
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

author:Xu Qing is coming
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States


Since the founding of New China, the United States has been trying its best to stop China's development, because the United States also understands that China's development momentum is too rapid, and if it is not stopped in time, it will certainly shake the "hegemonic status" of the United States in the world.

The United States also regards China as a "strategic rival" and "competitor", and even former US Secretary of Defense Minihan said that there must be a war between China and the United States, and has also conducted many deductions for this battle.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

The United States covets China

History is like a mirror, more than 70 years ago, when the smoke of World War II raged, the whole world was shrouded in war. Although we are now in an era of peace and the world has gone through a long time, the aftermath of war is still profound.

China is the world's largest developing country and an important force in global economic development. However, in today's international situation, Japan has never openly admitted to its invasion of China, and even in recent years it has been actively expanding its military strength.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

At a time when cross-strait relations are becoming tense, China's national security is facing great uncertainties. The U.S. victory in World War II established the status of "world hegemon" and attempted to strengthen U.S. influence in the Taiwan Strait through alliances, putting China in danger of invasion once again.

The U.S. Department of Defense regards China as a "competitor" and a "strategic adversary", and it is also in the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict that it puts forward this concept, obviously hoping to replicate the situation in "Ukraine" in China.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States
Source: 2022-3-29 "U.S. Department of Defense Strategy Brief Sees China as "Most Important Strategic Competitor", Foreign Ministry Responds"
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

In response, a team of PLA experts also tested the weapon in the "three wars" scenario, partly to test whether China would be able to win the "three wars" and make bold predictions.

On the other hand, it is to respond to the United States, after all, the United States has always regarded China as an adversary and wants to strike at China, for which China's People's Liberation Army has prepared for the worst.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

According to Western media reports, the US Department of Defense has listed China as a "strategic adversary" in its National Defense Strategy.

What's more, this is the highest-level strategic defense guide formulated by the United States in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, at that time, some Western analysts believed that China had surpassed Russia as the "number one adversary" in the eyes of the United States.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

As a matter of fact, the thinking of the Americans is very simple: no matter what country it is, anything that poses a threat to their "hegemon" status must be eradicated, and if it cannot be resolved through consultation, then force should be used.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the United States has been suppressing China, both economically and technologically.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

Especially in recent years, China's strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and the United States does not want to see other countries threaten their "hegemon" status, so the United States has tried every means to suppress China.

Many high-ranking officials in the United States have also repeatedly made threatening remarks against China, and even threatened that there will be a war between China and the United States.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States
Source: China News Network 2017-2-4 "Trump Adviser Claims that China and the United States Must Have a War in the South China Sea, Foreign Ministry Responds"
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

And in January of last year, the commander of the U.S. Air Force, Adm. Mike Minihan, sent a memo to all joint air commanders and other air force combat commanders.

It clearly records that they are required to prepare for war with China by February 28, 2023.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

And Minihan also said that since both Taiwan and the United States will hold elections in 2024, the United States has no time to take care of Taiwan, which creates favorable conditions for China to create conflicts.

And the memorandum also mentions that there will be a war between China and the United States in 2025.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States
Information source: Overseas Network 2023-1-29 "The belligerent gene continues to trouble, and the fantasy of "war with China", the United States has a new version! 》
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

The results of China's deduction are the same as those of the United States

A war between major powers is definitely a disaster for the common people and must not be tried lightly.

In order to cope with the possible all-out war launched by the United States, the Chinese People's Liberation Army held a "three-war" exercise in 2023 to fully test the various situations that the PLA may encounter when fighting the US military in a state of "all-out war".

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

The term "local forces" can also be seen in the papers published by the PLA's expert team, although they are not named, but even warships such as the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers of the United States are used, which is like treating the United States as an "imaginary enemy".

The "all-out war" between China and the United States can be said to be the "three wars", because China and the United States are both the two strongest powers in the world today, and both have terrifying nuclear bombs in their hands, and if there is a war, the whole world will be affected.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

The PLA has not said it is prepared for this in the past, but now it is clear that it is preparing for the worst.

The simulation of this battle is no less difficult than the lunar mission, and the PLA must not only cope with the enemy's all-round missile strikes in the simulated environment, but also overcome various interference factors.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

Moreover, most importantly, the intensity of their electronic jamming has reached 30 times that of PLA warships, which has led to a significant reduction in our radar detection capabilities, a great limitation of anti-aircraft firepower, and a plummeting hit rate of 50%.

In such a harsh combat environment, the battle damage can be as high as 60%. This scene is both shocking and makes people wonder if the PLA will be able to overcome the many tests and achieve the final victory.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

However, according to reports, the PLA only needs 24 missiles to completely annihilate the USS Ford, the most advanced aircraft carrier of the US military, and the results of this exercise have also surprised many Western military experts and the public, and also proved the strength and combat effectiveness of the PLA.

