
Fate: A first glance!

author:Junjun talks about emotions

Definition and discussion of fate

Fate, as an important concept in traditional Chinese culture, is often understood as the fate destined to be connected between people. This seemingly mysterious concept actually runs through every aspect of our lives. Whether it's friendship, love or family affection, fate plays an indispensable role in it. The connection between "fate" and "first sight" has added countless touching colors to literature, art and daily life.

In people's minds, the power of fate is often given a mysterious and irresistible color. At a particular moment, in a particular place, an encounter with a particular him or her, it seems that it has already been arranged. At that moment, it was as if the causes and conditions of the past life were revealed in this life. Such a concept not only exists in personal experience, but is also widely expressed and interpreted in literature, film and television works.

Fate: A first glance!

Fate and the literary expression of first sight

In classical Chinese literature, the wonderful moments of fate and first sight are depicted many times. For example, Bao Dai's first meeting in the Dream of Red Mansions is due to fate. When Baoyu and Daiyu first met, Daiyu said, "It's strange, it's like I've seen it somewhere." This sentence hints at the relationship between them in their past lives, making the reader sigh at the wonder and elusiveness of fate.

Not only classical literature, but also modern literature is not uncommon to see the description of fate and first sight. Eileen Chang wrote in "Red Roses and White Roses": "Maybe every man has had two women like this, at least two. married a red rose, and over time, the red one changed to a smear of mosquito blood on the wall, and the white one was still 'the bright moonlight in front of the bed'. This shock at the first sight and the subsequent arrangement of fate make people sigh at the impermanence and profundity of fate.

Fate: A first glance!

First sight and fate from a scientific perspective

From a scientific point of view, the attraction between people is not entirely mysterious. Psychological research has shown that first impressions largely determine the development of interpersonal relationships. Psychologists call this the "first cause effect", in which the impression formed when you first meet can have a profound impact on subsequent interactions.

Studies have found that when the human brain first meets, it will make judgments based on the other person's appearance, speech and behavior in just a few seconds. This judgment is often subconscious and influenced by culture, experience, and personal preferences. Therefore, the first glance is actually the result of a complex mental process. And this psychological process may be the scientific explanation of what we call "fate".

Fate: A first glance!

Fate and culture

The concept of fate varies from culture to culture. In Western culture, there is more emphasis on free choice and personal will. However, even so, many Western literary works are not lacking in descriptions of fate. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the two fall in love at first sight, as if they were destined to do so. Such a description coincides with the concept of fate in Eastern culture.

In Eastern culture, especially Chinese culture, fate is more regarded as a manifestation of fatalism. In Buddhism, karma is talked about, the cause of the past life, the effect of the present life, and this cyclical concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Therefore, in Chinese culture, the first glance is often given more mystery.

Fate: A first glance!

The embodiment of fate in modern society

In modern society, the development of technology has made the encounters between people more complex and diverse. The rise of the internet and social media has made it easy for us to connect with people around the world. Yet, while technology has changed the way we meet, the mystery of fate has not diminished in the slightest.

When you meet someone on the Internet, the first time you meet them may be on a video call or on a photo. However, no matter what the form is, the heartbeat of that moment and the subsequent story still make people sigh at the wonder of fate. When many people recall how they met their partners, they often mention a feeling of "destiny", which is the continuation of fate in modern society.

Fate: A first glance!

Fate and personal growth

Fate is not just a romantic concept, it also influences our growth and development. Meeting different people, learning different things, and experiencing different emotions all shape our personality and attitude towards life. Every fate is an opportunity to grow.

Sometimes, fate brings us not only sweetness, but also challenges and tests. In the face of these, we need to learn to accept and understand. As the old saying goes: "When fate comes, it gathers, and when it ends, it disperses." "In every relationship, we can find our own growth and wisdom.

Fate: A first glance!


Fate, although it may seem mysterious and unpredictable, affects our lives everywhere. The first glance may be the beginning of fate. In this moment, our hearts and minds resonate subtly with each other, and this feeling is so real and profound.

Whether it is a romantic description in literature or a rational explanation of science, fate is an existence that cannot be ignored. It makes our lives more colorful and makes us look forward to the future. It is precisely because of the existence of fate that we will find the person who is destined to connect with us in the vast sea of people.

In this complicated world, cherishing every fate and feeling the beauty of every first sight may be the best thing we can do. Regardless of the outcome, every encounter is a valuable lesson in our life's journey. Fate is predestined, and the first glance has already been destined.