
Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

author:Fuk Wan Road
Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

In the imagination of many people, secondary school students do not seem to have much intersection with high-end competitions such as mathematics competitions.

Jiang Ping is an exception.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

She could have chosen to go to high school and continue her studies in traditional subjects, but instead she chose a secondary school, hoping to find her own stage in the field of fashion design.

Fate is always full of surprises.

In the process of studying at secondary school, Jiang Ping unexpectedly discovered that she had a strong interest in mathematics.

This interest drove her to continue to educate herself and explore, eventually achieving remarkable achievements in the field of mathematics.

For Jiang Ping, self-learning mathematics is not an easy task.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

She had to overcome many difficulties, such as lack of professional teaching materials, no teacher guidance, and poor learning environment.

However, she was not knocked down by these difficulties.

On the contrary, she strengthened her belief and used her perseverance and wisdom to overcome all difficulties.

She uses her spare time to study advanced mathematics on her own, constantly studying, thinking and practicing.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

In this process, she put in more effort and sweat than ordinary people.

It is these hard work and sweat that have laid a solid foundation for her future success.

On Jiang Ping's road to self-study mathematics, there is an important figure that has to be mentioned - that is her mathematics teacher Wang Yanqiu.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

Mr. Wang Yanqiu is a senior mathematics teacher, and he highly recognized and supported Jiang Ping's mathematical talent.

After learning about Jiang Ping's situation, he took the initiative to find Jiang Ping and provided her with professional guidance and help.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

He helped Jiang Ping sort out the mathematical knowledge system, answered her doubts, and encouraged her to participate in mathematics competitions.

With the help of teacher Wang Yanqiu, Jiang Ping's mathematics level has been rapidly improved.

Not only did she master the basics of advanced mathematics, but she also learned how to apply mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems.

Her mathematical talents were fully developed and displayed.

A moment of glory for the Global Mathematics Competition

Under the recommendation of teacher Wang Yanqiu, Jiang Ping participated in the global mathematics competition held by Alibaba.

The competition attracted mathematical geniuses from all over the world, and the competition was fierce.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

Jiang Ping successfully stood out in the competition with her solid mathematical skills and excellent performance.

Not only did she finish 12th, but she also brought honor to her secondary school.

This achievement has attracted widespread attention and made people re-examine the potential and value of secondary school students.

The persistence and hard work behind the halo

Behind the honor and aura is Jiang Ping's countless days and nights of persistence and hard work.

She used her actions to interpret the true meaning of "God rewards hard work".

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

Jiang Ping's father is in his fifties, with white hair and dark skin due to perennial sun exposure.

He works outside all the year round, silently paying for the living expenses and tuition fees of his two daughters.

When facing the camera, he is always not good at words, just smiling shyly, and the simplicity and honesty make people feel respectful.

Jiang Ping's family conditions are not wealthy, the house in her hometown is dilapidated, and there are no courtyard walls.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

Because the parents work outside the home all the year round, the home is often empty, and only the two daughters snuggle up to each other and face the hardships of life together.

Despite the difficult conditions, Jiang Ping's father never gave up his responsibility to the family, and he used his hard work to support his two daughters.

Jiang Ping is a little flower under this sky, she lives a simple life, often wears school uniforms, uses old mobile phones, and never pursues material enjoyment.

She rarely goes out shopping or entertainment venues, and her living expenses are too much to save.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

In her spare time, she grasps every minute and second to learn mathematics in preparation for her future studies.

Her sensibility and self-reliance make people can't help but be moved.

Jiang Ping's sister has experienced a similar academic choice. She first chose to study secondary school to reduce the burden on her family.

But she did not give up the pursuit of knowledge because of this, but through her own efforts, she was admitted to high school, and now she is a first-year freshman at a university in Nanjing.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

She even used her summer vacation to work part-time to earn living expenses, and she didn't forget to give her sister some pocket money.

The deep friendship and mutual support between the two sisters has become one of the most beautiful scenery in this family.

The reason why the two sisters chose to study secondary school, in addition to the average economic conditions of the family, there is another important consideration: it is relatively easy to enter high school after graduating from secondary school.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

This decision may seem simple, but it is actually a reflection of their thoughtful future and deep love for their family.

They know that only through their own efforts can they change the fate of their families and let themselves have a better future.

In this family, we see an ordinary father's perseverance and dedication to the family, as well as the desire for knowledge and tenacity of the two daughters.

Their stories may not be thrilling, but they are full of truth and touching.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

It is stories like this that make us cherish our current lives even more, and also make us admire those who work hard for life.

Jiang Ping and her sister are like two little flowers in this village, although they grow on barren land, they still tenaciously bloom their brilliance.

Jiang Ping's father spoke out, the family is difficult to live in a rotten house, and the sisters are all scholars, Liu Ben responded with laughter

They use their actions to interpret what it means to "produce talents in adversity" and what it means to "change destiny with knowledge".

Their stories tell us that no matter how difficult life is, as long as we have dreams and pursuits in our hearts, we will definitely be able to find a path of our own.

At the same time, we should also see that there are many families like Jiang Ping, who may not have superior material conditions, but they have the yearning and pursuit of a better life.

We should give them more attention and support, so that they can also enjoy the dividends of social development and have a better future.


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