
As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

author:Old Dream Classics
As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

It is said that those who read my articles have become big bosses, please use your golden finger to make a fortune, pay attention to it and like it, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to get rich

Like and walk, love you to eternity, focus on a little, get rich forever, I wish you good luck in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and meet noble people in the southeast and northwest

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

The Old Puzzle: Which Two Trees Can't Be Cut Down? 》

In the dead of night, the stars twinkle like diamonds in the dark rural night sky. Lao Zhang was awakened by a dream, and cold sweat soaked his faded cotton shirt. He shivered and lit the kerosene lamp at the head of the bed, the dim light casting a deep shadow on his face covered with vicissitudes.

The dream haunted him again.

In the dream, he was back in that distant summer afternoon. At that time, he was sitting under the old locust tree in the yard, and his grandfather, Old Man Zhang, was caressing his head with his rough hands from years of farming.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

"Zhang boy, listen well," Grandfather's voice was low and staccato, like the chirping of cicadas, "Two trees can't be cut down, and if you cut them, your wealth will be scattered." These are the words left by the ancestors, and you must remember them. "

Lao Zhang shook his head and dispelled the memory. In his mind, that proverb haunted him like a lingering puzzle that had recurred over and over again over the years. His grandfather had left early and had not had time to tell him what the two trees that could not be cut down were.

Whenever he asked his parents or village elders, the response was always vague, like an unspeakable secret.

Lao Zhang muttered to himself, "Which two trees are they?" He looked through the lattice to the locust tree in the yard. The locust tree still stands there, witnessing the joys and sorrows of generations.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

But he clearly knew that the locust tree was not one of the two mysterious trees.

Lao Zhang pushed open the creaking wooden door, put on his coat, and walked into the courtyard in the moonlight. The night breeze is light, with a bit of coolness. His gaze swept across the courtyard and landed on the pomegranate tree in the corner.

The branches were covered with fist-sized fruits, which glowed a dark red sheen in the moonlight. Nearby, the branches of a jujube tree swayed gently in the wind, and the dotted fruits were faintly visible.

"Could it be ......" Lao Zhang whispered to himself, and a bold conjecture came to mind. He jerked to his feet, his eyes shining with a long-lost light. It's time to unravel this mystery that has plagued us for years.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

The next morning, when the first rays of the morning sun shone on the village, people were surprised to find that Lao Zhang, who had always been content with farming, was walking slowly along the path leading to the mountains with an old cloth bag on his back, and an old oak cane in his hand.

"Uncle Zhang, where are you going?" The child herding the cow asked Uncle Zhang curiously.

Lao Zhang turned his head, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Go find out, kid. Go and ask the two trees that can't be cut down. "

With that, he gradually disappeared at the end of the mountain road shrouded in morning mist.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

Under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village, there are several idle old people sitting around and talking. They lowered their voices and muttered, "Two trees can't be cut down...... and there was a glimmer of clarity in their eyes that seemed to have seen everything.

Soon, however, they revert to their former silence, as if waiting for someone to finally solve the long-held mystery.

The Balance of Practicality and Faith: Choices in the Field

Lao Zhang walked along the rugged mountain road for most of the day, the soles of his shoes were stained with red soil, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead. The midday sun scorched the earth violently, and even the cicadas seemed a little lazy.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

He stopped under an old elm tree and took out a piece of dry food and a ladle of water from his cloth bag, so that he could quench his hunger and thirst.

Lao Zhang nibbled on a hard corn tortilla while reminiscing about his childhood. At that time, every house in the village was made of wood, including beams, doors, windows, floors, etc.

The materials used for agricultural implements should also be carefully considered, such as hard oak for plowshares and tough elm for harrowing teeth. Every year, during the off-season, my father would take me to the mountains to find suitable trees and cut them down.

"You can't cut down trees." My father often said this, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to hide the wisdom passed down from his ancestors. "Some trees grow slowly, and it's a pity to cut them down; Some trees have well-developed root systems and can get in the way when planted in the ground.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!


