
Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

author:Old Dream Classics
Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

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Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

In Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, there is an older sister from an ordinary working family, named Dong Shuangqiu, who has had a great love for singing since she was a child. Her parents were also very supportive of her and enrolled her in music classes at the Children's Palace.

Dong Wenhua's younger sister has been by her sister's side since she was a child, and the two have a deep relationship.

Once, the young Dong Wenhua woke up to find that her sister was gone, so she cried loudly, and no matter how comforted her parents, she couldn't calm her emotions.

Seeing his sister crying and red eyes, Dong Shuangqiu was distressed and decided to take Dong Wenhua to class with him in the future. Until my sister came home from the end of her course.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

In this way, when her sister was learning to sing, Dong Wenhua had been observing from the side, and it didn't take long for her to show her outstanding musical talent, and even the teachers in the Children's Palace praised her talent.

A month later, the teacher invited Dong Wenhua to join the Children's Palace to study music.

After returning home, Dong Wenhua enthusiastically expressed to his parents that he wanted to learn music, but because his parents considered the family's financial situation and only allowed one daughter to study music, they suggested that Dong Wenhua learn painting instead.

Although the tuition fee is only half of the music class, Dong Wenhua is firmly opposed.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

In order to realize his musical dream, Dong Wenhua even took the extreme measure of hunger strike. However, when faced with delicious chicken thighs, she eventually struggled to hold on. Although her family's opposition and restrictions caused her trouble, it further fueled her love and determination for music.

In the end, Dong Wenhua persevered, and her parents agreed to let her study music in the Children's Palace, but only paid for one year's tuition and developed a strict training plan.

In order to realize his music dream, Dong Wenhua had to go to the grove alone at 5:30 every day to practice his voice, showing his persistent pursuit of his music dream.

After Dong Wenhua studied music in the Children's Palace, she showed extraordinary musical talent, her singing voice is particularly beautiful, can penetrate the air without hindrance, and her singing strength in the classroom has won praise from the teachers.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

Dong Wenhua received the attention of the army's propaganda team and the Advance Song and Dance Troupe for her wonderful performance in the Children's Palace, which laid a solid foundation for her future singing career.

During the two years of service, Dong Wenhua won the applause of the audience countless times through his beautiful singing voice. Her live performances have been widely recognized, and major military regions have invited her to tour.

Although the propaganda team was eventually disbanded, Dong Wenhua did not let go of the pursuit of his music dream.

It didn't take long for Dong Wenhua to join the talented-forward song and dance troupe. In this group, her released records were widely acclaimed in the army, and more and more people began to know and like this talented young singer.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

With his superb singing voice and outstanding stage charm, 18-year-old Dong Wenhua rose to prominence in the music world and became famous in one fell swoop. She once traveled with the troupe to the highlands to participate in an important performance, and this opportunity turned her fortunes upside down.

18-year-old Dong Wenhua accompanied the troupe to perform an important performance in the plateau area. The sudden blizzard for the passengers made the sky change its face, and then snowflakes fell, the temperature plummeted, and the ground became slippery.

Everyone carried heavy performance equipment on their backs and struggled to navigate the harsh environment. At this moment, Zhang Nan, an enthusiastic male colleague, saw Dong Wenhua, who couldn't keep up with the team, stepped forward to support him with concern, took the initiative to take the heavy object on Dong Wenhua's shoulder, and deeply moved Dong Wenhua with warm words: "My dear, if you feel unwell, please feel free to tell me, I can help you share part of this heavy object."


Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

Dong Wenhua's affection for Zhang Nan had already begun when they met for the first time, and Zhang Nan's polite temperament made her heartbeat. In the next few days, the two became more and more contacted, and the ambiguous atmosphere became more and more intense.

The coaxing and ridicule of colleagues invisibly contributed to the relationship between the two.

At the end of the performance, on the last day of the return trip, Zhang Nan picked a bouquet of flowers on the vast grassland and chose a quiet corner to confess to Dong Wenhua. Although Dong Wenhua has a good impression of Zhang Nan, she still has concerns in her heart, afraid that falling in love will affect her career development.

