
Tianshengqiao Reservoir Area Small Passenger and Freight Ferry Inspection Regulations (2012) after the evaluation, you are invited to participate

author:Guangxi Maritime Safety Administration
Tianshengqiao Reservoir Area Small Passenger and Freight Ferry Inspection Regulations (2012) after the evaluation, you are invited to participate

In order to strengthen the safety management of passenger/cargo ferries in the Tianshengqiao reservoir area and implement the work deployment of the notice on strengthening the safety management of water traffic in the Tianshengqiao reservoir area (Safety Committee [2004] No. 540), the Maritime Safety Administration of the Ministry of Transport formulated and issued the "Regulations on the Inspection of Small Passenger/Cargo Ferries in the Tianshengqiao Reservoir Area (2012)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") in 2011, which has been implemented since March 1, 2012, and the "Regulations" have been issued and implemented for 12 years.

Tianshengqiao Reservoir Area Small Passenger and Freight Ferry Inspection Regulations (2012) after the evaluation, you are invited to participate

According to the requirements of the Notice of the Maritime Safety Administration of the Ministry of Transport on Carrying out the Post-Evaluation of the Technical Specifications of Inland River Bulk Vessels and Other Ships (Hai Ship Gui Han [2024] No. 1002), the Guangxi Maritime Safety Administration will take the lead in carrying out the post-evaluation questionnaire of the "Regulations" to grasp the implementation effect of the "Regulations" and provide a basis for the formulation and revision of the relevant ship technical specifications.

Tianshengqiao Reservoir Area Small Passenger and Freight Ferry Inspection Regulations (2012) after the evaluation, you are invited to participate

The questionnaire is anonymous, all data are only used for statistical analysis, and the deadline for the questionnaire is July 7, 2024. Your answer will provide an important reference for the post-evaluation of the "Regulations", please answer in the order of prompts, thank you for your support and cooperation.

Source | Ship Supervision Department of Guangxi Maritime Safety Administration, Baise Maritime Safety Bureau

Audit | Wei Yuexing

Editor-in-charge | Xu Biyuan

Edit | Zhong Ziran