What we want to use has to be left to future generations.

Lao Zhang remembers that one spring, his father took him to plant trees on the wasteland near the village. "Dad, why do you plant these two trees?" The young man asked curiously, holding a few walnut-sized pomegranate seeds and date pits in his hands.

Father just smiled, "You'll understand." "

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

Lao Zhang stood up and continued to walk. As he passed through an open field, he saw an old man with a white beard chopping wood, and a young man next to him was busy carrying wood.

"Excuse me, old man." Lao Zhang approached and said.

The old man put down his axe, and his cloudy eyes flashed with a glint of wisdom, and asked, "Oh? Do you know which two trees they are? ”

Lao Zhang shook his head. But the old man smiled and said to him, "Go to that orchard and see it, and the answer will be there." "

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

The young man went to the orchard, pointed to the orderly jujube and pomegranate trees, and said, "Grandpa said that not all trees are suitable for us to plant. Some trees grow slowly, while others have large root systems that can affect crops.

Both trees grow at different rates without affecting other plants, and they bear fruit and can be harvested all year round.

"However, just based on the fruit, it can't mean that the cut will be 'dissipated', right?" Lao Zhang asked next.

An old man walking slowly on crutches told the young people that seeing what they were seeing was not enough. We farmers choose trees, not only to see their practicability, but also to conform to the laws of nature. The pomegranate fruit is full of seeds, symbolizing many children and blessings; The jujube tree is full of fruits, implying a wide source of wealth.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

Planting these two trees represents prayer and faith.

Lao Zhang thoughtfully recalled that when he was a child, whenever someone in the village got married or had a funeral, he would always receive pomegranates from relatives and friends, hoping that the newlyweds would have a precious son as soon as possible; And in the harvest season, people will also use dates to entertain guests, implying that there is more than enough every year.

Behind these seemingly ordinary customs, there is hidden the wisdom of the ancestors and the yearning for a better life.

"So," Lao Zhang said softly, "planted these two trees for good luck and peace?" "

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

The old man's eyes sparkled with wisdom, and he said to the young man, "More than that. You see, these trees not only bear fruit, but the branches and leaves can also feed the livestock, and the wood is also useful. Our ancestors left these words so that we would know how to make trade-offs.


Some things that seem to be useful can affect good fortune, luck, and things that cannot be seen or touched.

As the sun set, Lao Zhang said goodbye to his grandparents and grandchildren and embarked on the way home. His heart was full of thoughts of his father, and his understanding of his father's smile back then was also more profound. In that wasteland, my father planted not only trees, but also a survival wisdom that balances practicality and faith.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

"Blessing in the Red Fruit: The Mysterious Power of the Pomegranate Tree" is a movie about the mysterious power of the pomegranate tree.

Lao Zhang continued along the mountain road, the path under his feet gradually widened, and the vegetation on both sides changed from a messy bush to a neat fruit tree. He quickened his pace, turned a corner, and suddenly opened up in front of him—a lush pomegranate grove came into view, and a sweet aroma came to his face.

The branches swayed gently in the breeze, and the branches were dotted with countless fist-sized fruits. Some have cracked a thin slit, revealing the crystal clear seeds inside, like rubies, glittering seductively in the sun.

Lao Zhang was excited in his heart, attracted by this beautiful scenery, and couldn't help but stop and admire.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

"Yo, rare guest!" An old but crisp voice rang out. Lao Zhang followed the prestige and saw an old woman with a rickety back, holding a bamboo basket, walking out of the bushes.

Although her face is wrinkled, her eyes are as bright as this pomegranate forest.

"Mother-in-law," Lao Zhang said, putting down the pomegranate in his hand, "Your pomegranate here is so good." "

The old woman smiled, showed a few broken teeth, and put down the bamboo basket in her hand. The basket was filled with freshly picked pomegranates, and the peels were stained with morning dew. "You've come to the right person.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

Come, taste this pomegranate first, and then I'll tell you its story.