"But I'm only 18 years old, I can't take on this responsibility yet, and it's too early for me to fall in love." Dong Wenhua hesitated again and again, but still raised such worries.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

Zhang Nan showed his precious thoughtfulness and patience, and he said frankly: "It's okay, I will wait patiently, no matter how long it takes, I will wait for you, as long as you are willing to nod and agree." ”

Hearing Zhang Nan's sincerity, Dong Wenhua felt very ashamed, so he proposed a "five-year contract": if Zhang Nan still misses her after five years, then Dong Wenhua will agree to fall in love with him.

Under such circumstances, they made an agreement on the grassland, although far away, but full of expectations. However, no one expected that five years later, the "five-year covenant" of that year would become an important turning point in Dong Wenhua's life.

Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and Dong Wenhua has become a well-known singer. At the 1985 Spring Festival Gala, her high-pitched and beautiful singing voice spread all over the country through television.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

She became an instant hit with the classic "Fifteenth Moon" and quickly became a well-known name for many people.

When his career reached its peak, Dong Wenhua once again remembered the "five-year covenant" of that year. She took the initiative to mention this matter to Zhang Nan, although Zhang Nan once thought that the two were not in the right household, but under Dong Wenhua's sincere invitation, he finally accepted this marriage.

So, from their first acquaintance five years ago, to now a beautiful couple in colorful blessings and weddings, the former colleague has finally become a husband and wife. A seemingly unattainable wait, so under the baptism of time, came to a successful end.

After marriage, Zhang Nan went all out to support Dong Wenhua's career development, and the two achieved a balance between family and career, and realized the division of labor and cooperation.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

With the classic masterpiece "Fifteenth Moon", Dong Wenhua was a smash hit at the time, and countless audiences were deeply attracted by her moving voice, and this song was also recognized as a classic in his singing career.

Dong Wenhua's fame has been widely recognized in a short period of time, and music collaborations and business opportunities have flooded in. In her hometown, even a huge billboard was erected to promote her.

Just when her career was at its peak, Dong Wenhua reaped another important fruit in her life - she was unexpectedly pregnant. As a female singer in the rising stage of her career, pregnancy will undoubtedly have a certain impact on her career.

The agency advised her to terminate her pregnancy and wait until her career was more successful before considering having children.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

However, Dong Wenhua has made up his mind in his heart. This child is the crystallization of her love with her husband and a normal manifestation of their married life. So she asked her husband for advice, and received a happy reply: "Whether or not this child remains in your womb depends entirely on your personal wishes."


I will support you unconditionally in any decision you make.

With the full support and blessing of her husband, Dong Wenhua spent a long pregnancy and finally ushered in the birth of a new life. Soon after giving birth, she returned to the stage and proved with her prowess that pregnancy didn't affect her career too much.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

It is precisely because of her husband's strong support that Dong Wenhua can find a balance between family and career. Her career has not been affected by pregnancy, and her family life is happy and happy.

Facing his wife's outstanding performance on the stage, Zhang Nan felt relieved and proud of Dong Wenhua from the bottom of his heart. In this way, this loving couple supported each other and passed another important stage of their lives.

In 2000, 38-year-old Dong Wenhua was suddenly involved in a shocking criminal case, and then we knew that the seemingly beautiful life was so twisted and bizarre behind it.

The reason is just that she has a relationship with the parties to the case, or even just a nodding acquaintance at a certain banquet. However, it is such an insignificant relationship, but it has been exaggerated and hyped by some people with ulterior motives.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

They even publicly released photos of Dong Wenhua with criminals, slandering her as having nothing to do with the case and being an accomplice to the criminals.

In a short period of time, Dong Wenhua's image in the eyes of the public was shattered instantly, and she suffered unprecedented slander and personal attacks. From the original popular singer to the current "criminal" accused by tens of thousands of people, this contrast is too amazing.

Former fans abused her one after another, and major media outlets followed suit and reported on the incident, which soon caused an uproar across the country.

