
She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

author:Old Dream Classics
She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly
It is said that those who read my articles have become big bosses, please use your golden finger to make a fortune, pay attention to the top and like it, it is difficult to do it if you don't want to get rich Like and walk, love you to permanently, focus on a little, get rich to permanent, I wish you good luck in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and meet nobles in the southeast and northwest
She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

In the Chinese entertainment industry, the story of such an actress is like an inspirational legend: she was already famous in the film industry at the age of 21, and she cooperated with Hong Kong superstar Leslie Cheung to become famous. Her husband was willing to be a "Dink" for 12 years in order to fulfill her career dream.

However, when she was 39 years old, an unexpected life came and completely changed the trajectory of her life.

Xie Lan, a famous Chinese actor.

The story of the Sheeran family begins with a poignant family. Her parents were not normal talkers, and it was very difficult to find a job, because in that era of information isolation, it was very difficult to find a job.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

She also has a younger brother in the family, but due to the social environment at the time, his situation has not been made public.

Despite the hardships of life, Xie Lan's parents still poured all their love and all their income to raise her and her younger brother, and they have been quietly giving.

Since Xie Lan was 8 years old, she has been training in sports school with a bright nature, determined to become an excellent athlete. Every day after school, her father would wait for her at the school gate, but he never stepped a step into the schoolyard.

His father's worries were not unfounded, as he feared that if his classmates knew that he was deaf and mute, they might discriminate against Sheeran because of this.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

Xie Lan's remarks caused her classmates to distance themselves from her, leaving her in a lonely predicament. At a young age, she spent every day in solitude. However, what made her extremely painful was the frequent injuries in gymnastics training.

At the age of 11, an accident during balance beam training left her with fractures in her left ankle and arm. The attending physician's diagnosis came like a bolt from the blue: if she continued to train like this, she could limp for the rest of her life and even be unable to walk normally.

At that moment, Xie Lan's world completely collapsed. She felt that she had failed her parents' expectations, and her heart was full of self-blame and despair. "I owe so much to my parents," she sobbed, "I wanted to get ahead through gymnastics and make them live a good life, but now I can't do anything."

She is no longer willing to go back to school, but prefers to find a job as soon as possible to improve her parents' lives. However, the reality is always so cruel that her wish never comes true.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

Seeing their daughter's painful appearance, the parents couldn't stop their tears from flowing down, and they could only hug her tightly, but they couldn't comfort her with words. They watched their daughter suffer such pain, their hearts were like knives, but they couldn't express it, they could only cry silently, expressing their helplessness and helplessness in their hearts.

In the end, the kind and sensible Xie Lan listened to her parents' advice and embarked on the road to campus again.

Sheeran's childhood was full of adversity and ups and downs. Her deaf and mute parents, poor family background, discrimination from classmates, and the shattering of her gymnastics dreams are all realities she must face.

However, these early hardships exercised her will and laid the groundwork for a great turning point in her life. At this stage, we have seen the most valuable qualities of Sheeran's character: resilience in the face of adversity, and a deep sense of responsibility to his family.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

These qualities will become her most powerful motivation in her future acting career.

Surprisingly, Xie Lan's early predicament became the foreshadowing of a turning point in her life. After graduating from junior high school, she wanted to find a job immediately to help her family through the difficult situation. However, her parents were adamantly opposed to her entering labor-intensive factory work, which forced her to turn to seek employment opportunities in higher-level enterprises.

When she hit a wall everywhere, a chance chance changed her fate.

Xie Lan learned that the Zhejiang Burlesque Troupe was recruiting new talents, and with her professional gymnastics training and outstanding appearance, she stood out from many competitors and successfully obtained this valuable job opportunity.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

It is unbelievable that the gymnastics training that once brought her pain has now become a foreshadowing for her acting career, and no one thought of it at first.

During his three years in the troupe, Xie Lan deeply felt the charm of performing arts. She found that she had a natural affinity for acting, as if she had found her own direction in life.

At the age of 19, she was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, the highest university in the Chinese film industry, with excellent results, however, the high tuition fees were an unbearable burden for her family.

In order to make their daughter's dream come true, Xie Lan's parents began to work part-time day and night. They toiled on the factory assembly line during the day and had to do odd part-time jobs at home at night.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

Looking at her parents' thinning figures, Xie Lan's heart seemed to be cut by a knife, and she was secretly determined to repay her parents with her achievements. After hard work, her parents finally managed to pay for the tuition before the start of school, and she embarked on the road to study in the capital Beijing.

After experiencing the tuition turmoil, Xie Lan's life began to have a new dawn. The rich performance experience she has accumulated during her time in the troupe has always led her to the top of her class.

