
Prostatitis is always recurring, the key lies in the spleen and stomach, and strengthening the spleen is the core.

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Sang

Prostatitis is really miserable for men, not only uncomfortable urination, pain, but also feel uncomfortable in the whole body, changes and reductions in X function, frequent urination, urgency, and some will be accompanied by fatigue, memory loss, etc.

Prostatitis is always recurring, the key lies in the spleen and stomach, and strengthening the spleen is the core.

Prostatitis is an internal injury in traditional Chinese medicine, which is caused by damage to the human organs, and the spleen is the foundation of the day after tomorrow, why is it said that the spleen and stomach are treated first for prostatitis? What is the relationship between the spleen and stomach and prostatitis?

Prostatitis is always recurring, the key lies in the spleen and stomach, and strengthening the spleen is the core.
The spleen is the foundation of nurture, and the body's qi and blood are derived from the spleen and stomach for the subtle transport, digestion and absorption of the water valley, so Chinese medicine often says that "the source of qi and blood biochemistry" refers to the spleen and stomach. The spleen yang refers to the function of the spleen, and the operation of the spleen yang needs to be nourished and assisted by the "fire of life". Once the spleen is deficient, the spleen function decreases, and the garbage produced by the body's metabolism cannot be excreted from the body normally. This garbage refers to what we call wet water.
Prostatitis is always recurring, the key lies in the spleen and stomach, and strengthening the spleen is the core.

The spleen has the responsibility of transporting water and dampness, and when the spleen is deficient, its pathological manifestation is the metabolic imbalance of water and dampness. This means that the moisture in the body cannot be discharged normally, and it remains in the body, gradually accumulating to form dampness and causing disease. Water and dampness belong to yin, it stops in the body, and due to its own characteristics, it will go down, "clear yang rises, turbid yin falls". The accumulation of water dampness in the prostate also causes the prostate to be in a state of chronic edema, and due to the failure of the life, the symptoms of abnormal urination such as frequent urination, urgency, and incomplete urination are formed in this way.

Prostatitis is always recurring, the key lies in the spleen and stomach, and strengthening the spleen is the core.

One of the patients who came to the clinic before also had symptoms of damp prostatitis, mainly cloudy urination, dull complexion, drowsiness and weakness of limbs, and loss of appetite. In terms of conditioning, he was given the method of strengthening the spleen and promoting dampness, and by regulating the function of the spleen, the metabolism and discharge of water and dampness returned to normal, so that the various symptoms caused by dampness evil were naturally alleviated. Shenling Baizhu Powder plus or minus prescription is a commonly used treatment option, which combines drugs to strengthen the spleen and promote dampness, which can effectively improve the condition of patients with prostatitis with spleen deficiency and dampness. According to his situation, he should add or subtract the Shenling Baizhu powder appropriately, and pay attention to good eating habits and healthy work and rest, so as not to aggravate the symptoms of spleen deficiency and dampness, and the problem will be solved.

Prostatitis is always recurring, the key lies in the spleen and stomach, and strengthening the spleen is the core.