
Dog Time Exposure in 2024! This year's dog days are extraordinary, once in 60 years! What's the point?

author:Cutscenes in the small theater

The dog days of 2024 are no small few, and according to weather experts, this is a once-in-60-year summer challenge! No, the time of ambush has already been set, just on July 15th! It's a hot summer, and the heat is unbearable, so we have to prepare in advance!

Dog Time Exposure in 2024! This year's dog days are extraordinary, once in 60 years! What's the point?

What are Dog Days? Why is this year particularly interesting?

Dog days are a unique climate phenomenon in China. It refers to the hottest and hottest summer months of the year, usually from mid-July to mid-August in the Gregorian calendar. During this period, the direct point of the sun moved northward, and most parts of our country were in a climate state of high temperature and little rain, which was the most difficult day of the year.

Dog Time Exposure in 2024! This year's dog days are extraordinary, once in 60 years! What's the point?

And this year's dog days, why is it particularly attention-grabbing? That's because the weather department predicts that this year's dog days will be hotter and last longer than usual. It's really sweaty! Thinking of the scorching sun and sweaty days, my heart panicked.

How hot are dog days this year? What data is available?

So, just how hot are dog days this year? According to the forecast of the meteorological department, during the dog days of this year, the temperature in many parts of the country will hit a record high. In Beijing, for example, the maximum temperature is expected to reach more than 40°C, and some cities in the south may even exceed 42°C!

Such hot weather is not only unbearable, but also poses a threat to our health. So remind everyone, be sure to prepare for heatstroke prevention and cooling in advance!

In the face of the scorching heat that occurs once in 60 years, how should we respond?


Arrange your work and rest time reasonably

Try to avoid outdoor activities around the middle of the day, and choose to exercise or work in the morning and evening when the temperature is relatively low. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure sufficient sleep time so that the body can get enough rest.

Dog Time Exposure in 2024! This year's dog days are extraordinary, once in 60 years! What's the point?


Pay attention to your diet

Drink plenty of water and eat more light foods such as fruits and vegetables to replenish the water and nutrients your body needs. Avoid the intake of greasy, spicy and other irritating foods to avoid increasing the burden on the body.


Do a good job of sun protection and cooling

When you go out, you should do a good job of sun protection, apply sunscreen, wear a sun hat, etc. At the same time, air conditioners, fans, and other equipment can be used to reduce the indoor temperature. If possible, consider installing shades or curtains to block direct sunlight.


Pay attention to weather warnings

Pay attention to the weather warning information issued by the meteorological department in time to understand the latest weather conditions. If you encounter extreme weather conditions, take timely steps to protect yourself.

In addition to coping with the scorching heat, what else is there to pay attention to dog days?

In fact, in addition to coping with the scorching heat, there are some traditional customs and customs on dog days!

Dog Time Exposure in 2024! This year's dog days are extraordinary, once in 60 years! What's the point?

For example, in some areas in the south, people will eat "Fu sheep" during dog days to ward off the cold and replenish their bodies; In some areas in the north, there is a saying of "head dumplings and two noodles". Although these customs seem simple, they are people's yearning and pursuit of a better life.


Alright, alright! Having said so much about dog days, I will say a few more words at the end! Although this year's dog days are particularly hot, as long as we prepare in advance, arrange life and work reasonably, pay attention to dietary conditioning and sun protection and cooling work, we will definitely be able to spend a cool and comfortable summer!