So, in her sophomore year, an exciting opportunity arose. The famous director Huang Jianxin personally came to the school to select actors, and he took a fancy to Xie Lan at a glance among many students.

The male lead of the film is Hong Kong superstar Leslie Cheung, whose character is enthusiastically sought after by the audience, while the heroine Juliet is portrayed by Xie Lan, whose performance in the film is also enthusiastically praised by the audience.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

In this way, Xie Lan became famous at the age of 21 and became the focus of public attention in one fell swoop. She became famous and famous in the film industry.

However, what is admirable is that she is determined to accumulate wealth quickly, so she does not hesitate to take over all the roles of the protagonist and supporting roles, no matter how many scenes she does! This undoubtedly makes the quality of her early plays unsatisfactory.

However, her spirit of struggle and hard work shows her extremely responsible attitude and deep love for her family.

Sheeran's efforts were not in vain. In 1999, she won the Huabiao Award for "Walking Through the Winter", and her career has reached its peak since then. But in this year, the gears of fate quietly turned, making all the difference.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

In the same year, during the filming of the crew of "Yellow Earth and Blue Earth", Xu Yajun met this person who would accompany her for the rest of her life - Shi Xiaohong.

Xie Lan's life is full of drama, from the gymnasium to the showbiz, there are many twists and turns. Her experience tells us that life will never be easy, but as long as you persevere, there will always be opportunities.

More importantly, she has always stayed true to her original intention and put the happiness of her family first, no matter what stage of her career she is. This sense of responsibility has become the most solid cornerstone of her success.

1999 was a pivotal year in Sheeran's life. The pinnacle of her career and the advent of love are intertwined, which makes her face the most important choice in her life.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

26-year-old Xie Lan met 37-year-old Shi Xiaohong during the filming of "Yellow Earth and Blue Land", the "screen tough guy" who played General Yuan in "The Wrong Sedan to Marry the Right Lang", and fell in love with Xie Lan at first sight.

He searched around for news of her, but always heard the same reply: "Sheeran is an 'iceberg beauty' who rejects all suitors in order to make money as quickly as possible to help the family."

A colleague with knowledge of the matter revealed that Sheeran did not look for a partner because she hoped to earn money as soon as possible to help the family tide over the difficult time. This news did not make Shi Xiaohong flinch.

During the filming process, he always took care of Xie Lan gently, making her feel warm and caring. Whenever Xie Lan felt tired on the set, Shi Xiaohong would always hand her a cup of hot tea or put on a coat for her when she was resting.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

These delicate concerns gradually melted the ice in Xie Lan's heart.

However, during the second cooperation, Shi Xiaohong expressed her admiration to Xie Lan, but Xie Lan was still hesitant. Knowing that family responsibilities and career priorities need to be considered, Sheeran is honest and honest: "I have to take responsibility for my family, and now my focus can only be on my career."


"I can't let my own emotions affect your life." Her words were full of guilt and nostalgia, as if she was suffering for her choice.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

However, Shi Xiaohong's answer moved Xie Lan. He held Xie Lan's hand, his eyes firm and gentle: "I understand your decision, I am willing to accept the life of 'Dink'." ”

Even if you get married, I will respect your choice. These words, like a warm current, instantly melted the last trace of frost in Xie Lan's heart. She saw a future where she could balance her career and love, and her eyes sparkled with hope.

In 2000, in everyone's best wishes, they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. After getting married, they still stick to their respective careers, support each other, and go hand in hand.

Xie Lan devoted herself wholeheartedly to her acting career, and she did her best to interpret every role. Shi Xiaohong has been silently supporting, and she has not complained because she has no children. Whenever Xie Lan felt exhausted from the pressure of work, Shi Xiaohong would always prepare a delicious dinner for her or accompany her to watch a movie she liked.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

In this way, they spent 12 long years together, interpreting the beauty of "Dink's" life with love and understanding.

However, fate always likes to play some jokes on people. When Sheeran was 39 years old, she suddenly felt unwell on a shooting set. At first, she thought it was work fatigue, but when the symptoms persisted, she went for a check-up anyway.

The Dink couple Sheeran became pregnant, breaking the family's 12-year agreement

Over the past 12 years, the Sheerans have adhered to the belief of "Dink", and no matter how persuaded by the people around them, they have never changed. However, the doctor's diagnosis plunged the family into an unprecedented shock: Xie Lan turned out to be pregnant! This unexpected life not only broke their 12-year "Dink" agreement, but also made Xie Lan face a difficult choice.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

Faced with such a complicated situation, Xie Lan fell into deep thought. She had an in-depth conversation with Shi Xiaohong. Shi Xiaohong said softly: "We discussed 'Dink' before we got married, but I hope you can reconsider this decision."

