
General Zhao Xingyuan's War Memories 12: God has become the most terrible enemy

author:Roses are scented

At the end of 1946, after the defense of Liaoyang, Benxi, Fushun, Siping, and Tonghua that "what to protect, what to lose", the Liaodong Military Region in South Manchuria and its two columns, the 3rd and 4th columns, were squeezed by the Kuomintang troops in the narrow areas of the four small counties of Changbai, Fusong, Mengjiang (now Jingyu County), and Linting, which were on the verge of Korea. The enemies who were in hot pursuit from all sides shouted all the way: Brothers of the communist army, surrender quickly! If you don't surrender, you will be driven into Changbai Mountain to gnaw on tree bark, and into the Yalu River to drink cold water!

The Kuomintang's strategy was to "first the south and then the north", that is, to concentrate forces to solve South Manchuria first, and then attack North Manchuria.

The strategy of the Communist Party is to "adhere to South Manchuria and defend North Manchuria," and there are "four guarantees of Linjiang" in South Manchuria and "three visits to the south of the Yangtze River" in North Manchuria.

This was the most difficult period of the Northeast Liberation War.

The four arduous battles to defend the river kicked off in the heavy snow.

The battle of Yibao Linjiang began on New Year's Day 1947.

Six divisions of the enemy's 52nd Army, 60th Army, New 6th Army, New 1st Army, and 71st Army attacked the Linjiang area by separate routes from the line of Huinan, Liuhe, Huanren, and Kuandian. On January 18, the 584th Regiment of the 195th Division of the 52nd Army marched eastward from Tonghua, and the 3rd Vertical and 7th Division met the enemy, and the 1st Company was the avant-garde company of the 20th Avant-garde Regiment.

It was an expected encounter, but it was not known when and where.

The 1st Company marched all night in heavy snow and advanced to Xiaohuanggou at noon the next day. It is a mountain village with more than 70 families. Zhao Xingyuan, the instructor and company commander, ordered to rest and cook, and he led the cadres above the squad level to see the terrain, set up positions, and conduct a vigilance.

When I returned to the company's hometown, it was already more than two o'clock. Correspondent Wang Dehai said, I will give you a bowl of hot tofu brain in the pot. Drink a bowl of hot tofu brain, feel comfortable from the inside out, and start to untie your legs. After walking all night and half a day in knee-deep snow, my legs and feet were numb. I don't know how far I have to go on this road, relax and relax, and live my blood. The leggings froze and tore down. As soon as one leg was torn off in half, a grenade was heard outside the village.

The grenade was fired in the direction of Qinggou in the northwest, and there was no movement after the sound, and the sound of gunfire in the north of the village suddenly rang out like fried beans. The first platoon of the enemy was less than 300 meters from the head of the village, and the enemy behind also spread out in battle formation, and the snow was yellow. Mortar shells flew overhead, blowing up clouds of snow and mist throughout the village.

While ordering the machine gun to occupy the position, Zhao Xingyuan commanded the company to seize the commanding heights of Dongshan, and at the same time sent people to report to the battalion.

There were two machine guns in the machine gun squad, and a Canadian machine gun kept shouting happily, and the Lion brand repelled the enemy after dark and stopped for a while, and then it could no longer be fired. Thermal expansion and contraction, the firing pin spring becomes shorter, and it is also frozen and stiff, and it is inelastic. This is the first time I have encountered this situation since I arrived in the Northeast, where do I understand, I thought it was a failure. After the war, all the guns were dismantled, and I couldn't find out what was wrong. Some people say put another shot to try. That gun has been tinkering in the house for a long time, go out and let it go, it's really loud. What the hell? It wasn't until I heard that other companies were like this that I thought that this iron guy couldn't resist the weather and froze?

What about the man?

Dongshan is the commanding height of the local area, which can control Xiaohuanggou Village and the highway from Tonghua to Ji'an. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are two more, not too steep. It's just that the snow is heavy, the shallow part is not knee-high, the depth is up to the crotch, and the potholes are flattened by the snow, and if you fall into it, you will show your head, and you may even be gone, or you will be pulled up, or you will dig a hole and drill it out. It snowed heavily last night, and the sun came out during the day, and the snow cover froze as hard as ice at night. When the officers and men of the 1st Company climbed the mountain, the hard cover was still not able to support people, but it was very hard, like a thin layer of ice, so they had to break the ice and move forward, and sometimes they had to use both hands and feet, which was particularly difficult, and when they climbed to the top of the mountain, the person was sweating.

marched all the way to Xiaohuanggou, and did not sweat less, and entered the villager's house. This time, I was sweating and climbed to the top of the mountain.