Lao Zhang gently broke his hand, and the skin of the pomegranate was opened. He carefully dug out a seed and put it in his mouth, and the juice instantly filled his entire mouth, with a moderate amount of sweet and sour, and an endless aftertaste.

"It's so sweet!" "It's sweeter than what you sell at the bazaar," he lamented. "

"That's nature." The old woman proudly told me, "Pomegranates not only taste great, but they can also be used in medicine." When my daughter-in-law gave birth, she always had abdominal pain. "

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

Two days later, after drinking the water boiled from the pomegranate peel, her pain was relieved and she was refreshed.

While we were talking, a butterfly fluttered in and landed on a blooming pomegranate flower. The flowers are red and bright, and the golden stamens exude a strong fragrance.

"You see," said the old woman, pointing to the butterfly, "the flowers are so beautiful from spring to autumn. Bees come in droves to collect honey, and the pomegranates are so full. "

"That's not all," she said, bending down to pick up a dry pomegranate branch, "have you ever seen the process of dyeing cloth?" The women of our village use this pomegranate peel and branch juice to dye the cloth.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

The dyed colors are red and green, which makes people feel joyful.

Lao Zhang fell into deep thought. He remembered the scene of the Chinese New Year when he was a child, and his mother always took out the red curtains and tablecloths, which turned out to be dyed with pomegranates. "Is it because pomegranates are so useful?" He asked, confused.

The old woman shook her head, a sly look in her eyes. "It's not all.

The traditional customs of the village, Lao Zhang is deeply experienced. Whenever a villager moves to a new house, a pomegranate will always be hung at the door, symbolizing prosperity and reunion; And at the head of the newlyweds' bed, a pair of peeled pomegranates are indispensable, implying more children and more blessings.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

"O pomegranate," said the old woman, gently stroking a plump fruit, "the seed is plump, symbolizing many sons and blessings." Look at this peel, how strong it is, it means that it will shelter the wind and rain and bless the safety of the whole family.

The old woman's words were like a thunderclap, reminding Lao Zhang of a pair of bright red pomegranates sent by Aunt Wang next door on the day his eldest son was born many years ago, and wished him "a full house of children and grandchildren".

Whenever there is movement in the house, there will always be a few pomegranates from the neighbors and placed in the middle of the hall, like a lamp to ward off evil spirits.

As the sun set, Lao Zhang said goodbye to the kind old woman. As he walked out of the pomegranate forest, he couldn't help but glance back. In the twilight, those red fruits are like small lanterns, and they are like smiling faces full of blessings.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

It dawned on him that cutting down the pomegranate tree not only lost its fruit, but also severed the bond between happiness and hope.

The Promise of Pearl Fruit: The Connection between the Date Tree and Wealth

Lao Zhang came out of the pomegranate forest, and the answer to the puzzle that had puzzled him for many years was already somewhat certain in his heart. However, he understands that in order to fully solve the puzzle, another tree needs to be found.

Continuing along the path, he noticed that the species of trees had changed. The dense pomegranate forests gradually thinned out and were replaced by neat rows of fruit trees with not thick trunks and luxuriant foliage.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

Taking a closer look, Lao Zhang couldn't help but snort softly. Isn't this plant in front of you a jujube tree? Although it is not yet the season to harvest dates, he can already see the small fruits on the branches.

Some of them are emerald green, some with a faint red halo, looming among the green leaves, like pearls scattered on the branches.

"Hey, man! Don't step on the roots! A deep voice came. Lao Zhang followed the prestige and saw an old farmer with gray hair sitting under a jujube tree, holding a pair of pruning shears in his hand, and a few freshly cut branches scattered on the ground.

"I'm sorry, big brother." Lao Zhang hurriedly apologized, and then couldn't help asking: "Your jujube tree is really too good."

