
A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

author:Things speak in new words
A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

If we want to talk about the most rapidly developing field in the mainland in recent years, it must be the economy, because the Western countries did not take the mainland in their eyes before, but we are the latecomers.

The current economy is a huge resilience and potential, which has become a sweet spot in the eyes of many foreign companies.

The key point to driving economic development is that there are more and more emerging industries and factories in various places.

This satisfies the needs of the market and provides more employment opportunities for the local people.

However, there are also huge risks behind this.

With the rapid development of the economy, the problem of environmental pollution has become more and more severe, and in May, it was revealed that a large number of dead fish appeared in the Yangtze River basin.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

The Yangtze River and the Yellow River have always been known as the mother rivers, and most of the culture on the mainland originated in these two river basins.

Now the two rivers are deeply affected by pollution incidents, and many companies have dumped industrial wastewater into the Yangtze River in order to make huge profits.

The large amount of sewage discharge will definitely pollute the environment and destroy the ecosystem, and many fish will suffer from it, how should we deal with this problem? Could it be that the Yangtze River will become a sewer for enterprises to discharge formaldehyde?

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

1. Dead fish in the Yangtze River?

Now that the network conditions are getting better and better, we can sit at home to learn about the world's major events, and not long ago a news about a large number of dead fish in the Yangtze River caused heated discussions among the majority of netizens.

Over the years, the Yangtze River has nurtured the people on both sides of the river, provided sufficient water for everyone, and nourished all local things, so many people have a sense of awe for the Yangtze River.

And we all know that many resources in nature are non-renewable, so the state has also increased the development of renewable resources.

Hydropower is one of them, which can provide us with a steady stream of electricity, and while meeting everyone's daily life and industrial needs, the mainland will also export a part of the electricity to neighboring countries, which will increase fiscal revenue.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

Some cities close to the Yangtze River, with their superior geographical advantages, not only have developed agriculture, but also have developed promising tourism, which has provided a boost to the local economy.

But no one expected that a large number of dead fish had appeared in the Nanjing section of the Chuhe River of the Yangtze River recently, and at first the masses thought that these fish were collectively sick, which caused a large area of death, but soon after everyone found that this was not the case.

The number of dead fish is increasing, and it can be described as staggering, this section of the river is white, which is caused by the reflection of the fish scales.

In addition, there are some other aquatic creatures, such as crabs and baby turtles, that have been dying on a large scale.

The corpses of these creatures float on the surface of the river, piling up on the banks of the river as the waves of the water continue.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

In this case of mass biological death, it is clear that the reasons are not simple.

This has had a huge impact on the ecological environment of the Yangtze River, and the nearby villages and residents are also panicking.

Temperatures are particularly high everywhere now, and as the number of dead fish continues to increase, the carcasses of these fish begin to decompose, and an unpleasant fishy stench can be smelled for several kilometers around.

From past experience, we have concluded that in the event of a large-scale natural disaster, with the continuous decomposition of a large number of corpses, a variety of diseases will inevitably appear, which is extremely detrimental to human health.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

In just a few days, the local residents were very scared, not only because they were worried that the water quality of the Yangtze River would be polluted, but also because they were afraid of the danger to their lives and health.

People are also very curious about why these creatures died en masse, and what is wrong with the water quality of the Yangtze River? After this situation occurred, the local residents immediately reported the situation to the relevant departments.

Second, the reason behind it is surprising

This is no small matter, and after receiving the report, the local authorities quickly launched an investigation into the matter, and they were the first to test the water quality.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

Judging from the past data, the mainland has been attaching great importance to the protection of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River in recent years.

In order to achieve sustainable development, a large number of fish fry have been released into the Yangtze River basin, and fishermen are prohibited from overfishing, in order to ensure the ecological stability of the basin.

The balance that had been maintained was now broken, and after testing the water quality, it was found that there was nothing abnormal.

It is certain that the mass fish mortality is influenced by external factors.

River pollution became the primary concern for everyone, so everyone began to follow this line and continue to investigate.

Unexpectedly, this survey found that some companies will discharge sewage into the Yangtze River during the production process.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

We found that in recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the problem of environmental pollution, and many regions have imposed strict requirements on the corresponding factory pollution.

In order to meet the national standards, many factories have invested heavily in the installation of purification equipment.

However, in order to reduce the cost of investment, some factories will secretly and privately dispose of sewage in violation of regulations, or discharge waste gas and waste generated in the reproduction process at will.