On the mountain, there are some pine trees and trees, one person is more than one high, two people are high, and then there are half of the hazelwood trees buried in the snow. The wind whined, blowing snow particles all over the sky, and the face hurt like a knife.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the sound of rattling began to sound in the woods. Zhao Xingyuan thought that it was the sound of the enemy touching and breaking dry branches, and sent people to search several times. It was only after dawn that I realized that it was the sound of the tree trunk freezing and cracking.

The military history of the 40th Army records: "It was extremely cold at minus 40 degrees that night. "

The clothes of the officers and men were basically the same as those before crossing the sea in Shandong. A felt hat with tile-like ear guards on both sides. The cotton clothes and pants were almost half thinner than those of the Northeasterners, and there was no shirt at that time, just an empty cotton shirt and pants. No gloves. A small one shows its superiority, and the sleeves are long. The big man would make a piece of cloth and pick up a piece on the cuff, like the horseshoe sleeve of a Qing Dynasty official. The trousers are short, the waistband is not rutted, and the hem of the trousers is sewn like a cuff, or if it is not sewn, it is wrapped in leggings. It's all single shoes, the kind of open-top cloth shoes that show the instep. We all know that "Kanto Mountain, Three Treasures, Ginseng Mink Ura Grass", comb the bud rice nest with a comb or Ula grass, tie it to the luggage, take it at any time, and stuff it into the shoes. At that time, they all had socks or foot wraps. Each class gave out a blanket, cut it into pieces, and wrapped it as a foot cloth, wrapped the top of the foot, the foot and the neck, and tied it in the leggings.

The so-called luggage is a blanket or quilt, or a coat, and there is no such thing. At that time, there were two columns in South Manchuria, the 4th Column had to fight guerrillas behind enemy lines, and each squad of the 3rd Column took out 3 pieces of "luggage" to support the 4th Column.

The Kuomintang soldiers were all southerners, with the largest number of people from Guangdong and Hunan. It is said that from the south where the seasons are like spring to the northeast, where the ice and snow are snowy, it is more difficult for them to adapt to this climate, but they are well equipped. In the second battle to defend the river, the 1st Company captured the enemy's eiderdown quilt in Daniugou, and the people got into it, pulled the zipper, and slept in the snow.

A year later, the battle of Wenjiatai was also minus 40 degrees, but I didn't feel how cold. On the head or dog skin hat, or felt wool hat, cotton gloves on the hands (Northeast people call them "hand stuffy"), and cotton shoes on the feet (most of the North Manchurian troops are Ula). Not to mention the thick cotton clothes and pants, each person also has a cotton coat or an old sheepskin jacket. What's more, when it comes to how to prevent frostbite, everyone has a set.

When he came up to the mountain, Zhao Xingyuan immediately commanded everyone to build fortifications with snowdrifts, which could not block bullets, but could be hidden, windproof, and cold. After the busy work, the sweaty empty cotton clothes were attached to the body, and the wind blew, and the heart was cold.

After dark, the temperature plummeted, reaching around minus 40 degrees Celsius in the middle of the night. At that time, the man did not have the concept of "weather forecast", "today's temperature is xx degrees", no matter how cold it is, it is called "quack cold" in Northeast dialect. The same flesh and blood, if it were to be dressed like this today, would make people stay on that mountain for a night, and they would not survive a few. At that time, the man resisted tossing, so it didn't work?

Many people were draped in blankets and quilts, leaning against the fortifications. No way! Zhao Xingyuan shouted loudly: Don't sit down, get up, get up! Activity: Stomping feet, rubbing hands, nose and ears.

Immediately called a meeting of the squad and platoon commanders, and explained that the task given to the 1st Company by the battalion was to keep watch on this eastern hill and monitor the enemy. Tonight, I am not afraid that the enemy will attack, but I am afraid that God will freeze people to death, causing non-combat attrition. Tell everyone that if you don't want to freeze to death, if you don't want to freeze to death, you have to move. Be active non-stop. When you are the platoon leader, you must lead everyone to activities, be optimistic about everyone, and implement everyone's head. No one is allowed to sit down, lie down, or sleep, for the one who falls asleep is finished. In particular, the sentry posts should be checked and changed frequently to ensure that they have coats to wear.

