
Summer is coming, and when many people are together, why do mosquitoes only bite you and not others?

author:Cutscenes in the small theater

The most annoying insect in summer is mosquitoes. Not only do they disrupt people's normal lives, but they also spread diseases. Mosquitoes feed on blood as their main mode of survival, while male mosquitoes feed on plant sap.

Summer is coming, and when many people are together, why do mosquitoes only bite you and not others?

Therefore, in normal times, it is the female mosquito that bites. But did you know that mosquitoes also have a choice when it comes to biting humans, some people get multiple bites, while others are spared? It's very confusing, why do mosquitoes only stare at you biting and not others?

Summer is coming, and when many people are together, why do mosquitoes only bite you and not others?

There is a myth circulating on the Internet that mosquitoes only like people with blood type O and are not too interested in other blood types. However, is this statement true?

Summer is coming, and when many people are together, why do mosquitoes only bite you and not others?

In general, the following groups of people are relatively more likely to be favored by mosquitoes.

The first category is people with a faster metabolism. These people produce more carbon dioxide when they breathe and have higher concentrations of carbon dioxide around them. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, have the ability to find prey through carbon dioxide. The more carbon dioxide you exhale, the easier it is to be targeted by mosquitoes.

Summer is coming, and when many people are together, why do mosquitoes only bite you and not others?

In everyday life, we often observe the phenomenon that if there are young men, women and children in the family, they are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes, while the elderly are rarely bitten. This suggests that mosquitoes don't like older people because they have a slower metabolism.

The second category is people who secrete more lactic acid. These people secrete lactic acid in their bodies and on the surface, which produces a peculiar smell that fascinates mosquitoes. Mosquitoes will find the smell very tempting and want to rush up and take a sip at any time. However, this situation is not fixed, because the body's secretion of lactic acid has a lot to do with the food ingested recently. Some people may be loved by mosquitoes today and no longer be favored tomorrow.

Summer is coming, and when many people are together, why do mosquitoes only bite you and not others?

The third category is people who sweat. If you sweat a lot today, to avoid mosquito bites, you can use soapy water to wash your body. In addition, people who wear dark clothing are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes. Because dark-colored clothes reflect less light, mosquitoes prefer to fly to low-light places.

In addition, dark-colored clothes absorb heat more, causing the human body to sweat and give off an attractive smell to mosquitoes. On the streets, we often see people who wear dark clothes are more likely to be bitten than people who wear light clothes.

Summer is coming, and when many people are together, why do mosquitoes only bite you and not others?

In conclusion, mosquitoes prefer people who have a fast metabolism, sweat a lot, and wear dark clothes. After learning about these conditions, we can be prepared, such as wearing light-colored clothes, bathing frequently, maintaining ventilation, etc., to avoid mosquito bites.

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