Many Western military experts and the public were surprised, and at the same time, it also proved the strength and combat effectiveness of the PLA.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States
Source: Sputnik News Agency 2023-6-28 "Chinese scientists simulate a full-scale war scenario of the PLA Navy against a hypothetical "alliance"
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

The United States has never thought of stopping its suppression and sanctions against China, and in order to prevent an inevitable war with China, it has launched a series of military exercises on the Taiwan Strait issue, and the results are basically the same as those of the Chinese military.

In 2021, Ochmaneko, an expert at the RAND Corporation, a well-known think tank in the United States and a former U.S. Defense Department official, said that over the years, every military exercise on the Taiwan Strait issue has been defeated.

Because in this situation, time is very precious, and this will also give Chinese mainland an advantage with its advantageous geographical location and capabilities.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States
Source: 2024-1-10 "Ma Ying-jeou: The United States has lost 18 wars between China and the United States, don't believe the verbal promises of the United States"
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

The U.S. Center for International Maritime Security said in March 2024, citing a paper by Kitchin, a researcher at the Royal Navy's Institute for Strategic Studies.

In the past 10 years, the United States and think tanks have made countless deductions on the Sino-US "war" over the Taiwan issue, and the results have shown that the United States has not gained the upper hand, and judging from the time deduction, China's chances of winning will only increase.

Many reckoning shows that the joint efforts of the United States and its allies will eventually fail, and that a full-scale war with China is likely to lead to a new world war, in which the United States and its allies will suffer greater losses than in World War II.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

If there is a war between China and the United States, Japan will surely become a pawn

However, if there is bound to be a war between China and the United States, will Japan, the "lackey" of the United States, also take action against China? Relations between China and the United States have always been tense.

But every time there is a game between China and the United States, Japan and South Korea will be involved, especially Japan is the most active, and whenever China encounters difficulties, Japan will always step on it.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

Although Japan was restricted after World War II, and the United States also stationed troops in Japan to avoid the resurgence of "militarism", the ambition of the Japanese to rise again has never weakened, and they still want to become the "first brother of Asia" again.

After seeing the US attitude toward China, Japan also quickly hugged the thigh of the United States and became the vanguard of anti-China, trying to force the United States to "loosen its military ties" to it so as to stop China's actions in the Taiwan Strait.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

Moreover, Japan has often made a fuss about the Taiwan issue, and when Lai Qingde took office, he not only sent congressmen to attend the inauguration ceremony, but also said on the Taiwan issue that "if there is something wrong with Taiwan, there is something wrong with Japan."

From this point alone, we can see that if a "war" breaks out between China and the United States over the Taiwan issue, then Japan will certainly intervene without hesitation, and Japan's wolf ambitions have never been played with.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States
Information source: China Youth Network 2021-12-1 "Abe's wild words: "Taiwan has something" is equivalent to "Japan has something"! 》
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

On June 10, state media reported that Japan had begun to use the U.S. "Starlink" technology to provide communication services, and Japan said that this action was only to strengthen the potential attack on satellite communications in wartime and strengthen its own defense capabilities.

Musk's "Starlink" technology, through thousands of satellites in low earth orbit, has built a powerful satellite network, which has greatly improved the communication strength of the United States, this technology has been well demonstrated in the Russian-Ukrainian war and has a huge military use.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States
Information source: Red Star News 2024-6-10 "Musk's big news! Japan's Self-Defense Forces begin trial of "Starlink"! Announced that 90% of surface ships will be equipped with "Starlink" signal receiving terminals within three years》
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

And Japan has already started to use this technology, which is a big challenge for China.

Although some people have proposed to completely destroy this starlink, because the starlink is too huge, destroying a small part of it will have little impact on the entire system, not to mention that Western countries will definitely try their best to prevent us from destroying this starlink.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

If we recover Taiwan, we may have a certain conflict with the United States, but it is unlikely that we will have a hard confrontation with the United States.

However, Japan is different, and when the time comes, Japan will definitely be the first to jump out and "bite" China, mainly because Japan is the "bridgehead" of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region and has established a large number of US military bases here.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

If the mainland and Taiwan really come to the last step, we must uproot the US military bases in Japan as soon as possible and never cause future troubles.

At that time, it is difficult to guarantee that Japan will not use the US "Starlink" to carry out a surprise attack on us, after all, the "Pearl Harbor" incident is enough to make people wake up.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

However, this situation is only conjecture, and it is not clear whether the mainland and Taiwan will take the last step, and whether the United States will go to war with China.

However, it is indispensable to guard against others, especially in the case of an alliance between the United States and Japan, if there is a "war" between China and the United States, then Japan will definitely choose to help the United States rather than China.

Therefore, we must not take it lightly and ignore this small but arrogant Japan, which is definitely an important chess piece used by the United States in a future "war", and we have to guard against it!

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States


Although it is uncertain whether there will really be a "war" between China and the United States, judging from the current situation, the United States has wasted too many resources and energy on the Russia-Ukraine and Palestinian-Israeli conflicts, not to mention that this year is still an election year, so for China, the time is the best time for development.

Regardless of whether there will be a war between China and the United States, there is no doubt that the United States will continue to suppress and sanction China after freeing up its hands, so China needs to be fully prepared.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) prepared for the worst and tested the scenario of World War III, and the results were very similar to those of the United States

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