From time to time, the enemy fired artillery at the mountain, and sometimes after dark, he sent a few men to touch the mountainside and shoot a few shots to harass you, afraid that you would run away. At that time, the enemy was very proud, but it was also afraid of the weather, especially after dark, and knew that it could not attack. The snow is so deep, you wear a lot, you move clumsily, you can only be a target when you climb up, let you freeze on the mountain, and let God clean you up.

When the soldiers in the forward position returned fire, the hand touched the metal part of the gun, and it was immediately "bitten" and dragged a layer of skin on. The co-shooter of the Canadian machine gun reloaded the magazine with a loader, and with a single click, his hand was frozen white.

People suffer from frostbite, and the skin is red at first, then purple, and then white and white-brown. You can still feel pain when it is purple, and it starts to be numb when it is white. Deep purple and white can be cured, but white-brown is difficult.

I can't see the colors clearly at night, and an experienced squad leader will ask if it hurts. If you are not afraid of pain, you are afraid that it will not hurt. If it doesn't hurt, you have to rub it with snow until you feel the pain.

Some squad leaders organized everyone to continue to repair the fortifications, killing two birds with one stone. Some led everyone to jump and jump, shouting "stomp your feet, rub your hands, rub your nose and ears" -- in the three years in Northeast China, as soon as winter came, the squad leader had to put this sentence on his lips, and he had to shout it every few minutes. The ears are cartilage and thin, and they are the most susceptible to frostbite. In this Xiaohuanggou battle, two of the 1st Company lost their ears.

At the beginning, when the enemy hit the artillery, everyone hid, but later some stopped hiding, saying that they would be killed and would not suffer this foreign crime. Some jumped and said that they froze to death, and they were happy when they died.

He who says this is not afraid. The cold is unbearable, which means that he is still conscious; can still complain, which means that the spirit is quite sufficient. The most terrifying, and the most concerning, are the kind of people who are silent.

Zhang Jiahong, a soldier in the 2nd squad, jumped and fell silently.

The squad leader Zhang Mianhuan called Zhang Jiahong's name loudly, held his feet in his arms, and rubbed his hands. Zhao Xingyuan shouted a few times and quickly took out the big cake from his arms. When he ran out of the company, he grabbed a large cake from the pot, and it was frozen like a stone egg in his arms, and there was a layer of softness on the side of the meat. Scrape it off with his hand and feed it, Zhang Jiahong also ate it, and Zhao Xingyuan felt a little bottom in his heart. After feeding a few bites, he immediately ordered Zhang Mianhuan to use two people to set up Zhang Jiahong and run back and forth in the snow.

Zhang Jiahong has been in the army for less than a week, and he is only 17 years old. It is said that the Northeast people are frost-resistant, but where has he suffered at home? Yesterday the march began at dusk, and now he has not closed his eyes for a day and a night, and the man is also sleepy and tired. Man is inert. Continue the march tonight, and you can go until dawn. But jumping in place, the man lost his emotions first. People are not machines, and they will keep turning when they press the switch.

If you can light a fire and roast it, you can still survive this long night, but isn't that a guide to the enemy's artillery fire?

Zhao Xingyuan tied the two corners of his gray quilt to a rope, tied it around his neck, and tied another one around his waist, and the man seemed to be wrapped in a quilt. He walked in squads and sentry posts, turning and watching round and round, not daring to stop or slack off for a moment. First, he must supervise the squad leader and let everyone move. Especially in the second half of the night, the weather is colder, people are more sleepy and tired, and their will is a little less firm. The sentry dozed off, and it only took ten minutes, and even if the person was saved, he was a waste. Second, he himself must also move, which is the only way for him and the officers and men of the company to keep out the cold at present. Just like that, both of his heels also froze unconsciously.

When I saw him, some squad leaders asked: Instructor, is there any situation?

Zhao Xingyuan knew that they were asking him: Why didn't the battalion replace us?

Some of them have asked several times, but no one has said this sentence explicitly.

Zhao Xingyuan also wanted to ask the camp: On such a cold day, squatting on the top of the mountain overnight, can't this bring down the 1st company?

