
The spleen and stomach are weak, why is Xiaoyao Pill not easy to use, and the Lizhong Pill is cold to no avail.

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Sang

There are many friends who report that they are obviously spleen deficiency and use Xiaoyao Pill is not good, and it is not right to use Lizhong Pill when the spleen is cold, teach you a trick, and the spleen and stomach are getting better and better.

The spleen and stomach are weak, why is Xiaoyao Pill not easy to use, and the Lizhong Pill is cold to no avail.

We used to be in bad conditions, thinking that we could eat a little more, but now it is different, eating more, eating well is not necessarily suitable for everyone, and some will put a great burden on the spleen and stomach. You think, the spleen and stomach are too tired, and they have been overloaded with exercise, and after a long time, they will naturally become abnormal.

The spleen and stomach are weak, why is Xiaoyao Pill not easy to use, and the Lizhong Pill is cold to no avail.

The food eaten cannot be transported well, and the qi and blood are insufficient, which is manifested as malaise, unable to lift up energy all day long, and weak to speak, usually cold and fever at every turn, and the immunity is getting weaker and weaker. In fact, there is still a problem with the spleen and stomach, and when your spleen and stomach are strong enough, these problems will be solved.

The spleen and stomach are weak, why is Xiaoyao Pill not easy to use, and the Lizhong Pill is cold to no avail.

Then let's talk about why some people use spleen deficiency pills uselessly. This Xiaoyao Pill is mainly used to soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen, nourish blood and regulate menstruation, and is more suitable for some symptoms caused by liver depression and spleen deficiency, but if you eat too much, eat more messy and miscellaneous, and add a great burden to the operation of the spleen and stomach, it is not symptomatic. You can refer to a Bohol pill to eliminate food, guide stagnation, and stomach, so that the burden on the spleen and stomach can be reduced and slowly return to normal, and the symptoms will disappear when the movement is normal.

The spleen and stomach are weak, why is Xiaoyao Pill not easy to use, and the Lizhong Pill is cold to no avail.

The other is the case that the spleen is cold, and the Lizhong pill does not work. When the weather is hot, ice, cold, and cold drinks are indispensable, which can easily damage our spleen and yang, especially for people with weak spleen and stomach. Therefore, as soon as you eat cold, you will have stomach pain, diarrhea, and the stool will be sticky and unformed, and some will be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Although Lizhong Pill can dissipate cold in the temperature and strengthen the stomach, the effect is not so strong, so it does not work for some people, you can refer to an aconite Lizhong Pill to strengthen the effect of warming and dissipating cold.

The spleen and stomach are weak, why is Xiaoyao Pill not easy to use, and the Lizhong Pill is cold to no avail.