There was an endless amount of tolerance in his eyes.

Whatever choice you make, I will stand firmly with you.

For 12 years, Sheeran's husband has respected her choice. For the sake of her career, he was willing to give up his right to be a father, which moved Xie Lan to tears unconsciously.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

Now, however, fate has given them an unexpected gift.

Sheeran's story teaches us that life doesn't go according to a pre-set script. Career and love are not an either-or problem, true wisdom lies in listening to your inner voice at every turning point and having the courage to embrace change.

The love between Xie Lan and Shi Xiaohong is a vivid embodiment of this wisdom. Through mutual understanding and support, they have found a good balance between career and family, and they have been very brave enough to accept those unexpected gifts of fate.

Xie Lan and Shi Xiaohong's lives were instantly exploded by the news of pregnancy, at the age of 39, they are already elderly mothers, plus many years of "Dink" life, the arrival of this child seems to be a huge joke played by fate.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

However, it was this sudden life that made Sheeran redefine the concept of happiness.

Faced with this complicated situation, Shi Xiaohong and Xie Lan fell into deep thought. They had a long talk. "We agreed to 'Dink' before we got married," Shi Xiaohong said softly, with endless tolerance in her eyes, "but I hope you can reconsider this decision."

Whatever your choice, I will support you.

Xie Lan looked at her husband's firm and gentle eyes and couldn't help but shed tears. For 12 years, he has always respected her choice and is willing to give up his right to be a father for the sake of her career.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

But fate brought them an unexpected gift. And this time, she chose life and chose a new definition of happiness.

Sheeran began to look back on his childhood, when his parents were deaf and mute, and life was very difficult, but they loved him and his brother with all their love. She remembered her father's silent wait at the school gate, and her mother's exhaustion from working day and night to raise money for her tuition.

She was able to survive the darkest years thanks to the love of her family.

During her pregnancy, Xie Lan decided to fade out of the film and television industry and devote more time to family and parenting. She began to read a lot of parenting books and designed the nursery with her heart. Sometimes, she would sit quietly in front of the window, gently caressing her bulging belly, and talking softly to the baby in her womb.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

She whispered, "Your grandparents are the greatest people, and they taught me to be strong with their silent love. ”

Shi Xiaohong was very happy, he took care of Xie Lan carefully, for fear that she would be wronged a little. In his spare time, he will consult a large number of pregnancy care materials and record every detail that needs attention.

Sometimes, he would get up in the middle of the night just to prepare a glass of warm water or some snacks that she suddenly wanted to eat, which made Sheeran deeply feel that their love had been sublimated in this accident.

Since then, the focus of Xie Lan's life has completely changed. She almost completely withdrew from the entertainment industry and devoted herself to the careful care and education of her children, living a harmonious and happy life.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

She decided to teach her son herself, so that he could understand the preciousness of life and the meaning of dedication and responsibility.

Sheeran's story teaches us that happiness doesn't have to follow a predetermined script, and success isn't just about reaching the pinnacle of your career. True happiness is to listen to your inner voice and embrace change with courage in every choice.

Xie Lan's life has become richer and more complete because of this 39-year-old accident, from chasing the spotlight to enjoying lullabies.

Xie Lan's decision was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, which caused a strong response in the entertainment industry. Friends from all walks of life expressed their surprise at this, but more than that, they blessed her.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

Shi Xiaohong was ecstatic, he took care of Xie Lan very carefully, for fear that she would be the slightest uncomfortable. Sometimes, when Xie Lan suddenly felt unwell at the shooting scene, Shi Xiaohong would immediately put down the work at hand and quickly come to accompany her.

After filming, he would rush home and cook a delicious dinner for his family.

During her pregnancy, Sheeran cut back on her work in the film and television industry and spent more time reading parenting books and planning and designing a baby room. She sometimes sits in front of the window, gently stroking her belly and communicating with the fetus.

"Your grandparents are the greatest people, and they taught me to be strong with their silent love." "She would tell about her childhood, about her father waiting silently at the school gate, about her mother's exhaustion of working day and night for her tuition."

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

These memories strengthened her determination to welcome a new life.

Since then, Xie Lan's life has a new focus, she almost completely quit the entertainment industry, and put all her energy on taking care of and educating her children. She wants to teach her son personally, so that he can understand the preciousness of life and the true meaning of dedication and responsibility.

Sometimes, when her son is playing in the yard, Sheeran will think of a gymnastics dream she once had, and although that dream was shattered, it led her to a different and wonderful path.