The battalion headquarters was in a forest behind the mountain, less than two miles away, and Zhao Xingyuan and the messenger went twice. The second time I made up my mind, but I still turned around at the door, and hurried back.

At dawn, the 5th company went up the mountain to change shifts. Zhao Xingyuan informed each platoon that after going down the mountain, no one was allowed to enter the house without inspection. Carefully inspect the frostbite area and rub it with snow until it is red and painful. If your feet are frozen, put them in cold water and slow them down.

Just after the village, the battalion ordered that dinner should be opened immediately and that it would be ready to attack the enemy.

After the war, there were 161 people in the 1st Company, and only one hygienist, Song Shuanglong, did not suffer frostbite, and there were 7 amputations.

From Shandong to the northeast and then to Hainan Island, this is the most tragic one, regardless of whether it is fighting or non-combat attrition.

Those who have lost their ears, their nails, and their noses are frozen. Someone untied his leg and tore off the flesh and skin. Somebody took off their shoes, yo, where did the toes go? I saw that I was in the hole in my shoe. I don't know when I fell off, and I didn't feel any pain, but I always fell when I walked.

Northeasterners describe the cold weather as saying, "This hand is frozen like a cat bite." I'm not afraid of a cat bite, I freeze unconsciously, I don't feel pain, and I'm wasted. When they recovered and became conscious, some of them rolled around on the ground in pain.

Zhao Xingyuan will never forget that scene in his life.

He said: The iron guy of the machine gun is frozen, and the native trees are frozen and cracked, what will happen to that person who has never seen the harsh winter of the Northeast?

It's rare for someone to be bitten by a cat, so it's hard to tell what it's like to be bitten by a cat. Zhao Xingyuan, who has been injured 9 times, has the experience that no matter what kind of injury, there is no uncomfortable taste after frostbite is relieved, and it can simply hurt the living to death and the dead to live.

More than 20 seriously wounded people remained in Xiaohuanggou and were treated by the regimental health team. Most of the amputations are feet. The flesh is black, spreading upwards and festering, only to be cut off. The rest of them carried sticks, or supported each other, and went to the village called Xiaolingzi to tinker with their own treatment. The heavier ones were put into a large basket, and the basket was covered with thick wool grass, covered with several layers of quilts, and carried by some migrant workers from the village.

There was too much frostbite. The 2nd Company of the 19th Regiment was pressed into the snow by artillery fire, and it took more than 10 minutes for half of the people to suffer frostbite.

There is no medicine, it is all earthwork, home remedies, and local materials. Put the jujube rot and soybean sauce on the wound, the jujube is warm and hot, and the soybean paste can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. The best effect is to smash the cactus and aloe vera, and you can usually get a good night's sleep that night. But at that time, it was not like raising flowers and grass now, how could there be so many cacti and aloe vera? The most convenient is to boil the holly in water and wash it, and to bake the mountain red until it is half hot, peel the skin and paste the pulp on the wound wrap. There are on the green hills in winter. The heavy snow covers the mountain, find the mangrove tree in the mountain, and pick up the snow under the tree, the mountain is red and red, and it is delicious.

Because he was not idle for a while, and he was too concentrated, Zhao Xingyuan never felt that he would get frostbite. After staying in Xiaolingzi, I realized that the two heels were not quite right, and it slowly hurt again, and it hurt more and more. The shoe and the footcloth were frozen together, and I finally took them off to see where the foot was, and the right heel was soaked in water.

The hygienist made a cut with scissors, and a glass of water flowed out. The meat was frozen, slimy, and snotty.

I didn't feel anything when I cut it, and the heel didn't seem to grow on him. The night is over, the sin is several times more difficult than the injury on the right hand on the road to the east of the country, I can't sleep after tossing and turning, and my teeth and bones hurt.

To this day, there is no need for winter, as soon as the autumn wind is cool, the heel is painful and itchy, which reminds him of the night in Xiaohuanggou Dongshan, when he saw those frostbitten comrades-in-arms rolling on the ground in pain.

Ride a donkey to the battlefield

Half a month after the end of the first guarantee Linjiang, the second guarantee Linjiang began.

The 3rd Regiment (1st Battalion) of the 207th Division of the New 6th Army went deep alone and occupied Sanyuanpu Town. The 7th and 9th Divisions of the 3rd Column successively captured the surrounding Gaolitun, Daniugou, Datielu, Crooked Touzizi and Sanyuanpu Southwest Mountain, and surrounded the town after dark.

