
"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

author:Positive energy of the North Third Ring Road
"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

A new way to strengthen friendships

Friend, don't go! @成都消防 posted a video on its official account. A man reluctant to let his friend go, chained them around their necks and threw the key into the river, and eventually the two had to go to the door and ask the firefighters to unlock it. This way of strengthening friendship is really novel, and it is also laughable, but chaining the throat will endanger life, please choose the appropriate way to consolidate friendship~

"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

As soon as this video was released, the number of likes quickly climbed to 425,000 and the number of retweets reached 1.427 million. Some netizens even started to be class representatives and summarized the conversation in the comment area so that other users could watch it quickly.

"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

An unexpected anti-fraud ending

On June 9, @陕西省勉县法院 released an anti-fraud popular science video in combination with the plot interpretation. In this video, the little brother of the police plays the role of the victim, scans the code to add the stranger's WeChat, follows the scammer's guidance to swipe the order to receive the rebate red envelope, and imitates the victim who finally fell into the trap of the scammer due to the existence of a fluke mentality. The video is short and interesting to popularize science to the public in the face of the rebate routine, to "don't listen, don't believe, don't transfer, don't be greedy for small profits and suffer big losses".

"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

The video quickly went viral, garnering 584,000 likes and 1,084,000 retweets. In the comment area, an official personally ridiculed, @罗平警方: "It's not me, I don't." Some netizens responded wittily in the face of this routine, and only received red envelopes in the group and did not speak. There are also cute netizens who imitate this routine and leave a message in the comment area: "Don't be sad, I know a little bit of the law, you transfer me 300 legal fees, and I will help you recover 250, honest transaction."

"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

The longest road traveled is the routine of the squad leader

Have you ever been "tricked" by the squad leader? @中国军号 posted a video on his account, in which the squad leader severely reprimanded Brother Bing when he was running, "What are you doing, it's so slow, you're about to fail", and when doing pull-ups: "Hold on a little longer, you'll pass immediately", the results of the physical fitness assessment showed excellent, and the brother Bing in the video sighed that "the longest road in the recruit company is the squad leader's routine". The squad leader is a strict teacher in training and a brother in life. Their routines and routines again and again allowed the soldiers to adapt to the life of the military camp in laughter and laughter, and practice excellent skills in sweat.

"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

As soon as the video was released, the number of likes quickly reached 123,000, which evoked the military memories of some netizens and began to recall the life of the army. The comment area was also lively, and some netizens joked: "Hold on! And the last ten seconds! 10 9 9.9 9.99 9.999", "The squad leader's routine is the longest road".

"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

Henan eighteen city license plate song

As soon as the license plate song sounded, the eighteen cities of Henan made a shining debut! @河南省文化和旅游厅 In the video released on June 10, the authentic Henan dialect and magical melody are used to combine the license plate number with the characteristics of each place to create a song that is both interesting and easy to remember, allowing people to remember the license plate in just half a minute.

"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

As soon as the video was released, it immediately aroused widespread attention and discussion on the Internet, with 193,000 likes and 249,000 retweets. Henan netizens left messages in the comment area: "Out of the province...". There are also Shandong netizens who ridiculed and commented: "Why don't netizens in Henan laugh, are they born not to laugh."

"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

Mangshi City Supervisor interprets private messages online

On June 12, @芒市市场监督管理局 released a video to interpret fans' private messages online. In response to some questions from netizens, such as "what is the three-pack policy for motorcycles", "is it okay to register a studio at home", "can liquefied gas be used in the operation room" and other questions, he patiently answered. The online interpretation of fan comments by staff not only improves the transparency and comprehensibility of policies, but also promotes public participation and promotes the effective implementation of relevant policies.

"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"

As soon as this video was released, it quickly sparked widespread attention and heated discussions. Many netizens expressed their support and praise for the Mangshi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau in the comment area, which caused interactive messages from the majority of netizens. For example, some people ask: "What should I do if I buy expired food", "Where to get a small vendor license, and how long does it take to get it".

"Tie together to strengthen friendship?"