
Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!

Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!

Wave Star Sports

2024-06-19 10:40Published in Hubei

In the tense European Championship competition, England, as the favourites to win the championship, will face pressure from all sides. According to The Telegraph, England manager Gareth Southgate has made the thoughtful decision to open camp after each group stage game so that players can see their wives, girlfriends and family. This move undoubtedly provides a good opportunity for the players to relax and adjust their form.

Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!

During the European Championships, the England players were accommodated at the Weimarer Land golf resort in the German town of Blankenhein. The town is a 90-minute drive from Leipzig, which makes it difficult for players to see their girlfriends, and this separation is undoubtedly a test for players and their families, especially for those who are used to family company, and the lack of family support can affect their mentality and performance.

Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!

However, Southgate has allowed the players' wives, girlfriends and family to enter the Euros camp the day after each game, with Southgate also planning to open the camp again next Wednesday so that the players' families can get along better with them.

Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!

This arrangement not only shows the coach's concern for the personal life of the players, but also shows the importance that the team management attaches to the mental health of the players. In this way, players can enjoy spending quality time with their families in addition to high-intensity matches, so that they can better adjust their mentality for the next challenges.

Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!

The move by the England team has also been widely praised by the media and fans. The Telegraph reports that the measure is to allow the players to have a good time and to relax and take on the challenge. In fact, this approach not only strengthens the cohesion of the players, but also improves their combat effectiveness.

Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!

England's decision to open camp to the Ladies is a positive sign that the team is concerned about the welfare of their players and is fully prepared for the game. Through such measures, the players can get enough rest and relaxation in the company of their families, which is undoubtedly a huge boost to their performance in the following games. We are looking forward to England playing their best in future competitions at the European Championships!

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  • Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!
  • Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!
  • Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!
  • Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!
  • Practice your shots! The England team will open their camp to the wives and players will spend the night with their girlfriends!

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