Zhao Xingyuan led 1 company to attack from the north.

The 207th Division of the New 6th Army, also known as the "Youth Army" and "Student Army", was formed in the later stage of the Anti-Japanese War to prepare for a major counteroffensive. In terms of actual combat experience and level, they are much worse than the new 22nd Division of the "Tiger Division," but these students were educated by the Kuomintang, and they have a strong sense of orthodoxy, and they are also quite tenacious, and their artillery fire is also fierce. Outside the town were rice paddies, and piles of straw were hit by cannonballs, and the flames were as bright as day.

The attack was blocked, and the 1st Company withdrew from its position before dawn, went to Zhoujiatun in the rear to have dinner, and continued the attack after preparing for dinner.

Freezing cold. The red sorghum rice, Zhao Xingyuan was hot when he was served from the pot to the jar, and when he went out, he saw Gao Baoshun, the leader of the 1st row, and said a few words, but the surface layer was already frozen stubble.

Just after a few bites, the sound of fierce gunfire rang out in the south. "Assemble!" Zhao Xingyuan shouted and ran towards the sound of gunfire.

He wondered if the enemy was going to break through? Sure enough, the white snow field and the yellow enemy were rushing in the direction of the 3rd Company.

Zhao Xingyuan waved his shell gun and led the 1st Company to pounce on the enemy, and the snowflakes flew in the mountains.

Catch up with a mountain beam, and you are only 1 mile away from the enemy. At the foot of the hillside were abandoned terraced fields, buried by more than two feet of snow, and the officers and men leaped down from the first-class fields, and some people could not stand still, so they rolled on the snow and climbed up to continue the pursuit.

When Zhao Xingyuan jumped into the field, his left foot was penetrated by a hawthorn as thick as a chopstick. There was a heart-piercing pain, the man couldn't hold it back, and rolled down the hill again, the snow under his feet was already red, and blood was oozing from the surface of his feet.

He wore a pair of rubber-soled cloth five-eyed shoes, which were frozen hard, and the live buckles were frozen into dead knots, which could not be untied no matter what. Correspondent Wang Dehai was so anxious to bite with his teeth, and Zhao Xingyuan said to stab and pick it with a bayonet. I picked off the shoelaces, and when I finally took them off, the stubble was broken, and the tip of the foot was exposed, and there was a cigarette butt under the bottom of the foot. Wang Dehai gritted his teeth and pulled it out, Zhao Xingyuan had already opened the first-aid kit, and without waiting for much blood to gush out, he pressed it all at once.

The first-aid kit was American-made captured by the enemy, white, and wrapped in waterproof paper. There was a piece of medicated gauze inside, with straps on both sides, which was pressed to the wound and wrapped in a few clicks. There are also a few oral flamine tablets, and now it is said that flamines have any side effects, and at that time it was the best oral anti-inflammatory drug. After the war, the battlefield was cleaned and special attention was paid to collecting first aid kits, which were life-saving things. In the past, there was no such thing, and when I was injured, I sometimes grabbed the soil and covered it to stop the bleeding. With a first-aid kit in your pocket, you have a little bottom in your heart when you fight, and it will really work when the time comes. As soon as they fought with the enemy with American-style equipment, they began to equip everything from guns and ammunition to food and clothing.

When I couldn't put on shoes, I untied the leggings and wrapped them layer by layer, becoming "bound feet".

Wang Dehai squatted on the ground and stretched out his hand to his shoulder: Instructor, I will carry you.

Zhao Xingyuan said: You can't carry it, go quickly, and chase the company.

At the beginning, Wang Dehai had to hold it, and slowly walked by himself, and he was able to run. He had to make the blood around him come alive. When I bandaged the wound just now, I was already cold. If Wang Dehai is allowed to carry it, this hand and foot will have to be amputated.

Walking and running for more than 10 miles, when I caught up with the company, the "tied feet" bloody and snowy had already become a big ice mound.

Zhao Xingyuan really wanted to go on like this, because as soon as he stopped, the injury was going to hurt, and the night was difficult again.