Dong Wenhua used to be a well-known diva, but now he has become a criminal referred to by Qianfu. She was once helpless and did not dare to go out of the house easily, for fear that she would be accused and abused by passers-by as soon as she went out.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

She hid in her bedroom all day, searching the Internet for relevant information, hoping that the agency would issue a statement and clarification as soon as possible. However, she found that the online abuse against her became more violent.

"You unscrupulous singer!"

"What scum!" Countless heart-wrenching words poured down like a torrential rain and hit Dong Wenhua's heart fiercely. The voice she once prided herself on was now a reason for others to attack her.

In those dark days, Dong Wenhua was fortunate to have a caring husband Zhang Nan by his side. He has always been by his wife's side, sheltering her from the wind and rain, and building a solid barrier for her.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

Zhang Nan realized that if he let his wife continue to search on the Internet, he might attract more verbal criticism, so he decided to lock the computer at home to prevent Dong Wenhua from being further harmed.

He has always taken good care of his wife and expressed his deep love for her with practical actions. No matter when, when Dong Wenhua is in pain and tears, Zhang Nan will give her the most sincere hug and comfort.

With her husband as her spiritual pillar, Dong Wenhua can persevere in the wind and rain.

Fortunately, two years later, after a long investigation and evidence collection, Dong Wenhua finally cleared his grievances. However, this rare defamation incident had a great impact on her reputation and image, putting her in an extremely difficult situation in the entertainment industry.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

The once glamorous diva of the music scene can now only barely make ends meet with occasional small performances. These two years have consumed almost all of her energy, and her career has come to a complete standstill.

In this way, the stars who were once admired by the world gradually faded out of the public's sight.

With the passage of time, Dong Wenhua has entered the stage of life that is past the age of sixties. Although her career has been hit hard and her career has almost come to a standstill, her love for music has never disappeared.

At some of the gatherings of the elderly, her wonderful performance still impresses.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

Whenever he stepped on the stage, Dong Wenhua was always refreshed and devoted himself to the performance. Her graceful voice is like traveling through time and space, bringing the audience back to Dong Wenhua's brilliant youth decades ago.

Even though the years have relentlessly carved their mark on her face, her singing voice is still as penetrating and infectious as it was back then. This illusory singing can still move people's hearts.

The audience watched her performance and all paid homage to the artist. Someone sighed: "I can't believe it, this is the smash hit queen Dong Wenhua, her singing voice is still so beautiful and beautiful!" Thanks to her constant love for music, we have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of her in old age.

Dong Wenhua, because of his love for music, has crossed one hurdle after another and has come to the present. When she recalls her musical journey, she will be filled with emotion.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

From a little girl from an ordinary working family to a superstar in the music world, Dong Wenhua has written an extraordinary legendary life with firm perseverance and tenacious spirit.

She shows the power of dreams and the importance of music to her.

As Dong Wenhua said: "Music is my life, and I can't live without music." For more than 60 years, she has always had a pure heart for music and her passion for the stage has never faded.

It is precisely this dedication and love for music that allows Dong Wenhua to regain her singing voice in old age after suffering a heavy blow, and present her wonderful performances to the audience on small occasions.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

After the last note fell, the applause in the audience came one after another, which was the highest praise for her lifelong perseverance.

And the one who unswervingly accompanies Dong Wenhua is always her husband Zhang Nan. Zhang Nan, who was once called "eating soft rice" because of his lifestyle and other reasons, has been silently supporting his wife and expressing his deep love for his wife with actions.

No matter what kind of bumps Dong Wenhua will encounter in the future, he will unswervingly guard his wife's side and dissolve the haze in his wife's heart with a broad mind and understanding.

Today, this loving couple has gone through more than 60 years of ups and downs hand in hand, and their practical actions explain what it means to love and know each other and support each other.

Singer Dong Wenhua: I have a 5-year appointment with my husband, and my career has stalled at the age of 38, how is it now

I hope that in the future, Dong Wenhua can still maintain his love for music and bring countless wonderful performances to the audience. At the same time, Zhang Nan will continue to support his wife and protect their eternal love with love and warmth.

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