After investigation, the relevant departments found that there was a fire at a plant that produced petroleum accelerants near a large number of fish deaths.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

After investigation, it was found that the fire started in the warehouse of this factory, and a large amount of crude methanol, a hazardous chemical, was burned during the fire.

Although the fire was extinguished in time, all the pollutants produced during the combustion process flowed into the Chu River.

After the incident, the local authorities dealt with the leaked pollutants by damming and pumping the sewage.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

However, heavy rain fell in the process of treatment, causing the water level of the river to rise, and the uncleaned sewage entered the Xianghe River basin.

Everyone used water to open the sluice gate at the mouth of the lake and release water, which led to serious pollution of the water quality of some sections of the Chuhe River.

After learning of this result, the local people were very angry, and it was obvious that the accident was caused by the mismanagement and negligence of the relevant personnel.

It is unbelievable that such an enterprise with a huge source of pollution can exist locally and produce safely and smoothly.

It is because of the greed of some people that this section of the river is polluted and a large number of fish die.

With the fermentation of the Internet, this matter has almost aroused the condemnation of the masses across the country, so it is impossible to solve this matter casually, and the local government must come up with a tough and reasonable solution.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

3. What is the result of the follow-up treatment?

After a large number of dead fish and shrimp appeared in the river section, multiple media began to report on the incident.

In order to quell the impact of the incident and reduce the harm to the surrounding people, the relevant departments began to salvage dead fish along the coast.

However, due to the hot weather and the heavy amount of salvage work, the progress was slow, so the river water along the way has always emitted a pungent smell, and many people have even reduced the number of times they go out.

The fish are packed in woven bags, but because they are not processed in time, they are piled up on the river bank and attract a lot of flies.

After this incident, a reporter interviewed members of the party organization of the local water conservancy bureau, but he did not expect the other party to say that he was about to retire and should not ask too much about these things.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

Later, the reporter asked whether the toxicity analysis of the water quality had been carried out on the toxicity of so many decomposing fish carcasses still floating in the river.

Unexpectedly, the director of the Ecology and Environment Branch said that drinking Moutai can also drink dead people, do you need to analyze its toxicity?

I have to say that the speeches of these local officials are strange enough, but the more they cover up, the more they show that their motives are not pure, and there are bigger problems hidden behind this.

Originally, if the local officials had done their part, the pollution incident might not have happened.

This would be even more unlikely if the monitoring of pollution from local factories had been strengthened.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

This matter is getting bigger and bigger, and these leaders who are lucky want to delay it again and again.

Soon after, the local government said that the officials in charge and the officials who spoke strangely had been dismissed.

It's been a few days, as we can see from the latest reports.

After everyone worked overtime, the salvage personnel have been searching for dead fish in the river day and night.

In the past few days, the number of dead fish in the river has decreased significantly, and basically the carcass of a dead fish is not visible.

The unpleasant smell of coming to the river has also disappeared, and the river is now taking on its normal color.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?

After learning about this incident, one has to sigh again at the strength of public opinion.

If it weren't for the big fuss, the local officials would probably have gotten away with it, and their black gauze hats wouldn't have been removed.

At that time, many fishermen smashed their fishing boats in order to better protect the ecological balance of the Yangtze River, but they did not expect that the previous efforts have now been destroyed by some people.

The ban is indeed for the sake of long-term development, and fishermen have also given up generations of subsistence for the sake of future generations.

However, this time the pollution has killed almost all the fish in the river, how can people not be sad.

A large number of dead fish appeared in the tributaries of the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol? What are the follow-up results?


Environmental pollution not only affects our quality of life, but also has a great impact on future generations.

If you only consider your immediate interests and do not make long-term plans, such people will inevitably be condemned by society.

It is hoped that some local officials can shoulder their responsibilities, do not shirk their responsibilities after problems occur, and actively respond to them is the effective way to solve the problem.

The maintenance of the earth's environment requires everyone's joint efforts, and a good ecological environment can make our earth more harmonious, and it is also to ensure the lives of future generations.


Jimu News 2024-05-31 "Investigation of Chuhe River Water Pollution: Dead Fish Have Basically Been Fished Out, Riverside Farmers Turn Off the Water Pipes to Save Themselves"

Luzhong Morning Post 2024-05-27 "A large number of dead fish suddenly appeared! Official Notice: Identification of Pollution Sources》

Focus on agriculture 2024-5-31 "A large number of dead fish appeared in the Yangtze River, and fishermen smashed boats to protect the Yangtze River, which became a sewer for enterprises to discharge methanol!" 》