
Runny nose and spleen are not good, nasal congestion and lungs are not good, rhinitis and kidney are not good, learn 2 Chinese patent medicines, and encircle and suppress rhinitis

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Li Songyan

So many years of clinical experience tell us that rhinitis cannot only treat the nose, but needs to regulate the whole body, especially the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. Today, I will tell you how to apply 2 Chinese patent medicines to improve rhinitis

Runny nose and spleen are not good, nasal congestion and lungs are not good, rhinitis and kidney are not good, learn 2 Chinese patent medicines, and encircle and suppress rhinitis

Runny nose and bad spleen

Many people don't understand what this has to do with the spleen? We know that the spleen is the main transport, can transport subtle substances and sparse to our whole body, and at the same time transport water, can discharge excess water from the body, after the spleen deficiency, insufficient qi and blood, unable to push the nose meridians, excessive moisture in the body, poor digestion, poor blood and gas operation, will repeatedly runny nose, in addition to causing dry eyes, easy fatigue, dry lips and other problems.

Runny nose and spleen are not good, nasal congestion and lungs are not good, rhinitis and kidney are not good, learn 2 Chinese patent medicines, and encircle and suppress rhinitis

Nasal congestion and lungs are not good

If the lungs are open to the nose and the lung qi is insufficient, then the ability of the guard qi to defend against external evils will not be solid, and the wind evil will also take the opportunity to invade the body so that the lung qi will lose its propaganda, and the clear qi will not enter, and the turbid qi will not be discharged, and the problem of nasal congestion will occur.

Runny nose and spleen are not good, nasal congestion and lungs are not good, rhinitis and kidney are not good, learn 2 Chinese patent medicines, and encircle and suppress rhinitis

Rhinitis and the kidneys are not good

Our human body is an organic whole, and the kidney yang is the foundation of the yang qi of the five internal organs, which has the effect of warming and promoting, and at the same time, our lungs will also lose their warmth, the lungs are relatively cold, the lung qi is not regulated, and the fluid of the body stops accumulating, and the nasal congestion is congested, so it will sneeze and runny nose and cause allergic rhinitis

Runny nose and spleen are not good, nasal congestion and lungs are not good, rhinitis and kidney are not good, learn 2 Chinese patent medicines, and encircle and suppress rhinitis

If you want to solve such a problem, share 2 Chinese patent medicines to use together to encircle and suppress rhinitis

They are jade screen powder + four gentlemen pills + Xin Yi and Cang Erzi, and they are used together!

First of all, the jade screen is composed of astragalus, atractylodes, and fengfeng, which can replenish the spleen and lungs with energy, so that the outermost layer of our body has sufficient health qi, so that we can block the wind, cold, and dampness, so as not to infringe on the nose.

Runny nose and spleen are not good, nasal congestion and lungs are not good, rhinitis and kidney are not good, learn 2 Chinese patent medicines, and encircle and suppress rhinitis

The four gentlemen are mainly composed of prince ginseng, atractylodes, poria cocos, and boiled licorice, which have the effect of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi.

Runny nose and spleen are not good, nasal congestion and lungs are not good, rhinitis and kidney are not good, learn 2 Chinese patent medicines, and encircle and suppress rhinitis

Finally, Xin Yi and Cangzi can clear the nose and regulate the symptoms, which not only enhances the resistance but also treats both the symptoms and the root causes.

Runny nose and spleen are not good, nasal congestion and lungs are not good, rhinitis and kidney are not good, learn 2 Chinese patent medicines, and encircle and suppress rhinitis

Don't use the above drugs blindly, that's all for today's sharing, we'll see you next time!