"The room leak happened to be cloudy." The frozen right heel is not yet good, and the left sole of the foot is piercing again. Now, when it comes to the first two battles to defend the river, Zhao Xingyuan will think of a Northeast saying: "The silly boy sleeps on the cool kang, and he is all strong with firepower." "

If it were today, the heels would freeze like that, stay in bed for 1 month, and rest for 2 months, which is considered less. At that time, that person was resistant to creation and toss, and that person was young, energetic, and vigorous.

Also, at that time, the man rarely took medicine, and even never took any medicine, and the medicine was very good and effective. Like Zhao Xingyuan's heart-piercing left foot, the wound was not cleaned, he bled so much, and he froze like that, and he was not infected. I think of the right hand that almost ruined his military career, if there were a few pieces of flavour, he wouldn't have suffered so many sins all the way through Kanto?

He didn't know that the gauze medicine in the first aid kit also had a pain-relieving effect, and the wound hurt much worse than before. But the more this happened, listening to the faint rumbling sound of cannon ahead, the more anxious I was to get on fire.

The fourth battle to defend Linjiang was about to start, and Zhao Xingyuan went to find the instructor Li Hongkui. Before he could speak, Li Hongkui said: You go back to me and stay honestly, heal your injuries, and let you fight some battles.

Before the third Linjiang defense battle, Li Hongkui came to Zhao Xingyuan and said that you should not participate in this battle, and Zhao Xingyuan said that I knew. The second guarantee Linjiang and the third guarantee Linjiang are separated by 8 days, but now it has been more than 40 days, and if they continue to stay, good people will be sick.

Xingyuan said: Instructor, there is nothing wrong with my foot, and I promise that I will not add a burden to Lianli.

Li Hongkui said: Won't it be a burden? Can you give me a run? When the instructor does ideological work for others all day long, he can't pull the big bolt when it's his turn? The body is the capital of the revolution, and your task is to heal the wounds. Stop talking, I don't have time.

This person said nothing, it was useless to say it, and Zhao Xingyuan didn't say it either. Come back and tell Wang Dehai to find a donkey in the village. Don't bring it back yet, tell people to say yes, prepare it for us, and you may use it at any time.

Wang Dehai is a native of Baichengzi, Jilin Province, born as a textile worker, 18 years old, medium height, round face, big eyes, brave in battle, and particularly clever. The original correspondent Du Jiheng, Zhao Xingyuan liked his fierce courage in the war, but since the voice of "the deputy company commander deserted", he found that this correspondent had chosen the wrong one, and he let him get off work soon after arriving in the northeast. This Wang Dehai is one of Zhao Xingyuan's favorite correspondents, and later died when he was a platoon commander in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

The troops set off before dawn, Zhao Xingyuan rode a donkey, and Wang Dehai was quietly behind it was the end of March, the snow melted during the day, and at night, the earth and mountains were frozen hard. The donkey rode for more than ten minutes, and the hands and feet were so cold that they couldn't do it, especially the feet, and they couldn't freeze, so they came down and walked with a stick for a while. When the bones of the body were warm, and the pain in the foot was relieved, he got on the donkey again. If it is discovered after dawn, there is no going back, even if it returns to the battle.

When Li Hongkui saw him, he was angry and heartbroken: You Zhao Xingyuan, how can you say hello to me?

The next night of the rapid march, Zhao Xingyuan fell behind. It was a donkey, not idle every day, not used to the mountain road, ice and snow road, and had never been ridden, a little donkey temper, and threw Zhao Xingyuan down twice. Li Hongkui was anxious and sent someone to lead his mount back to find him. At that time, the battalion commander and instructor each had a horse, and the deputy battalion commander and deputy instructor were two people and one horse.

At dawn on the third day, the troops rushed to the designated area of operation.

In the Fourth Battle of Linjiang, the 3rd Column and the 4th Column and the 10th Division adopted the tactic of "Morning Glory" and deliberately showed weakness, luring the 89th Division of the 13th Army with all-American equipment in the middle to Hongshi Town, Youjiajie and their northeast areas, and annihilated them completely. The task of the 1 Company was to insert into the enemy's hinterland from the flank, occupying the 106 heights.

Far away, I saw that the mountains and fields in front of me were full of fire. The 89th Division had just been transferred from Rehe Province (which governed the northeastern part of present-day Hebei Province, the southwestern part of Liaoning Province, and the southeastern part of Inner Mongolia, and the provincial capital Chengde, which was abolished in 1955). The fire in the second echelon behind is also piled up, it is very spectacular to look at, and it is really arrogant, otherwise it would not be alone.