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

The old farmer put down his pruning shears and wiped his calloused hands with a cloth. He looked at Lao Zhang, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "What do you say? I think this jujube tree is a cornucopia of our countryside.

He stood up and motioned for Lao Zhang to follow, and they walked together in the jujube grove. From time to time, the old farmer reached out and gently stroked the smooth trunk. "You see, though these fruits are still small now, in the autumn they will be like pearls, red, yellow, black, and all kinds of colors.

Lao Zhang nodded, recalling his childhood experience. When the dates are ripe, the children of the whole village will pick them with small baskets. Those crystal clear fruits, some sweet and sweet, some sweet and sour, either way, are unforgettable.

The old farmer continued: "These dates are not only delicious, but also nutritious. There is a saying in our place: 'Jujube nourishes qi and blood, and jujube warms the body'. Wealthy families in the city come to buy this kind of red dates in order to process them into health products.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

As they talked, a buzz caught their attention. A few bees hovered around a date tree not far away, which was full of tiny flowers, shaped like small trumpets, and gave off a faint fragrance.

The old farmer smiled: "Although the jujube flower is small, it is the favorite of bees." When the bees come, all the flowers of the tree bear fruit, and at this time, the 'pearls' of the tree appear. ”

Lao Zhang was thoughtful. He remembered the customs of the village: whenever there was a good harvest, people would always celebrate it with dates; And people who go out to do business also like to carry a few jujube shells with them, thinking that this will attract wealth and treasure.

As if reading through his thoughts, the old farmer began to tell a story: "There was a man named Li Shun, who left the village when he was young to go to the city to do small business. On the day of his departure, his mother sewed him a purse made of jujube pits and told him that it was to bless him with abundant wealth.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

You know what? Li Shun was really blessed by the jujube pit, and within a few years, he actually opened a very large medicinal herb shop in the city, and the business was booming and made a lot of money.

"What happened next?" Lao Zhang asked curiously.

"Later," the old farmer sighed, "he was advised to cut down the date trees in his hometown and make room for something else." When he heard this, he was very angry. 'Cut down the jujube tree,' he rebuked, 'isn't that a loss of wealth?' As a result, most of the village's dates are now sold to his shop.

The sun was setting, and the shadow of the jujube tree grew on the ground. Lao Zhang said goodbye to the old farmer, and he already had the answer in his heart. As he walked out of the date grove, he looked back at the date trees one last time.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

In the twilight of the twilight, those tiny fruits seemed to wink at him, telling a story of wealth and gratitude. He suddenly realized that cutting down the jujube tree was not only cutting down a tree, but also cutting off a bond between people and wealth.

Beyond Wood: The Priceless Treasure of Trees

Lao Zhang left the jujube forest, and his steps became brisk. He climbed a small hill and sat down on a large flat rock at the top of the hill, with a panoramic view of the valley.

The afterglow of the setting sun casts on the villages in the distance, and the roofs of the farmhouses shimmer with a golden glow, making a lasting impression. Nearby, patches of greenery spread out between heaven and earth, and pomegranate trees, jujube trees and other tree species intertwine to form a vibrant, colorful picture.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

He took a deep breath, the air filled with the scent of earth and plants, which made his heart refreshed and his mind drifted back in time, it was the time that belonged to his grandfather, to the land.

He remembered his grandfather's proverb: "You can't cut down two trees, and if you cut them down, your wealth will be gone."

Now, he finally figured out the true meaning of the sentence.

The fruit of the pomegranate tree is delicious and has an excellent taste, and it can also be used in medicine to relieve abdominal pain. The beautiful flowers of the pomegranate tree attract bees and thus guarantee a good harvest. In addition, the bark and branches of the pomegranate tree can be dyed in a variety of festive colors.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

More importantly, in people's hearts, pomegranates symbolize fertility and good fortune. The pomegranate hanging on the lintel and the pair of fruits placed in the new house are people's deep expectations for a better life.

