
The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland
All content in this article is based on official and reliable sources


The U.S. House of Representatives has once again passed a new bill, which is very targeted at China.

The bill mentions that in special circumstances, the United States can directly block China's important sea routes.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

But the reality is that even if there are no special circumstances, the United States may blockade China's sea lanes, after all, the blockade of China's sea lanes has been the plan of the United States all along.

In addition, there have been frequent military collusion between the United States and Taiwan in recent years, including the sale of weapons to Taiwan and the arming of Taiwan.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

With the support of the United States, Lai Qingde even made remarks on public occasions about "leading war" between the two sides of the strait.

So will the new US bill further aggravate relations between China and the United States? What kind of remarks did Lai Qingde make?

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

The new U.S. bill targets China

On June 14, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act for 2025 by a majority vote.

The new bill's defense spending is a record high of $835 billion, an increase of nearly 1 percent from last year.

Source: Beijing News reported on June 15, 2024 that "the U.S. House of Representatives passed the National Defense Policy Act for Fiscal Year 2025, authorizing spending of $895 billion".
The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

The mainland's annual defense expenditure is less than $300 billion, less than one-half of that of the United States.

Another point worth noting in this new bill is that it has drafted an additional shameless clause on the basis of the content and policies of previous years.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

That is to allow the U.S. military to blockade the sea, and that includes blocking China's offshore oil and gas import routes.

It is said that in the so-called special circumstances, the US military can blockade this.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

You must know that China has long been regarded as a thorn in the side of the United States, and they have been constantly suppressing the mainland's economic and technological development, and they have long planned to cut off the mainland's important energy sources.

Most of the continent's vital energy sources are transported by sea.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

Moreover, they mentioned that the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea, which are allowed to be blocked, are all important sea lanes on the mainland.

Although the United States is talking about special circumstances, if they want to create special circumstances, there is no way to stop them.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

Once the United States blocks these sea lanes, it will directly affect China's energy security.

It can be seen that this new US clause is aimed at China.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

In addition to passing this new bill targeting China, the U.S. House of Representatives has also taken action on drones from the mainland.

On June 17, the U.S. House of Representatives also passed the "Countering Chinese Drones Act", which explicitly prohibits the sale of China's DJI drones in the United States.

Source: IT House's report on June 17, 2024 on "DJI faces an increased likelihood of a total U.S. ban on sales, and the House of Representatives passes the "Drone Act"".
The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

In their view, Chinese DJI drones would endanger their national security.

Despite this, some official law enforcement agencies in the United States still tend to use DJI drones in the process of law enforcement.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

However, this is not the first time that the United States has attacked DJI drones, as early as 2017, DJI was included in the U.S. sanctions list.

Later, the United States found that the cost performance of DJI drones was much higher than that of other drones, so they lifted sanctions on DJI drones.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

But this does not mean that the United States has "let go" of DJI, and they have always had a skeptical attitude towards DJI.

For this reason, in 2020, the United States directly included DJI in the entity list that endangers national security, but at that time, the American public could still buy and use DJI products normally.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

Now in the new bill, DJI drones are being targeted again.

However, according to DJI's current strength, this counteract of the United States may still be blocked.

In addition, the new US bill also mentions the issue of China's Taiwan.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

Lai Qingde made a "war-leading" remark

In this new bill passed by the US House of Representatives, it is clear that it will support Taiwan and will continue to sell weapons to Taiwan.

You must know that before that, on the Taiwan issue, the United States was only making small moves behind the scenes, but now it is so blatant.

Source: Jiemian News reported on June 12, 2024 on "Direct Ministries and Commissions丨Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Urges the United States to Stop Arming Taiwan and the First Batch of Typical Cases for Implementing the Newly Revised Administrative Reconsideration Law Released".
The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

However, before the bill was passed, the United States had unprecedentedly frequent military collusion with Taiwan.

The US side not only approved the plan for arms sales to Taiwan, but also set up a secret special group to coordinate military assistance to Taiwan.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

The Taiwan side has directly stated that in the future, the US military assistance to Taiwan will be institutionalized and standardized.

It can be seen that the United States is determined to arm Taiwan.

The United States may be happiest with these terms than Lai Qingde.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

You must know that Lai Qingde has always regarded the United States as the big brother, and now that the United States is so openly supporting, it is not that Lai Qingde is bad.

At the centennial celebration of the Whampoa Military Academy, Lai Qingde once again made remarks related to the "two-state theory."

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

On June 16, at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Whampoa Military Academy, when Lai Qingde took the stage to deliver a speech, he once again put forward the so-called "theory of mutual non-subordination."

Information source: Global Network on June 18, 2024 on "Huangpu throws away the "Taiwan independence" argument in the past century, and Lai Qingde is playing with fire again".
The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

He also said that the phrase "the first battle is the last war" is capitulationism.

You must know that the saying "the first battle is the final war" comes from the Tsai Ing-wen period, is Lai Qingde secretly poking and blaming Tsai Ing-wen?

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

However, it can also be seen from this that Lai Qingde has no common sense at all, because his so-called capitulationism is actually just a strategic logic.

For this reason, Guo Zhengliang directly pointed out that Lai Qingde's speech was very low-level.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

At the same time, Lai Qingde's erroneous speech was also criticized by many professionals on the island.

Xiao Xucen directly pointed out on Lai Qingde's speech that he was simply leading a war.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

Lai Ching-te's remarks not only violated the one-China principle, but also imposed his will for Taiwan independence on the interests and well-being of the Taiwan masses in an attempt to mislead the public and thus aggravate the tension between the people on both sides of the strait.

Lai Shibao even directly pointed out that Lai Qingde's mention of "the first battle is the final war" is capitulationism, which simply has no strategic common sense at all.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

It can be seen that Lai Qingde's speech is really embarrassing enough for him.

I originally wanted to hug the American thighs, but I didn't expect to make a joke for myself.

As for the collusion between the United States and Taiwan, Chinese mainland also directly warned and once again emphasized our attitude of resolutely safeguarding national unity.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland


The new bill passed by the US House of Representatives is aimed at China.

Blocking important sea passages, countering China's DJI drones, arming Taiwan, etc., one by one, it can be seen that the United States is already blatantly targeting China.

The U.S. House of Representatives authorized the arming of Taiwan Island and the blockade of China's sea routes, and Lai Qingde "shouted war" to the mainland

The new bill will only make the game between China and the United States more and more intense.

However, in any case, if the mainland adopts some effective measures to firmly safeguard the mainland's legitimate rights and interests and territorial sovereignty, it is believed that the US conspiracy and plan that harms others and disadvantages others will eventually be smashed.

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