
How to look at the national Olympiad fever caused by this Lianshui Specialty

author:The official account is memorable

Pay attention to the official account, the compass of the west wind, to read the text "What affects your life, not the college entrance examination, not the volunteer, but the cycle"

Today, we will continue to answer the questions left by full-level readers.

Someone left a message asking me what I thought of the Olympiad fever brought about by this 17-year-old secondary school girl who won the 12th place in the world in the mathematics competition.

Now there are a lot of phone calls coming in, persuading her to report the Olympiad for her child.

This reader also saw some other parents who were following the trend and bought textbooks on partial differential equations for their children. It's because the secondary school girl used the knowledge in this book in the process of the competition.

All in all, her question is just one sentence, is it necessary to report the Olympiad to the child? For Puva, will this be a miracle move?

I spent 10 years in primary and secondary school on math competitions, and I can give you some views on this subject.

First of all, let's get straight to the point, after so many years, I found a very interesting thing.

It's just that decades later, when people reach middle age, I divide the people I know into two collections.

The A set is a mathematics competition that has achieved a ranking or a long-term mathematics competition.

Set B did not make a ranking, or in other words, did not invest time in a math competition for a long time.

You note that this sample needs to be corresponding.

For example, the two groups A and B have to be top schools and popular majors, and then compare.

You can't compare with the public, compare with netizens, then it's meaningless, you just grab a so-called loser, and you will beat the average level of netizens.

If you don't look at the results, I will naturally think that the success rate in A is the group of people who mix well in a few decades, whether you are rich, status, or academic.

It should be higher than the yield in B.

The failure rate in A is mixed with a little back, and it should be lower than that of the B group.

But when I look at this data decades later, it's exactly the other way around, at least in the statistics of all the sample composition that I've seen.

It's a strange thing, it stands to reason that the better you are at math, the smarter you are, and math competitions help stimulate your intellectual development, which should make you smarter.

After thinking about this reason for a long time, I feel that the core problem lies in the Olympiad mathematics, which prematurely affects the value judgment of children, thus indirectly changing their lives.

When I was a child, it was in the 80s, and there were no non-governmental Olympiad training courses, all of which were officially organized.

When I was 8 years old, I was chosen.

There are many questions in the test, such as summing a series of numbers, that is, 1 is added all the way, and when you add it to 100, it is equal to how much.

There was no Internet in our time, Olympiad was not yet popular, and I had never learned the equal-difference sequence, but I used the same method as Gauss.

It is the method invented by Gauss to calculate the same problem when he was 9 years old, 1+100, 2+99.......

Like us, the children who have not studied and can re-follow the old path of mathematicians in history by virtue of their talent will be sent to learn the Olympiad, which is run by the government.

I studied for many years, until I was a freshman in high school, and I gradually gave up.

Because my total score is still relatively high, if I rely on the competition to ensure that the results of the college entrance examination are better than my results in the college entrance examination, there is basically only one way to win the gold medal.

But I couldn't get the gold medal, not to mention anything else, the number one master in our grade at that time, the more I couldn't pass.

He didn't win a gold medal either.

In the last year, there were more than a dozen people in the national team, and he was at the bottom, and this is the distance between him and the gold medal.

But the distance between him and me was too great.

The person who tutored me for a long time in math competitions is also the first in the country, and he also told me that you can't beat your classmate.

Is he strong? Not very strong either, he actually did not achieve as much in math competitions as my teacher.

But my teacher, who was so good at math competitions, ended up just going to college to be an unknown math teacher.

When Wei Shen was famous before, I once asked my former teacher, saying, how far are you from him at your peak.

He said that he was inferior to Wei Shen, and the distance was about equivalent to the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River and Sha Tongtian.

Then I was curious, I asked him, what do you think is the distance between Wei Shen and the two Chinese mathematicians in the world, Yau Chengtong and Tao Zhexuan?

He told me that there was no point in asking such questions.

A math competition is a math competition, and a mathematician is a mathematician.

You can't compare the people in Jin Yong's novels with the people in Saint Seiya's novels.

Even if Sha Tongtian practiced Huang Laoxi, it would be impossible for him to punch a million times per second like the Bronze Saint Seiya.

Math Olympiad is a game, and math is a science.

Some people are not good at Olympiad mathematics, but they can also become mathematics masters, and some people are very good at Olympiad mathematics and are not helpful for scientific research.

Then let's not talk about the Olympiad, let's talk about mathematics.

In the field of mathematics, the king of quantification, the late Simmons, if we define him as a Saint Seiya intern.

Then Yau Chengtong and Tao Zhexuan are about the bronze saints.

From here, there are many scholars, many of whom are familiar names.

Like Femat, Laplace, Descartes, Leibniz, Hilbert, too many.

These are all great gods, the master of the purple dragon, the golden saint and the like.

One of them, Bernoulli, we all know each other.

In his early years, he spent more than half a year trying to find a general solution to the fastest descent line, and this question was originally proposed by Galileo, but Galileo made a mistake.

After Bernoulli's success, he was very excited, so he sent a martial arts post to the world's heroes, which means that he did not accept the battle.