In addition, the fruit of the jujube tree is not only crystal clear in color and rich in nutrition, but also can be eaten as an ingredient and can also be used as medicine, which has a good effect on physical health; Although their flowers are relatively small, they attract industrious bees and ensure a good harvest for the jujube tree.

In traditional culture, the meaning of Shandong is not only food, but also a blessing, symbolizing a good harvest, happiness and wealth.

Lao Zhang understood that cutting down these two trees is not only the loss of some wood, but also the yearning and prayer for happiness, health and wealth for generations.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

Cutting down trees is like cutting off the bridge to a better life, severing the connection between the past and the future.

He was thinking about his childhood, when he was in the middle of a stormy night when he heard some people suggesting that the old pomegranate tree at the entrance of the village be cut down to get timber to repair the dam of the reservoir.

When the village elders heard about this suggestion, he was immediately furious and very angry.

As night falls, the lights of the village gradually come on and shine like stars. Lao Zhang got up, his heart full of awe and gratitude. He understood that "cutting down wealth and dissipating wealth" was not only because of the loss of fruit and wood, but also because of the destruction of the delicate and sacred balance between man and nature.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

The sun was setting in the west, and Lao Zhang was walking slowly on the way down the mountain. By the time he entered the entrance to the village, night had fallen, and the lights flickered in the darkness like fireflies.

The news has reached the township, and the villagers are waiting for the answer to be revealed under the old locust tree.

"Uncle Zhang, have you found those two trees that can't be cut down?" A familiar voice rang out. Lao Zhang looked up and saw that it was the child herding cattle, with a curious glint in his eyes.

Lao Zhang smiled and nodded slightly, he looked around, and those familiar faces came into view one by one: the angular face of the village chief, Li Shun's hands that looked rough because of his rush, and the old woman who was always leisurely under the pomegranate tree.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

He took a deep breath and then said slowly, "Those two trees can't be cut down, cutting them down will make our village's wealth dissipate." These two trees are the pomegranate tree and the jujube tree in our village.

Whispers were heard from the crowd. Lao Zhang answered: "The ancestors left these words, not only because these two kinds of trees bear more fruit and have good wood. More importantly, they carry our faith and hope.

The pomegranate symbolizes many sons and blessings, and the jujube represents the wealth of the tree. Cutting them down is like cutting a bridge to happiness.

The village chief nodded, a hint of relief flashed in the old man's eyes, and said, "That's right, our ancestors know that trees not only give us fruit and wood, but also give us confidence and strength. They know how to live in harmony with nature.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

"But," interjected one young man, "people in the city don't believe in it anymore." They think it's all superstition and should be cut down, and they shouldn't care about wealth. ”

Lao Zhang's smile was a little bitter, and he said, "Yes, they don't understand. But if you think about it, if everyone thinks like that, will the tree still be there? And the singing of birds and the fluttering of butterflies? That's really a 'wealth dissipation'.

Li Shun stood up from the crowd and said firmly: "That's right! I do business in the city, and the more I do it, the more I understand that the real wealth is actually hidden in this pure land of green mountains and green waters.

Lao Zhang said with emotion: The words left by our ancestors are not only a requirement for our rules, but also a requirement for our responsibility. Protecting these two trees is not only for our own wealth, but also for the future of future generations.

As the saying goes: "Two trees can't be cut down, and the wealth will be scattered if you cut them down", which two types of trees can't be cut down? Check it out!

People fell into deep thought, and in the moonlight, everyone's faces looked extraordinarily resolute. Finally, the village chief spoke, saying, "From today onwards, we will continue this tradition." ”

Pomegranate and jujube trees are not only not cut, but also varied.

The next morning, they sprang into action and expressed their approval. The pomegranate trees that Lao Zhang took the lead in planting in the open field brought motivation to the people, and they also joined in.

The newly planted saplings are filled with sunlight, and the branches and leaves are sparkling, giving them a look of hope.

Lao Zhang said softly: "Look, wealth, it is accumulating. Lao Zhang's eyes were full of love.

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