
When you are old and your parents are gone, these five types of relatives in the family are not as good as outsiders, don't be too good

author:If the wind reads

Time flies, time flies.

When we go through youth and enter the autumn and winter season of life, the relatives around us also leave us one by one.

Parents are the most solid support in our lives, but they cannot accompany us through life.

And when they are gone, we may cherish our relationship with our loved ones even more.

However, in this chaotic and complicated world, some relatives, although they are related by blood, may not be worthy of our wholehearted treatment.

1. Relatives who "turn their arms out".

There is a kind of relatives who always seem to be unable to distinguish between inside and outside, and their attitude towards outsiders is often more affectionate than their own family members.

They may choose to stand by and even stand on your side and speak for outsiders when you need help.

When you are old and your parents are gone, these five types of relatives in the family are not as good as outsiders, don't be too good

This kind of relative, although they have the same blood, it is difficult for you to feel the warmth of home.

Their minds always seem to be wandering, smiling at you today, and turning against you tomorrow for a few sweet words from outsiders.

For such relatives, we don't need to be overly emotionally involved, and keeping a certain distance may be a good choice for both parties.

2. Relatives who "don't see anyone well".

There are always some relatives in life who are jealous when they see you doing well, and secretly happy when they see you in trouble.

This mentality of "seeing no one is good" makes them play the role of saboteur in the family.

They will sneer at your accomplishments and fall into the trap when you are frustrated.

For such relatives, we do not need to ask for their blessings and support, because they only have narrow-mindedness and jealousy in their hearts.

When you are old and your parents are gone, these five types of relatives in the family are not as good as outsiders, don't be too good

Instead of letting their negative emotions affect your mood, it's better to take it lightly and live your life.

3. Loved ones who "like to fight in the nest".

There are always some people in the family who like to engage in "nest fighting", and they seem to be always looking for opportunities to compete with you.

Whether it's a family trivia or a major decision, they can always find a reason to go toe-to-toe with you.

This kind of family will not only make the family atmosphere tense, but also consume a lot of your energy and emotions.

In the face of such loved ones, we must learn to protect ourselves and not let their desire to fight affect your inner peace.

Staying calm and rational is the best way to deal with such loved ones.

4. "Love moral kidnapping" of loved ones

There is a kind of relatives who always like to kidnap you with morality and make you do what they want.

When you are old and your parents are gone, these five types of relatives in the family are not as good as outsiders, don't be too good

They will use the banner of "for your own good" to dictate your life and even force you to make choices that are not your will.

This kind of loved one, although they care about you on the surface, is actually depriving you of your freedom and agency.

In the face of such relatives, we must learn to stick to our own positions and principles, and not be swayed by their moral kidnapping.

Being brave enough to express your thoughts and needs is the key to getting out of this predicament.

5. Relatives who "love to calculate your money".

In the family, there are also relatives who are always keeping an eye on your wallet, ready to take advantage of you.

They may use your kindness and trust for personal gain without your knowledge.

When you are old and your parents are gone, these five types of relatives in the family are not as good as outsiders, don't be too good

This kind of relatives will not only make you financially damaged, but also make you doubt and disappointed in family affection.

For such relatives, we must remain vigilant, do not easily disclose our financial situation, and do not borrow or invest money at will.

Protecting one's own economic interests is responsible for oneself and one's family.

When we go through a long time, there will be fewer and fewer relatives around us.

But in any case, we must learn to cherish those who are truly good to us, and at the same time, we must also learn to recognize and guard against those relatives who are not worthy of our deep friendship.

Although blood ties are important, true family ties are not just based on blood.

May we all find those relatives who are truly worthy of our cherishing and dedication in the complicated world.