
The 66-year-old lady basks her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what happened to her body in the end?

author:Cutscenes in the small theater

In our community, there is a 66-year-old lady who insists on going to the park every day to dry her back. At first, everyone may think that this is just a daily habit of the old lady, but half a year later, when she went to the hospital again for a physical examination, the changes in her body were jaw-dropping!

The 66-year-old lady basks her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what happened to her body in the end?

Tanning the back: nature's "health secret"

Do you know? Back tanning is actually an ancient and effective way to maintain health. In TCM theory, the back is considered to be the "sea of yang veins", where yang energy gathers. Sunlight, as one of the most precious resources given to us by nature, is rich in energy and nutrients. When sunlight hits the back, it can promote the circulation of qi and blood in the body, stimulating the yang energy in the body, which brings many benefits.

The 66-year-old lady basks her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what happened to her body in the end?

According to research data from authoritative institutions, people who receive an appropriate amount of sunlight every day are much less likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes than those who lack sun exposure. At the same time, sun exposure can also promote the body's synthesis of vitamin D, which helps with calcium absorption and bone health. This is especially important for older people, as bone health issues become more prominent as we age.

The 66-year-old lady's miracle of tanning her back: three major physical changes


Stronger bones

She used to have back pain all the time, especially on rainy days. But since she insisted on drying her back, her back pain has been significantly reduced, and it can even be said that it has basically disappeared. The results of the hospital examination also showed that her bone density had improved and her bones had become stronger.

The 66-year-old lady basks her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what happened to her body in the end?


Immunity is enhanced

The old lady said that in the past, she was always prone to colds and coughs, but since the sun, these problems have been significantly improved. She feels that her body has become healthier and her resistance has increased. This is due to the fact that sun exposure improves the body's immunity.


The mood is happier

In addition to the physical changes, her mood has also become more pleasant. Every day after returning home from the sun, she feels refreshed and refreshed. This is because sun exposure boosts the body's production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which can improve mood and relieve stress.

Sunshine wisdom in life: how to sun your back reasonably?

After seeing the miracle of this 66-year-old lady's sunburn, I believe many people will want to try this health regimen. However, we would also like to remind everyone to pay attention to the following points:


Choose the right time

Avoid exposure to the sun at noon to avoid excessive UV rays that may damage the skin. It is recommended to choose a time slot before 9 a.m. or after 4 p.m. for back tanning.


Control the amount of time you spend in the sun

When drying your back for the first time, the time should not be too long, 10-15 minutes is appropriate. After the body adapts, you can gradually increase the time you spend in the sun. At the same time, you should pay attention to your body's reaction, and stop in time if you feel unwell.

The 66-year-old lady basks her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what happened to her body in the end?


Pay attention to sun protection

While sunbathing is good for your health, it's also important to take sun protection measures. You can choose to wear sunscreen, hats, etc., to protect your skin from UV rays.


I hope that through this article, you can better understand the benefits and precautions of back tanning. Let's enjoy the health and happiness that the sun brings us! At the same time, I wish the 66-year-old lady good health and a long life!