
Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?

Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?

Maritime Pioneer

2024-06-18 15:03Posted in Shanxi Military Field Creator

The Chinese Coast Guard's official account on the "control measures taken against Philippine supply vessels illegally entering the waters adjacent to Second Thomas Shoal" is obviously not simple. It is not difficult to find that the Philippines, which has always been happy to portray itself as a "pitiful small country oppressed by big powers" on the South China Sea issue, has been unusually low-key this time. Neither the Philippine Coast Guard nor the Philippine domestic media released the live video as in the past, with the former only posting a "small essay" on its official account with the content of "no comment on this matter", while the latter was simply "silent". While many people were puzzled, the China Coast Guard gave a clear and straightforward official answer.

Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?

The spokesperson of the China Coast Guard issued a statement on the matter

A spokesperson for the China Coast Guard issued a statement on the Philippine invasion of Ren'ai Jiao, saying that the Philippines sent a supply ship and an inflatable boat to illegally intrude into the waters near Ren'ai Jiao in China's Nansha Islands in an attempt to deliver supplies to a warship that was illegally "beached". During this period, the Philippine transport supply ship dangerously approached and deliberately collided with the Chinese ship in normal navigation. The China Coast Guard has taken control measures against Philippine vessels in accordance with the law, such as warning and blocking, boarding and inspection, and forced eviction. Please note that the "boarding inspection + forced eviction" obviously shows that the Chinese coast guard law enforcement officers boarded the Philippine vessel that illegally intruded into the relevant waters, and then took coercive measures against the Philippine vessel that still did not obey the command.

Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?

The Chinese coast guard ship confronted the Philippine vessel

Judging from the statement issued by the Philippine Coast Guard and the statement issued by the US ambassador to the Philippines, Marie Carlson, the Philippine vessel was damaged and injured in this incident. In the absence of clear photos or videos, we do not know whether the Philippine crew was injured in a collision with a Chinese Coast Guard vessel, or whether they were injured when Chinese Coast Guard law enforcement officers boarded the ship for inspection or were forcibly removed. However, it is certain that the intensity of the confrontation at sea at that time was not low, and the Philippine vessel must have ignored the normal law enforcement of the Chinese coast guard and insisted on illegally intruding into the waters adjacent to Ren'ai Jiao, which caused the Chinese personnel to "deal a heavy hand" on it.

Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?

There is a high probability that the Chinese coast guard boarded the Philippine vessel with a gun

Thinking about it further, judging from the relevant reports in China not long ago, the law enforcement officers of the China Coast Guard have practiced subjects such as boarding and temporary inspection of personnel in their daily training. The coast guard personnel in charge of boarding and inspecting the ship carried with them the filming equipment to preserve evidence, as well as the necessary firearms and self-defense weapons such as automatic rifles and pistols in case of possible violent resistance to the law. During the boarding and inspection of the Philippine ship, it is likely that the coast guard law enforcement officers also boarded the ship in full armed condition after being forced to stop and dock with the Philippine vessel. In this way, it is not difficult for us to understand why the Philippine side has not been able to produce the so-called "video evidence of bullying by China" this time, and the filming equipment in the hands of the Filipinos that recorded and distorted the facts is likely to be confiscated and disposed of on the spot by the Chinese coast guard. After all, this world is by no means "whoever shoots the video is justified", and there is no reason why we should not take such normal law enforcement measures against Filipinos who illegally intrude into the South China Sea.

Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and U.S. President Joe Biden

According to the latest reports from Philippine domestic media quoted by US media, in this incident, the Chinese coast guard seized at least 8 guns from the Philippine ship on board, and a Philippine rigid inflatable boat was pierced and lost the ability to navigate, and a number of Philippine personnel were injured, including a Philippine special operations personnel whose finger was clipped, which may have occurred when the Chinese and Philippine ships collided. If the relevant content is more accurate, it can be seen that the Chinese coast guard's handling methods are extremely tough, and the scene is full of gunpowder due to the unreasonable resistance of the Philippine side. However, for the Filipinos, they dared to openly intrude into the waters of the South China Sea with guns, and they also disobeyed the normal maritime law enforcement of Chinese personnel, which can only be described as "deserved". Taking advantage of this incident, it is believed that the Marcos Jr. administration should be able to see clearly China's position, attitude, and measures on the Ren'ai Jiao issue, and in the future, not to mention the building materials for the landing ship to be reinforced, even the food, drinking water, clothing, and medical supplies for the Philippine soldiers on Ren'ai Jiao to survive may no longer be allowed by the Chinese side.

Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?

Foreign media reports

I don't know if you have discovered such an incident, but seeing that the Manila side was deflated by the "forcible intrusion on Ren'ai Jiao incident," the United States, which has always been unusually high-profile on the South China Sea issue and moves out of the so-called "US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty" at every turn, has unexpectedly "remained silent." If you think about it carefully, the so-called "red line" drawn by the United States against China on relevant issues is actually stepping backwards. From the earliest shouting that "China's use of high-pressure water cannons and other equipment to 'attack' Philippine ships will trigger common defense", to later changed to "if Filipino personnel are injured, it will be triggered", and then to "if Philippine personnel die" and now "if Filipino soldiers die", anyway, we just haven't seen any "US-Philippines mutual defense treaty" play a role. It seems that the White House's strategic determination is really good, isn't this just a "strategic force" that does not dare to get up and get out of the game?

Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?

China Coast Guard fires with live ammunition

On the contrary, China's red line in the South China Sea is consistent and clear, and any external forces that seek to undermine China's territorial integrity will only run into a red line. "Boarding inspection + forced eviction" is just the beginning, if the Marcos Jr. government continues to take the lead, the next time the Chinese coast guard may not be so mild.

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  • Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?
  • Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?
  • Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?
  • Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?
  • Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?
  • Boarding inspection + captured guns, the smell of gunpowder escalated at Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine army broke his finger when resisting?

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