
Is the root cause of a long-term cough in the kidneys? Blindly Chinese patent medicine, kidney qi returns to the source, say goodbye to a long cough!

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Li Songyan

Cough, this is a very common symptom, basically everyone has had, but this small symptom is very painful, especially those who have a long-term cough, it is even more painful, sometimes because of this problem, I dare not sleep with the child at night, for fear of disturbing the child's sleep.

Is the root cause of a long-term cough in the kidneys? Blindly Chinese patent medicine, kidney qi returns to the source, say goodbye to a long cough!

I have also taken all kinds of medicines that nourish the lungs, nourish the lungs, and moisten the lungs, but they are not good. In fact, is it possible that the root of the cough is not in the lungs, today I will share with you a Chinese patent medicine, so that you can say goodbye to a long cough.

Is the root cause of a long-term cough in the kidneys? Blindly Chinese patent medicine, kidney qi returns to the source, say goodbye to a long cough!

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" said that "all the five internal organs make people cough", that is to say, any organ problem will lead to coughing, but in our life, in addition to "lung cough", there is also "kidney cough" is a cough caused by kidney problems.

Is the root cause of a long-term cough in the kidneys? Blindly Chinese patent medicine, kidney qi returns to the source, say goodbye to a long cough!

For example, modern people often stay up late and work overtime, or some female friends are at home with children, tutoring homework, mopping the floor and washing clothes, and they are busy until 11 o'clock at night, 12 o'clock, or even 1 or 2 o'clock at night, which can easily lead to kidney deficiency.

Is the root cause of a long-term cough in the kidneys? Blindly Chinese patent medicine, kidney qi returns to the source, say goodbye to a long cough!

In traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs belong to gold, the kidneys belong to water, lung gold can breed kidney water, the lungs are the mother, the kidneys are the son, and the relationship between the mother and the child, we often say that the child is sick and the mother, that is, the child is sick, and it will also lead to the mother's side, so the kidney disease will also affect the lungs.

Is the root cause of a long-term cough in the kidneys? Blindly Chinese patent medicine, kidney qi returns to the source, say goodbye to a long cough!

However, when the kidney's ability to absorb qi is weakened or abnormal, it can only make the clear qi reach the chest, and it will show coughing, and when the two organs are weak, in addition to coughing, it will also show symptoms such as feeling out of breath when it is slightly moved, viscous sputum, soreness in the waist and legs, palpitation, sweating in the palms and feet, dry mouth and other symptoms.

Is the root cause of a long-term cough in the kidneys? Blindly Chinese patent medicine, kidney qi returns to the source, say goodbye to a long cough!

Then for this situation, we can refer to the nourishing liver and kidney pills.

Is the root cause of a long-term cough in the kidneys? Blindly Chinese patent medicine, kidney qi returns to the source, say goodbye to a long cough!

Because staying up late will not only lead to kidney deficiency, but also deplete liver and blood, and among them, Polygonum multiflori, ligustrum, black lotus, schisandra and so on can be used to nourish the liver and kidneys. Angelica sinensis and rehmannia can not only nourish the liver and kidneys, but also nourish blood and invigorate the blood, and replenish the essence and fill the marrow. Then add the northern sand ginseng, wheat winter, and Sichuan to moisten the lungs and clear the heart, and nourish the yin and rejuvenate the body. Finally, tangerine peel and floating wheat are dried and damp together to dissolve phlegm, nourish the heart and remove troubles. It also helps to enhance the efficacy.

Is the root cause of a long-term cough in the kidneys? Blindly Chinese patent medicine, kidney qi returns to the source, say goodbye to a long cough!

Well, that's all for today's sharing, when it comes to medication, you must use it correctly under the dialectical guidance of the doctor!