
When will you find out who I am?

author:The official account is memorable

Pay attention to the official account, the compass of the west wind, to read the text "What affects your life, not the college entrance examination, not the volunteer, but the cycle"

Some readers read the article written for repeaters that day and thought that I had said that it was too easy to get into 211, as if anyone could complete it.

They feel like they just can't do it.

It's not that I don't understand the method I'm talking about, but I understand it, and I can't implement it.

So I wanted to ask, why can't I do it?

The answer is very simple, but ask everyone, have you ever played the game?

Have you ever noticed that you play a development game, that game character is very good under your control, he can achieve almost everything you can't think of in reality, and even a character has achieved achievements in many fields.


It's very simple, you don't treat him as a human being.

He's just a game character, it's just a game, he will continue to play as long as the blood groove is not available, he will wake up after the physical fight and continue to play.

Think about it, why can Zhou Papi learn to crow in the middle of the night?

Because he is letting the long-term workers do the work, not letting himself.

That's very simple, don't you just get to treat yourself as a long-term worker?

I'm playing the game right now, the so-called me in this world is just a game character, the scene of this game is called the earth, and the game character you choose is your own name.

Now the game begins.

Who are you? You're Zhou Papi, you're playing a game, playing this earthling who calls your name.

If you have any ideals, let him realize them for you.

If he does not listen to you, draw until he listens to you.

Tang Taizong asked Wu Meiniang how to subdue the fierce horse, and Wu Meiniang said, first with a whip, then with a dagger, and finally with a hammer.

That's right, it's so tame.

What is a horse? Game items only. What is this earthling who has your name in possession? Game characters only.

Fierce horses can be tamed, let alone humans?

Tame this earthling, and then do whatever you want, you have any ideals, you can let him realize them for you, and his time is all at your disposal.

The name of this game is Life.

There's only one reason why you have so many problems, and that's why you're here to play the game, but you have to think of that character as yourself.

That's a P.

Before you do something, you have to ask yourself 800 times what is the point.

I'm curious, when you play the game, do you worry about that game character, what's the point?

Obviously something that doesn't make any sense, don't we just do it out of curiosity and let that game character run around and explore the map for you?

Haven't you figured out what the point is before letting your game character lie in bed in a daze?

What gamer would play like that?

Do you know what it means to play? It's just tossing each other, tossing each other to realize your ideas for you, this is called playing.

When you do one thing on a daily basis, you must first ask 800 times what is the optimal path and how to minimize the loss.

I wondered, you look forward to the future like this when you play games?

Who doesn't play the game first? I can't get through, I'm stuck, and I'm going to look for a solution.

Don't they all play like this?

What is the biggest cost for a gamer?

It's time.

Do you think about why Zhou Papi learned to crow in the middle of the night?

Because the worker's wages have already been paid, if you don't let him do it, you will lose money.

That's the same thing about playing games, I've paid for everything, I'm here to play, and if the game character doesn't do anything, it's equivalent to a loss.

Isn't it your goal to let the characters do everything you want to achieve for you as much as possible?

So do you understand?

What is your real problem?

It's you who take yourself too seriously.

The earthling who has your name is not a person at all, he is just a game character.

If you have to treat him as yourself, if you have to treat him as a person, or even serve him like an uncle, then you deserve to be mentally exhausted every day.

Some people are probably confused, isn't this earthling with my name just me? Isn't it my own pain when I toss him like this?

This kind of thinking is foolish.

Do you have proof that he is you? Is there one?

Come, tell me, what are you?

Human cells rotate every seven years, which means that after 7 years, none of your cells will be the same as your 7 years ago.

Excuse me, what is he to you?

Don't make a fuss, at this stage of your life, it's impossible to see the real yourself.

You're just living in a mess of illusion, living like a mess of mush.

You're either a puppet drawn by desire, or you're a fool who mistakenly thinks you'll not be pulled when you're lying flat.