As a result, Newton did it in half a day.

This is about the distance between the Golden Saint Seiya and Athena.

So was Newton a good cow?

The regular heptangram, which Newton never drew in his lifetime, was the subject of a lifelong study by a university teacher.

The university teacher had a 19-year-old student named Gauss, and the teacher would give him three homework assignments every day.

One day, the teacher took the wrong one and put his subject as homework in Gauss's notebook.

Gauss found out why it was so difficult today, and it took him a whole night to figure it out, and when he handed in his homework the next day, he told the teacher in frustration that I was too stupid and it took me a long time to do it.

The teacher was shocked when he saw it.

This problem has puzzled mathematicians for more than 2,000 years, and Newton spent his life trying to figure out how to make Gauss mistake his homework and do it.

So what do you say if Newton was Athena, what was Gauss?

These mathematicians have heard a little anecdote about history, from the elementary school Olympiad.

You see, the point is that the wrong perception is planted in the children's minds.

What picture does such a map, or the path to the peak in mathematics, leave for children?

The world is Journey to the West, the white bones can't beat Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong can't beat Guanyin, and Guanyin can't beat Rulai.

Everyone uses linear thinking to understand the world.

But is that really the way the world is?

In fact, if you have played mahjong, you will know that there are not only thirteen who can hu, understand?

The big four can also be Hu, the big three yuan can also be Hu, all the colors can be Hu, a dragon can also be Hu, seven small pairs can also be Hu, seven stars can be Hu without relying on, even if it is a fart, it can be Hu.

What do you want to do nonsense on what basis? It is based on the principle of proximity.

Whoever you are close to, you make it to whomever you want, not that everyone has to go up to thirteen.

I also hesitated when I was a sophomore in high school, and I have spent 9 years on the Olympiad, am I really stupid? Am I really bad at math?

A teacher saw that I was depressed, smiled, and said to me: There is nothing good or bad in this world, every student is good, and everyone is good in their own way.

For example, in the sophomore year of high school, I ranked in the top 100 in the province, and in the liberal arts, I ranked in the top 100. If you study literature, you have no future if you study it, and you don't want to study. Academically, the ranking is too low, and if you want to rush to the top level, you have no chance of winning.

The teacher told me, "Son, don't think about things like that."

Let's re-rank, let's pull in all the subjects of arts and sciences, and then rank, who is the first in the province?

You are already there now.

See? You are no worse than others.

Are you proud?

So what if we add a few more classes, like physical education, music?

It's over, you don't even know where it's gone.


Then I'll take you to the world outside the school, and you can see how many great people there are in history, and there are many people who are inferior to you in every subject.

All the courses you have studied, Sun Bin has not studied, can he pass you? Even if he studied physical education and his knees are gone, can he run faster than you?

With him at the bottom, no matter how slow you run, you are the second-to-last.

I was amused by the teacher because I saw the wider world.

In fact, when I was in junior high school, my grandfather said something similar.

At that time, my article was published in the national press, which was very difficult in the 90s, when there was no self-media and there were many young people.

Because the channel is too narrow.

Relatives and friends came to congratulate me, a little writer was born, I was complacent, and my grandfather closed the door and talked to me.

Do you know what happens to horse racing?

The end of horse racing is often miserable, every coach will say that it is for your good, but in fact, it is just using you as a tool to make money, and when you are old and can't run, in their eyes, the former genius is just a mule to grind.

So, if you don't want such an ending, you can't just have a horse racing perspective.

You have to see the coaches nodding their heads and asking about the main prize money at the racecourse, you have to see the owners sitting in the stands smoking cigars and placing bets, and you have to see the money around the race.

You also have to see that the so-called which horse is good and which horse is not good is just a game that people customize in order to bet.

Have you ever wondered why you stand out?

It is because there are only a few editors in the review of newspapers and periodicals, and if one day, the newspaper does not exist, and the judges are no longer those editors, and the judges are the people of the whole country, will you still stand out?

So you get it? Is it only thirteen to win, in fact, it is changing.

In the years when I was a system architect, I was comparing myself to solving technical problems that I had never encountered in a non-standard environment.

When I started my business, I was talking about how to sell products and how to get financing.

When I do quantitative trading in the international market, strictly speaking, it still belongs to the category of mathematics, but what is the comparison? It's Tony Leung's line.

There are different types of martial arts in the world, but there are no more than two endings, going out vertically or horizontally.

You thought you were playing a fixed hand? No, you're playing a game of variation.

Today maybe thirteen is counted as Hu, but tomorrow it will not be counted.

So if you think clearly, the focus is never on whether to participate in the Olympiad or not, what really affects your child is what we talked about that day, home learning, hidden learning.

What kind of person have you taught your child to become?

Is it used by others as a tool to chase fame and fortune, or is it a person with a mature pattern, a person with a far-sighted vision, a person with a broad vision, and a person who has no regrets in this life.

This is the most important question for you, as a parent.

Pay attention to the official account, the compass of the west wind, to read the text "What affects your life, not the college entrance examination, not the volunteer, but the cycle"

How to look at the national Olympiad fever caused by this Lianshui Specialty