tooth surface can lead to dentin exposure, causing sensitivity.

Recommended Actions:

Practice good oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing and regular cleaning.

Reduce sugary foods, especially sticky candies and sweetened drinks.

Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and treatments for tooth decay.

Can't stand it when your teeth touch the ice? Most of them indicate that there may be 4 problems with teeth, and it is recommended not to ignore them

3. Gum recession

After the gums recede, the neck of the tooth is exposed, which is susceptible to irritation and sensitivity. Wrong brushing and oral diseases are the main causes of gum recession.

Recommended Actions:

Use the correct brushing posture and a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid overbrushing.

Visit your dentist regularly for regular check-ups to treat periodontal disease in time to prevent gum recession from worsening.

4. Tooth hypersensitivity

Tooth hypersensitivity is an allergic reaction caused by hot and cold stimuli after the dentin is exposed.

Recommended Actions:

Using a fluoride toothpaste can help strengthen dentin.

Consider using a dentin filling material to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity to cold food can be a symptom of the above problems, but there is no need to worry too much as most of these problems can be solved with the right prevention and treatment. If you find yourself with a tooth sensitivity problem, seeking medical attention and getting professional advice and treatment options is key to protecting your oral health.

How to improve the problem of tooth sensitivity to cold?

Adjust your eating habits

Tooth sensitivity caused by cold food is closely related to diet. Dietary changes can reduce sensitivity.

Avoid excessively acidic and alkaline foods: Excessively acidic foods such as lemons and carbonated drinks can exacerbate tooth enamel wear and increase sensitivity. Try to consume as little or as little as possible.

Increase calcium intake: Calcium is an important element in maintaining dental health, so eat more calcium-containing foods such as dairy products, legumes, nuts, etc.

Pay attention to oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene habits can help alleviate tooth sensitivity.

Proper brushing: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush with gentle brushing movements to avoid over-brushing and reduce enamel wear.

Floss: Floss regularly to clean food debris between your teeth to prevent tooth decay and gum problems.

Regular cleaning: Oral examination and cleaning are carried out every six months to one year to detect and treat oral problems in time to prevent gum recession and tooth decay.

Can't stand it when your teeth touch the ice? Most of them indicate that there may be 4 problems with teeth, and it is recommended not to ignore them

Pay attention to your lifestyle habits

Improving lifestyle habits can help reduce the occurrence of tooth sensitivity.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Tobacco and alcohol are bad for oral health and increase the risk of tooth sensitivity.

Control acid-alkaline beverages: Reduce the erosion of tooth enamel from drinking carbonated drinks, fruit juices, etc., and help reduce tooth sensitivity.

Wear braces: If necessary, proper braces can fix malocclusion and reduce sensitivity caused by uneven force on the teeth.

Use special care products

Choosing the right care products for sensitive teeth can also help.

Fluoride toothpaste: Fluoride toothpaste helps strengthen tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity caused by dentin exposure.

Dentin fillings: Dentists can use dentin fillings to restore exposed dentin and reduce tooth sensitivity.

Mouthwash: Using a fluoride mouthwash can strengthen your teeth against acidic food and protect your enamel.

Seek professional help

For severe tooth sensitivity, prompt medical attention is the best option.

Dentist Consultation: If tooth sensitivity persists, you should consult your dentist for professional treatment advice.

Professional treatment: Dentists can take treatment measures such as fluoride treatment, dentin filling, root canal treatment, etc., according to the specific situation, to improve the sensitive problem.

Sensitivity to cold teeth can be a manifestation of a variety of problems, and it can be effectively alleviated and oral health can be maintained by adjusting dietary habits, strengthening oral hygiene, improving lifestyle habits, using special care products, and seeking medical attention in a timely manner.