
Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

author:Xing Lan Shi said
Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

In 2013, a heinous atrocity occurred in Fei County, Shandong Province.

A newlywed couple was targeted by four young gangsters, and the assailants not only raped his wife in front of him for eight hours, but also strangled him afterwards, suffocated his wife to death with a plastic bag, and finally dumped her body in a cave.

What's even more surprising is that the average age of these fanatics is in their early 20s, with the oldest being 26 years old and the youngest being only 17 years old.

What is the reason that these young people have lost the most basic human nature and moral bottom line?

And how will they be punished?

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article.

A happy life is ruined

Before this tragedy, young Xiao Zhang and Xiao Huo were a well-known happy newlywed couple in the village.

Xiao Huo is the head chef of a local hot pot restaurant, who is diligent and studious, and has good skills, which is favored by diners.

Xiao Zhang is an accountant, diligent and filial to his parents.

Soon after the two got married, they reaped another joy in life, Xiao Zhang was pregnant!

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

The warm nest of a family of three is about to be completed, and the old couple is even more overjoyed, all looking forward to the warm scene after the daughter-in-law gives birth.

But who would have thought that fate is often so tricky of people.

In the early morning of May 15, 2013, Xiao Zhang's mother-in-law prepared breakfast as usual for the two of them to eat.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

But just waiting, waiting, waiting, the two didn't show up for a long time.

The mother-in-law picked up the phone and wanted to call her son and daughter-in-law, but she only heard the unanswered prompt repeating on the other end.

She called several times in a row, and the anxiety in her heart became more and more serious, and she hurried to the residence of the two to check.

The son and daughter-in-law's house is not far from home, just a few minutes walk.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

Pushing open the courtyard door, what greeted me was a bloody and terrifying scene:

The watchdog was lying in the yard, covered in blood, and even had a big hole in his stomach, and there was a lot of hair scattered on the ground.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

The mother-in-law's heart suddenly rose to her throat, and she didn't dare to think about it, so she pulled her legs and rushed into her son's house.

The house was in shambles: the coffee table was knocked to the ground, and the cutlery and vases on the table were broken;

There were still some blood stains and footprints on the floor, and it looked like there had been a violent scuffle;

The most chilling thing is that there is a torn and tattered women's underwear lying on the side of the sofa, and there are blood stains on it.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

This is definitely the underwear of the daughter-in-law Xiao Zhang!

The mother-in-law's legs suddenly went limp, and she fell to the ground, covering her mouth and letting out a heart-rending cry.

When I looked closely, the few remaining buttons of my underwear had been torn off by force.

It was as if the whole garment had been savagely torn apart, with cracks and blood stains everywhere.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

The mother-in-law's heart almost stopped at that moment, and she realized that something was likely to happen to her son and daughter-in-law!

Trembling, she dialed 110 and feebly reported the incident to the police.

After a while, the police car from the local police station rushed to the scene.

While calming the hysterical mother-in-law, the police began to investigate the scene.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

Seasoned detectives soon discover more suspicions:

First of all, the host of the monitoring system is missing, and the connection line is also artificially cut off, resulting in no video monitoring of the whole process.

Secondly, in the bedroom closet of the son and daughter-in-law, the police found some empty beer bottles, cigarette butts and watermelon rinds, indicating that strangers had been there for a long time.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

What's even more creepy is that even though the sheets and duvet covers are all freshly changed.

However, in the corners of the mattress, some dried blood stains were found, which clearly showed signs of beating or fighting.

One of the most important discoveries was on Xiao Zhang's torn underwear.

In addition to her own fingerprints, the police also found as many as 4 fingerprints of other strangers!

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

All indications are that the young couple was apparently robbed and injured by outsiders.

Faced with such a terrifying scene, even the well-informed senior detectives couldn't help but shiver.

They realized that there must be another cruel inside story in this case, and they must launch a comprehensive investigation as soon as possible to completely uncover the truth of the case!

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

The crime is gradually exposed

The police immediately launched an all-out investigation into the case, and soon, a terrifying fact surfaced:

In a steep cave nearby, the police found the horrific bodies of Xiao Zhang and Xiao Huo!

I saw that Xiao Zhang's body was covered with palm prints and strangulation marks, and her fair skin was covered with bruises and blood marks.

The most horrific thing is that her chest was bitten alive, and the flesh was blurred and shocking.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

What's even more chilling is that a toothpick was cruelly inserted into Xiao Zhang's belly, which was three months pregnant.

Apparently the killer did this on purpose in an attempt to take the baby's life.

At the same time, Xiao Zhang's husband Xiao Huo's tragic situation is also shocking.

There were three holes on his head that were almost the size of a palm, and what was shocking was that in one of the holes, there was also a blood-stained fruit knife, which was terrifying.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

In addition, there was not a single piece of flesh and skin on his body, and it was covered with whip marks and burns.

In the face of such a tragic and inhumane tragedy, even the veteran detectives who are accustomed to seeing blood can't help but burst into tears.

