
A must-see for parents! How to detect "short stature in children" early?

author:Guangzhou Children's Training v

How to make their children "superior" has become a hot issue for parents. Continental short stature accounts for about 3% of children, which seriously affects children's adult lifelong height. However, most parents lack the necessary correct understanding of short stature and have many misunderstandings, resulting in missing the best time for diagnosis and treatment, and regretting it for life.

Is your child short? Is it slow? The standard deviation method is generally used to judge short stature: that is, the height of a child is two standard deviations lower than the height of normal children of the same age, sex and region, and short stature can be diagnosed; In life, if the child is half a head below his peers for a long time, sits in the first row of the class all the time, and grows less than 5 cm taller per year from the age of 3 to puberty, he or she may be suspected of growth retardation.

A must-see for parents! How to detect "short stature in children" early?

One. How can I tell if my child is of normal height?

(1) Comparison with the height standard table or height percentile curve formulated by the state;

(2) Pay attention to observe whether the child is more short among other children of the same age and gender;

(3) whether the child always sits in the first two rows in class;

(4) Whether the child is in the top three short ones in physical education class;

(5) Whether the size of the child's clothes, pants and shoes has not been changed for a long time;

(6) The child's growth rate is low: the annual growth rate from 3 years old to puberty is <5 cm, and the annual growth rate of adolescence is <8 cm.

A must-see for parents! How to detect "short stature in children" early?

Two. Parents often misunderstand their children's height

Myth 1: Blindly waiting, thinking that children will grow naturally when they are still young and should grow up

The normal growth and development of children: 80% correlation rate with final height at the age of 3; If your child fails to catch up with other normal children by the age of 3, it is possible that they will end up falling behind in the same height. The phenomenon of late growth is not a common phenomenon, and children should not be blindly considered to grow late and wait blindly.

Myth 2: If the parents are tall, the children will not be short

A child's height is affected by many factors: genetics, environment, endocrine diseases, etc., genetic factors account for only about 70%, and about 30% are affected by other factors. Therefore, the height of the parents is not necessarily the height of the child; Parents are short, and children don't have to be short in height. If the child's height is not up to the standard at the age of 3, it is necessary to consult the corresponding growth and development specialist in time.

Myth 3: If the child's test results are normal, he is short stature and does not need treatment

Routine examination results are normal but short stature, clinically known as idiopathic short stature, is the most common cause of short stature in childhood, including familial short stature. Children with idiopathic short stature are largely backward in their lifetime height in adulthood if they are not treated in a timely manner.

Myth 4: Credulous belief in height-increasing advertisements and height-increasing drugs

Parents should not believe in the advertisements of non-formal channels to increase height and choose health products and devices to increase height. Many height enhancement drugs usually contain sex hormones and other unknown ingredients, which often cause the child's bone age to mature early and reduce the growth potential, resulting in lifelong height and short child.

A must-see for parents! How to detect "short stature in children" early?

Three. Methods to help children's growth and development (for reference only)

1. Balanced nutrition

An abundant and balanced supply of nutrients is the material basis for growth and development. Children should eat more fish, shrimp, lean meat, poultry eggs, etc., which are rich in high-quality protein; Calcium-rich milk, shrimp skin, kelp, soy products, pork ribs, etc.; Marine fish rich in vitamin D, such as pork, beef, lamb and animal liver, which are rich in zinc, animal liver, egg yolk and cream, etc., help to absorb and utilize calcium. And pay attention to the thickness of food, meat and vegetable combination and diversification, do not be picky, not picky, and eat less snacks, especially sweets.

2. Effective exercise

Urge children to insist on 20~40 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, especially outdoors, which can stimulate the secretion of growth hormone and promote the growth of epiphysis. Aerobic exercise means that the child's heart rate should reach 120~140 beats/min after exercise, and sweating and ruddy complexion appear. It is better to skip rope, touch height, badminton, basketball, pull-ups, swimming and other longitudinal, bouncing, and promotional sports, and avoid those weight-bearing and compressive sports, such as weightlifting, dumbbell lifting, wrestling, etc., which are not conducive to growing taller.

3. Get enough sleep

People grow taller mainly by growth hormone, which is a pulse secretion, generally about 1 hour after falling asleep, the secretion of growth hormone will reach the highest peak, which is 3~5 times that of the day, so ensuring adequate and high-quality sleep is conducive to growing taller. Teenagers should ensure 9~10 hours of sleep every day, and going to bed before 9 o'clock is the "secret" of a long time.

4. Good mood

Feeling good also helps with growth hormone secretion, which is a catalyst for growing longer. Children with short stature should pay more attention to their mental health to prevent low self-esteem, depression, withdrawal, etc.

5. Prevent disease

Spend more time in the sun, strengthen outdoor exercise, increase or decrease clothing in time, increase cold training, and improve immunity.

A must-see for parents! How to detect "short stature in children" early?


Parents whose children are not tall should give their children regular physical examinations and record them to observe the changes in the growth rate of their children's height, and it is recommended to check them every 3~6 months to find abnormalities and seek medical attention in time.