
When you are old and do not leave yourself these few ways to live, you will be bullied by your children and have no dignity

author:If the wind reads

Time is not forgiving, everyone will grow old.

As we enter the twilight of life, our bodies are no longer as strong as they were when we were younger, and our minds are no longer as agile, how can we protect our old age?

Some people may think that having children by their side is enough.

But the reality is often not so simple, if you don't leave a few "ways to live" for yourself, even if you are your own children, you may feel the helplessness of life and the loss of dignity.

1. Keep your own cottage – a haven from the elements

When people are old, what they need most is a stable place to live.

This is not only a material need, but also a spiritual sustenance.

If you have your own hut, you don't need to send people under the fence to look at people's eyes.

Even if the house is not big, as long as it is your own, you can find a sense of belonging and security in it.

When you are old and do not leave yourself these few ways to live, you will be bullied by your children and have no dignity

Some people say, wouldn't it be nice to live with children? That being said, friction and contradictions in real life are inevitable.

Children have their own rhythm and habits of life, and the elderly have their own way of life.

Living together for a long time, there will inevitably be bumps and bumps.

And having your own hut is equivalent to leaving a way out for yourself, no matter what happens, you have a safe haven of your own.

So, no matter how filial your children are, remember: keeping your own hut is retaining your dignity and autonomy in old age.

2. If you have money in your hands, you don't panic - your own son is not as good as close money

As the saying goes, "it is better to have a child than to have money".

When you are old and do not leave yourself these few ways to live, you will be bullied by your children and have no dignity

This is not to say that children are unreliable, but in real life, money often solves the problem more directly.

As you get older, your body functions decline, and you may need to face various sudden health problems.

At this time, if you have a certain amount of savings on hand, you can cope more calmly.

Not only that, but having money in hand also means you have more options.

You can choose better medical services, a better retirement environment, and even choose to travel, study, etc. to enrich your later life.

And all of this is based on economic independence.

Of course, we are not saying that the elderly should be completely dependent on money, but emphasizing that they should be financially prepared in order to better protect themselves in their old age.

After all, in this world, it is still oneself that can be relied on after all.

When you are old and do not leave yourself these few ways to live, you will be bullied by your children and have no dignity

3. Let your child be himself – don't overdo it

One of the mistakes that many older people tend to make is to interfere too much in their children's lives.

They may have good intentions and want their children to live their lives according to their expectations.

But doing so is often counterproductive and leads to family conflicts.

Children have their own ideas and pursuits, and as parents, we should learn to respect and support them.

Let them do what they love and pursue their dreams.

In this way, not only will children be happier and freer, but the elderly will also be able to worry less and enjoy a more relaxed life in their old age.

When you are old and do not leave yourself these few ways to live, you will be bullied by your children and have no dignity

You know, the children's path has to be walked by themselves after all.

We can give advice and guidance, but we should not impose interference.

Only in this way can a healthy and harmonious parent-child relationship be established.

To maintain dignity and autonomy in old age, we need to prepare in advance: keep our hut and ensure a secure place to live; Have money in hand to deal with all kinds of problems that may arise; Let children be themselves and establish a healthy and harmonious parent-child relationship.

By doing this, we can live more calmly and happily in our later years.