A happy newlywed Yan'er should have looked forward to the infinite beauty of life, but who would have thought that they would have been treated so cruelly that even the child in their arms was killed.

At this time, the family members who had already learned the bad news came to the scene and wept bitterly when they saw the tragic remains of their relatives.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

Xiao Zhang's elderly mother fell to the ground several times, letting out a heart-rending wail, which was sour.

And Xiao Huo's parents also burst into tears, and their facial features were almost distorted by sadness.

The whole scene was mournful, and almost everyone present was deeply touched by the tragic experience of this young couple.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

Everyone chewed on the same question bitterly: What did the young couple do wrong?

Why was he so brutally tortured and killed?

What kind of devil can the murderer commit such a heinous atrocity?

Full of anger and doubt, the detectives scouted the clues around the corpse, hoping to find out the truth as soon as possible.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

The crime of exterminating humanity

At the same time, another police officer who salvaged along the river also found an abandoned plastic bag, which contained a subsistence card belonging to the elderly.

They realized that this evidence was most likely inseparable from the perpetrators.

It is understood that the owner of this subsistence card is a 69-year-old man.

And the old man often walks around very closely with a young man who is idle, which undoubtedly adds a new breakthrough to the case.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

The police made a quick decision, and after an overnight investigation, the police quickly locked up four suspects: Fu Gang, Zhang Xuejun, Wang Jiying and Zhao Feng.

Sadly, the average age of these four people is only about 20 years old, the oldest is 26 years old, and the youngest Zhao Feng is even a minor!

After the four of them were caught in one net, they quickly explained the entire crime.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

It turned out that they had long learned that Xiao Zhang and Xiao Huo lived in this secluded community and had visited and stolen cash.

And when Zhang Xuejun saw Xiao Zhang's beautiful appearance on Xiao Zhang's wedding photos, he had even more shameful thoughts.

Taking advantage of the night, the four of them watched in the community for several days.

After learning that Xiao Zhang was three months pregnant, they were unmoved, but insisted on going their own way.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

When Xiao Zhang and Xiao Huo came home from work, several people deliberately dragged the two into the room, first asking for the bank card password and taking away all the deposits of the two.

Then, the four of them began a crazy gang rape that lasted for more than eight hours, during which they forced Xiao Huo to watch with a shameful smile on the side!

The most despicable thing is that after eating, drinking, and having fun, this group of people actually killed the killer again.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

They first strangled Xiao Huo with an iron chain, so that Xiao Zhang watched her husband die tragically.

Subsequently, he used cigarette butts to burn a few rotten holes in Xiao Zhang's body.

And inserted a toothpick into the fetus in Xiao Zhang's abdomen, and finally suffocated her with a plastic bag!

After doing all this, they hastily cleaned the house and dumped the couple's bodies into a remote cave.

And in the whole process of committing the crime, this group of people has never had the slightest humanity and compassion, and they are simply living "human demons"!

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

There is no escape from justice

Three days later, the four were finally successfully captured by the police.

After the case was exposed, it immediately caused shock across the country and widespread concern in society.

After more than a month of extremely slow and arduous trials, the court finally handed down the final verdict on the four defendants on the 40th day after the case.

The scene of the trial was full of attention, and the atmosphere was solemn and solemn.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

When the verdict was read out by the jury, there was silence:

Fu Gang, Zhang Xuejun and Wang Jiying were sentenced to death, and Zhao Feng was sentenced to life imprisonment because he had not yet reached the age of 18.

The judge was stern in the reasons for the verdict: "The crime in this case is extremely cruel and despicable, not only frantically plundering property, but also humiliating and torturing pregnant women for a long time, and taking away two innocent lives, the crime deserves death!" "
Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies

Countless citizens at the scene were still whispering, directly accusing Fu Gang and others of being "demons in the world" and "human-faced beasts".

How did these four people fall to such a point, so degraded that they don't even let pregnant women go? Society should reflect on the root causes.

In any case, we have reason to be outraged and disgusted by this appalling atrocity.

Every life should be cared for and cherished, and no form of violence or crime can be tolerated or condoned!

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies


Life is short and precious, and we should all love life and stay away from violent crime. This tragedy has taught society a painful lesson, and we have to reflect on the social roots that lead to the depravity of young people. Perhaps it is the lack of family education, the lack of moral education, social injustice and other factors that have created them.

In any case, we should learn from the lesson, resolve conflicts with love and reason, and warm the world with wisdom and kindness. At the same time, we also call on the whole society to form a consensus to severely punish vicious and violent crimes, restore peace to the world, and jointly maintain the overall stability and harmony of society.

Four teenagers robbed the house and raped their wives in front of their husbands for eight hours, then dumped their bodies


1. - June 23, 2016 - "5.14 Fei County Newlyweds Murder Case 3 Criminals Executed on the 22nd"

2., Shandong-June 23, 2016-"Shandong Fei County 2013.5.15 Case Execution of Death Row Prisoners"