So I told you not to talk about those useless things, you play the game first, and play this earthling who has your name as a game character first.

It doesn't matter if he's in pain or joy, it doesn't matter at all, sooner or later he's going to turn to ashes. Would you care about a pile of fertilizer, pain or joy?

This futuristic fertilizer is the only tool you can control.

You control him, let him realize all your ideas first, and let him do whatever he wants.

Whether you want to take the Qingbei exam or want to make a lot of money, leave it all to him.

His time is your bargaining chip, and today's quota is not used today, and it cannot be saved tomorrow.

See what that means? He has 24 hours today and 24 hours tomorrow.

You made him fish and touch for 12 hours today, and tomorrow it won't be 36 hours.

The character you control has 3,600 seconds per hour, and 3,600 seconds for the next.

You make him in a daze for 3,600 seconds out of 3,000 seconds per hour, sorry, the next hour won't turn into 6,600 seconds.

See what I mean?

Only by squeezing out every hour, every second or even every moment, and making him highly focused and highly concentrated, can you make the most of the resources at hand.

When will you find out who I am? Find your true self?

It's very simple, when you control this game character who has achieved a lot of dreams.

You possess this game character, and after experiencing all the ups and downs he has experienced, one day, maybe you will send out Lu Zhishen's insight:

Now I know that I am me.

Wait until that day to find out who I am, and you will find out who you really are.

Who are you?

You're not human, never have been.

You're just playing an immersive game, the earthling you're possessing, and he's able to transmit all the senses, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind to you through sensors.

It makes you feel like you're at one with him and with the character of this game.

When you one day, you really understand the game, suddenly wake up, and return to your original position, you will find that the whole universe is just a designed game, and the earth is just a chapter in the game.

And the reason why you play the whole game is just to wake up, to control this game character, and to stimulate your true self through rich experiences, to wake yourself up, to return to the real world outside the universe.

Awake? If you don't wake up, you will play a good game, and if you play well, you won't have to play again in the next life.

If you don't play well, I'm sorry, I will have to be reincarnated in the next life, maybe I will be a cow and a horse, a Akina, and a Seth Black.

You feel sorry for the game character in this game, but no one will feel sorry for you, no one will feel sorry for the ups and downs of the bitter sea that will never wake up, the real you who will be reincarnated forever.

But you must pay attention to one thing, the topic we are talking about today is for yourself, not for others, especially for children.

Too many of us are double-standard.

When they go to work, they go against what the leader asks them to do, and when they come home, they expect their children to be like a computer, and they will react to whatever button they press.

Is it possible? Do you think it's possible?

Yesterday a full-level reader asked me about a decision about his child's future career.

I read the message and replied, "Discuss it with your child, because this matter is for him to carry out, and it will cost him his whole life."

As a result, people said without thinking that there was no need to discuss, the child would listen to him.

Then don't come and ask me, because I told you, and you didn't listen.

Children listen to you, there are only two situations, one is that he has no brains and is used to listening, how can a person who has no thinking ability take over as the boss?

The other is that he has ideas, but deep down he has already rejected you, the door of his heart is closed, and he won't tell you if he has something to say, so how to complete the handover?

This reader is obviously used to managing workers.

How do the workers manage? What you say, what he does.

Are you in charge of the workers now? No, it's your heir.

Don't heirs need brains either? What do you say and what does he do? So is this the boss or the worker?

Therefore, the birth of talent is like a chicken, it pecks through the eggshell from the inside, which is called new life.

Conversely, if you break its eggshell from the outside, it's a puddle of water.

The true self we are talking about today is such a thing, you set your own goals, you control yourself, and slowly, your true self emerges.

Others stipulate that you should get up with your left foot or your right foot first every day, sorry, your ability to think will be stifled, and you will become a muddy laborer.

Pay attention to the official account, the compass of the west wind, to read the text "What affects your life, not the college entrance examination, not the volunteer, but the cycle"

When will you find out who I am?