
Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!

author:CQ Chaotian pepper

"Do you know what an embassy car is?"


"Do you know what diplomatic immunity is?"

This is a distinguished embassy female car owner, who violated the parking first, but retorted against the words of a kind driver passing by!

Details of the incident, what is going on?

First, the incident

Recently, a car owner in Beijing posted a video to break the news that he drove out from the gate of the community. As soon as the vehicle went out, it encountered a traffic jam.

Other vehicles that were ready to move forward kept honking their horns to remind them to give way, but they had no effect at all, so they had to think that they were unlucky and turned around and left in violation of regulations.

Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!

The owner of the car took a closer look, and it turned out that the cause of the traffic jam was a Volkswagen with embassy license plates, which was blocked in the middle of the road for no reason.

When the well-meaning car owner passed by the embassy vehicle, he was kind enough to remind the car owner not to park the vehicle indiscriminately.

Not to mention the embassy car, you have to obey the traffic rules.

Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!

What I didn't expect was that the owner of the embassy was a female driver, and it was a scolding to face the kind-hearted driver directly:

"Fuck off! Do you know what an embassy car is? ”

As a result, the two sides quarreled over the parking problem.

There were other people in the embassy car, and after discussion, a man took out the pet dog and walked first, leaving the female owner and the kind driver to slowly "theorize".

The kind-hearted driver was angry, picked up his mobile phone and pointed at the domineering female driver, just to take a picture for evidence.

When the female owner of the embassy saw this scene, she did not realize her problem at all, but became even more arrogant.

She also picked up her mobile phone and took the initiative to call the police, lying that someone had stopped her car and taking pictures to prevent her from leaving.

After calling the police, the female owner of the embassy became even more proud, and proudly shouted the privilege in her hand and said:

"Do you know what an embassy car is? --Yes? ”

Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!

"Do you know what diplomatic immunity is?"

Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!

Seeing this explosive scene, people sighed:

Today is the 618 holiday, although I didn't grab the goods and find the treasure online.

However, I learned a new knowledge point from the female owner of the embassy:

Diplomatic immunity!

What is diplomatic immunity?

Let's give you a science popularization first:

In short, diplomatic immunity refers to the diplomatic representation of a country accredited to another country that enjoys certain special rights and privileges.

However, there is a premise that it must be to ensure the convenience of diplomatic agents in the normal performance of their official duties.

Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!

Listening to the tone of this female car owner, there is a feeling that this "diplomatic immunity" is their certificate of privilege, and it is their pass to travel freely within China.

I can't help but ask:

The place where this incident took place was at the entrance of the community.

Honorable lady, are you here on your normal business?

Do you need to park your car in the middle of the road to perform normal official duties?

Can the performance of normal official duties wantonly affect public social order?

Performing normal official duties, can the traffic police only want to manage but can't?

Such a domineering act is really fearless and arrogant!

Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!
Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!

Third, the identity of the female owner was stripped naked

According to the content of the exposed video, the license plate number of the embassy car is: 323007 envoy.

According to this information, some netizens found out that the unit where the vehicle is located is the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization.

Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!

Unexpectedly, Yu Qi, secretary general of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, looked like the female car owner in the video.

Judging by the photos that have been posted publicly, the facial features are indeed very similar.

Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!

It turned out that the owner of the distinguished embassy was actually also a Chinese.


With an embassy vehicle, can you run amok?

Wearing this vest, do you think Zhao Benshan doesn't know you, the king?

Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!
Follow-up to the embassy car jam: the female car owner shouted for diplomatic immunity, and her bottoms were stripped naked, and she was really used to it!

No matter what the status, respect is the most basic quality!

Respect the rules of the road,

Respect for social morality,

Respect ordinary people!

Not even the most basic qualities,

What else is exempt from this kind of person?


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