
Attention pet supply sellers! This toothed pet grooming tool invention patent protection is in the process of protection, take a quick look!

author:but for consultation

【TRO 24-cv-4849】Attention Pet Supplies Sellers! This toothed pet grooming tool invention patent protection is in the process of protecting rights, take a quick look at lightning protection!

Case information

Plaintiff's brand: Toothed pet grooming tools

原告公司:Spectrum Brands, Inc. et al

Case No. 24-CV-4849

Type of Prosecution: Patent


Time of prosecution: 6/11/2024

Brand official website:

Brand introduction:

Plaintiff Spectrum Brands, Inc., a home essentials company trusted by millions of consumers around the world, has brands that improve the way people live at home, from cooking, staying in tip-top shape, caring for pets, to cleaning homes and keeping their spaces free of unnecessary weeds and pests. FURminator is a brand of the company specializing in the development of pet grooming, and with its excellent performance and innovative design, it has become a benchmark in solving the problem of pet hair removal.

Attention pet supply sellers! This toothed pet grooming tool invention patent protection is in the process of protection, take a quick look!

(Photo source: Cited on June 17, 2024)

The FURminator hair removal tool is not only an effective way to remove loose undercoat from pets, but also provides an excellent user experience, which is loved by pet owners. Its product line spans shedding tools, grooming tools, hair care products, and bath and hygiene solutions, raising the bar for pet care across the board. The introduction of these products has greatly enriched pet care options and significantly improved the quality of life for pets and their owners. And in 2017, it won the "Brand of the Year" global award at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna.

Patent Information

This case relates to a U.S. invention patent for a toothed pet grooming tool used to remove loose fur (i.e., fur that is not attached to the skin) from pet fur, consisting of a brush head and a processor with a brush blade that, when finished, can be cleaned by the processor for next use. The purpose is to remove the pet's fur. Please check carefully, even if the products are not exactly the same, there will be a risk of infringement if the design concept is the same!

Attention pet supply sellers! This toothed pet grooming tool invention patent protection is in the process of protection, take a quick look!
Attention pet supply sellers! This toothed pet grooming tool invention patent protection is in the process of protection, take a quick look!

Product examples

Attention pet supply sellers! This toothed pet grooming tool invention patent protection is in the process of protection, take a quick look!

(Photo source: Cited on June 17, 2024)


Please refer to the above information carefully, check whether there are similar trademarks, copyrights and patents, and if you are unlucky, remove them from the shelves in time and be prepared to deal with them.

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