
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

author:The quarterback of Kanball


He was originally a world champion, but he became famous for "showing off his wealth". Won $10.8 million in one night playing poker, kept crocodiles, lions as pets, had his own arsenal, and threw naked actresses from the roof into pools......

This kind of extravagant life is really eye-opening, but he is a billionaire in the United States, and this is just his daily life.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

PokerChampion has its own arsenal

The poker champion, Dan Beardian, was born in 1980 and is an American poker professional. He is a true master of poker, and more than a decade ago, he won the PGA Poker Grand Prix several times.

The highest title should still be the "World Series of Poker" in '09, and the prize money won through these events is hundreds of millions of dollars.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

In 2010, he was voted "Most Interesting Poker Player" by a well-known magazine. In 2013, he himself broke the news on his personal social account, saying that he won $10.8 million in one night of poker!

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The original article was published in China Youth Network 2016-03-29 about "Derby Champion in the Women's Heap: Showing Off Wealth Skills to Beat Mayweather"

But there are many poker champions, and the main reason why Dan Bilzerian is so famous is because of his own habit of showing off his wealth.

His life is really not too much to describe as luxurious, not only several luxury cars, but also pool mansions, private jets, yachts, etc., what he has is only unimaginable.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The original article was published in International Online 2016-12-22About "Sports Hunter: Malone Bow and Crossbow Shoots Bear and Deer Killer Champion Shows Off Equipment"

In addition, he also has the nickname "Playboy King", mainly because he often invites his friends and many beautiful personalities to party together.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

Dan Bilzerian has an arsenal of his own, and one might wonder if there's a war going on in his place?

Bought for self-defense? No, it's not, he's just doing it very purely to show off his wealth.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

When he was six years old, he had his first gun, and he loved guns since he was a child.

Later, he even joined the U.S. Navy SEALs, but was permanently dismissed for violating discipline.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

When trying out weapons, Dan Bilzerian will also bring a number of beautiful women with him.

He also used countless model airplanes as test subjects to shoot, like those ordinary prey, he didn't pay attention to them.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

Throw naked girls into the pool on the rooftop

Dan Beardion once shot big birds to compete with his friends, and in two hours, he and his friends shot 97 big birds!

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

Like us ordinary people, the pets we usually keep are kittens and puppies, and if anyone has an alpaca, it is very rare. Can Dan Beardion's pet be so common? Of course not, people's pets are lions and crocodiles.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

But these, sometimes Dan Bearderian still finds it not enjoyable, so he drives a tank to show everyone a "how a tank crushes a BMW".

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

As for beauty, it was like an indispensable part of his life, and Dan Bilzerian had brought many beautiful women to parties several times, and later suffered from related diseases.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

On one occasion, he also lifted a 19-year-old naked actress from the roof and threw her into the pool, but the impact was so strong that the actress's foot hit the edge of the pool, and the injury was very serious.

He also likes to record his lavish and promiscuous life and expose it on the Internet.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The original article was published in the Yangtze River Network 2014-03-28 about "33-year-old rich man basks in extravagant life: indulgence and bullets are shot out (picture)"

This is indeed a very effective way to show off wealth, but at the same time, it is also targeted by thieves. In 2015, Dan Beardian's mansion in Los Angeles was broken into by thieves.

And the thief still came prepared, not only did he know the layout of the entire mansion very well, but he also used black tape to wrap all the cameras that were detected in the mansion.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

With a black mask on his head, he went straight to the gun room at Dan Birzerian's house, but he couldn't get in.

But then, for some reason, they set off the security alarm at Dan Birzerian's home. As soon as the thieves heard the sound of the siren, they quickly ran away before the police came.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The original article was published on CCTV.com2015-09-11About "American multimillionaires' extravagant life attracts thieves"

Why did you become a wealth maniac?

Dan Beardion's ability to flaunt his wealth began when he was a child, when his father was a well-known business swindler and a private stockbroker in the '80s.

Later, he went to prison for stock fraud, and before entering, he "unprecedentedly" sent Dan Bilzerian to school, which was also the first time he was sent to school by his father, and at the school gate, he confessed to his son that he was going to prison.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The original article was published in the global network 2015-10-16About "The rich second generation of the United States can only show money and live a luxurious life of driving a tank to crush BMW"

Dan Bilzerian, who went to school, actually didn't have a good time, he was often ostracized by his classmates and didn't get anyone's attention, and he himself said that maybe this was the reason why he grew up to become a "showy maniac".

When Dan Beardion had money, he knew how to ransom his dad with money.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

Dan Bilzerian actually knew how to make a career when he lived a luxurious life, and he saw the market, so he invested in an online poker-related website, and used a variety of methods to attract everyone's attention.

It turned out that he did it well, and the game was a global hit.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

In addition, he also invested one million in a well-known movie, in exchange for a "small role" in the movie, with an eight-minute scene.

As a result, when I went to see it when it was released, there was no such person as him from beginning to end, and it was cut completely, and Dan Bilzerian, who was very angry, immediately went to sue the film team.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

This matter was also in an uproar at the time. But in fact, his health is not very good, when he was 25 years old, he had two heart attacks, and in 2011, he also suffered a lung infarction.

It seems that the unruly life is also quite risky. As for his personal net worth, it reached 609 million yuan in 2013, and after so many years, the media has reported a lot less about him, and it is unknown what his current asset status is.

But his way of showing off his wealth also attracted a "competitor".

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The original article was published in the global network on 2013-12-03 about "British media exposed billionaires' extravagant lives and repeated heart attacks (picture)"

With such a niche track, there are still competitors?

In 2015, an Iranian businessman Tony Toutouni who settled in the United States successfully became popular on a well-known social software by showing off his wealth. I usually show some weapons, luxury cars, money, and beautiful women.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars
The original article was published in Jiemian News on 2015-04-28 about "The new king of wealth on Instagram, blinding netizens with stacks of dollars and beauties"

Before him, the most famous person on the social media was Dan Bilzerian, an American billionaire who made his fortune gambling.

Some media also threw the question to Tony Toutouni, but he said that he did not want to compete with Dan Bilzerian.

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars

He also said that Dan Bilzerian was a friend of his, and the reason why he posted various photos on the social networking site was also influenced by Dan Bilzerian......

The world champion lives extravagantly: lions as pets, throws naked girls into the pool, drives tanks and presses luxury cars


This kind of life of the rich can be regarded as an eye-opener through their daily life photos, which really shows their extravagant and rich life to the fullest!

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