Shi Xiaohong became an admirable father from the bottom of his heart. Immediately after each episode, he would go home and play games with his son about building blocks and telling him bedtime stories.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

One day, when he talked about General Yuan in "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair", his son said with great interest: "Dad, isn't that you?" You are the most handsome general! Shi Xiaohong smiled, he looked at Xie Lan, his eyes were full of gratitude, "Thank you for giving us such a home."

Sheeran's story is like a movie full of twists. She was the daughter of deaf parents and a gymnastics dream breaker; She was a rising star in the film industry at the age of 21, and later chose to be the wife of "Dink"; Then, at the age of 39, she became an elderly mother, and finally decided to become a stay-at-home mother.

The real answer may be that sunny afternoon, when Xie Lan and Shi Xiaohong were beaming with happiness as they watched their son play in the yard. Happiness doesn't have to follow the established script; Success is not just the pinnacle of your career.

True happiness lies in listening to your inner voice and embracing change with courage in every choice. Xie Lan, from pursuing the spotlight to enjoying lullabies, her life has become richer and more fulfilling because of this 39-year-old accident.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

In the Chinese entertainment industry, there is an actress whose story is full of twists, like a movie. At the age of 21, he became famous and famous in a collaboration with Hong Kong superstar Leslie Cheung. Her husband was willing to be a "Dink" for 12 years in order to fulfill her career dream.

However, at the age of 39, an unexpected life came and completely changed the trajectory of her life.

She is the well-known actor Xie Lan.

Sheeran's family situation is poignant. Both parents were deaf and mute, and in that era of information blockage, it was more difficult to find a job than to climb to the sky. There was also a younger brother in the family, but due to the social environment at the time, his situation was not made public.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

Even though their parents' lives were stressful, they still gave all their love to care for Sheeran and her younger brother. At the age of 8, Sheeran entered a sports school and aspired to become an outstanding athlete.

Every day after school, her father would wait for her at the school gate, and he never stepped into the schoolyard, fearing that his daughter's classmates would discriminate against her if they learned the truth.

However, fate always plays tricks on Xie Lan. Those "secrets" on her body were still discovered by her classmates, who began to alienate her, and even spread all kinds of vicious rumors. At the age of 11, an accident during balance beam training left Sheeran with fractures in his left ankle and arm.

The doctor's diagnosis came like a bolt from the blue: if she continued to practice like this, she could limp for the rest of her life. At that moment, Xie Lan's world collapsed, and she felt that she had failed her parents' expectations.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

However, unexpectedly, the gymnastics training that once brought her pain became the foreshadowing of a turning point in her life. After graduating from junior high school, Xie Lan joined the Zhejiang Burlesque Troupe by chance.

Three years later, Xie Lan was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy. For their daughter's tuition, her parents began to work odd jobs day and night. And Xie Lan also secretly vowed that she must repay her parents with her efforts and achievements.

At the age of 21, Xie Lan entered the peak of his career and quickly became popular because of his cooperation with Leslie Cheung. In order to accumulate wealth quickly, she did not hesitate to take on some roles that did not have too many roles.

In 1999, she won the Huabiao Award for "Walking Through the Harsh Winter", however, her life took a turn at this time. In the same year, in the crew of filming "Yellow Earth and Blue Earth", she met Shi Xiaohong.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

Although Xie Lan is known as the "iceberg beauty" and keeps her distance from all suitors, Shi Xiaohong's sincerity touched her. He promised to respect her "Dink" decision, and in 2000 they got married.

Over the past 12 years, they have supported each other and shown the beauty of the "Dink" life with love.

However, when Sheeran was 39 years old, an unexpected little life was born into this family. Faced with this child who violated the agreement of "Dink", Xie Lan made a surprising decision after careful consideration: she decided to give birth to this child.

When Sheeran hugs her newborn, she seems to have found the answer to her life. True happiness is to listen to your inner voice in every choice, to embrace change bravely, and not just to follow the established plot; Success is not just the pinnacle of your career.

She became famous at the age of 21, her husband loved her for 12 years, and at the age of 39, she became pregnant unexpectedly

Today, Xie Lan has almost completely withdrawn from showbiz and devoted herself to parenting. She plans to teach her son personally, so that he can deeply understand the preciousness of life and the importance of dedication and responsibility.

Even though Sheeran's gymnastics dream has been shattered, she still recalls that dream, which was another wonderful start in her life. When she watches her son play in the yard, she remembers her dreams at that time.

Xie Lan's life history tells us that there will inevitably be setbacks in life, but as long as you are indomitable and persevering, you will definitely achieve success. More importantly, she always adheres to her original intention, no matter what stage of her career, she puts the happiness of her family first.

This sense of responsibility has become the most solid cornerstone of her success. From chasing the spotlight to enjoying lullabies, her life has been enriched and fulfilled by this 39-year-old accident.

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