Zhao Xingyuan looked at it for a while and found that only 106 Heights had no fire.

He said to company commander Guo Yushan: There is no enemy on the 106 heights, and the opportunity must not be lost. I'll go and lead the top soldier class, you command the team, let's plug it in immediately.

Guo Yushan fought bravely, commanded decisively, and was assertive. But he had just been transferred from the 6th Company, and he was not very familiar with the situation of the 1st Company-which was one of the reasons why Zhao Xingyuan was riding a donkey to fight this battle.

Seeing the firelight, the blood around Zhao Xingyuan became impulsive.

He asked Wang Dehai to tie the donkey, throw the stick, and lead the top soldiers to go up.

He walked with a limp since his heel was frostbitten. 3 people marched, riding a donkey for a while, and a stick for a while, it hurt when it was frozen, and it hurt if it walked too much, but now it doesn't hurt. As soon as the gunshot rang out, the illness was gone, and the injuries were irrelevant. Fighting a war cures all kinds of diseases, but there is also a degree, if the "capital" is really not good, and it is strong for a while, then it may be possible to lose all the old capital.

There is a village called Lao Shaoguo at the foot of the 106 Highland Mountain, with more than a dozen households. About a platoon of enemies lit two large fires at the head of the village, around which they were cooking and cooking. Zhao Xingyuan asked the 2nd squad leader Zhang Mianhuan to divide into two ways and outflank him from both sides, while he himself walked straight towards the enemy.

The sky was overcast, and the light of the fire faded. The enemy sentry asked who it was, and Zhao Xingyuan said that he was his own person. He wears an American trench coat, and he really can't tell that it's not his own person if he doesn't get closer. Smelling the aroma of rice, the guns on both sides rang out, Zhao Xingyuan's barge gun also rang out, and the grenade exploded into a fire.

Come up the mountain, the general attack has begun. I thought that if I inserted myself into the enemy's hinterland, I would immediately fall into a vicious battle with the enemy on all sides, but at this moment, I only heard the rumbling of cannons, the whistling of projectiles, and the snow falling from the trees, and the 106 Heights were like a small boat in the wind and rain.

The nearest artillery sound came from behind the hill on the right rear of the high ground, and Zhao Xingyuan judged that it was an enemy artillery position.

The 1st platoon and the small artillery squad came up, and Zhao Xingyuan ordered the platoon commander Gao Baoshun to organize the construction of fortifications, and he himself took the 2nd squad and the small artillery squad to run towards the enemy's artillery position.

When the day dawned, the old forest in the shade was still quite dark, and it was all red pines that were thick by one person. The snow is also thick, and the hard cover on top is more than a finger thick, like ice, quite slippery. Some of them couldn't hold people, and they fell into it with a click, and they didn't have a waist in the depths.

Rows of shells swept overhead. As soon as the cannon sounded, the mountain trembled, and the snow fell from the trees like a torrential rain, pouring into the neck, cold. There is snow on the ice sheet, which is more slippery, and when you go down, you can slide out of the way.

At this time, the main force was issued with a very thick new cotton coat, the lining was white cloth, and the marching and fighting were all reversed cotton clothes, protective color. Fighting in the ice and snow, it is needless to say that the superiority is not to mention.

Nine 107-mm American mountain guns were lined up in the open field under the mountain, and as soon as the muzzle fire flashed, the gun position was immediately flooded with snow and fog.

Wu Chuanen, the leader of the small artillery squad, commanded everyone to set up the cannon at the foot of the mountain, which was less than 100 meters away from the enemy in a straight line. Three "tile cannons" fired a salvo, and as soon as the shells raised smoke, dust, snow and mist on the enemy's artillery position, Zhao Xingyuan had already led the 2nd squad to rush up, and shouted "surrender the gun and not kill" amid the explosion of gunfire and grenades.

The enemy did not expect such a team to be killed behind him, and raised his hands and shouted "his own people" and "his own people", thinking that it was a misunderstanding.

At this moment, the enemy in front of him retreated and poured in like a flood that had burst its banks. The nine mountain guns were not used for the time being, and the three "tile cannons" of the small artillery squad showed their power again, and shells exploded in the enemy group one by one.

1 Company captured 480 enemy men.

After the inventory was completed, Zhao Xingyuan gathered and lined up, and Zhao Xingyuan asked these prisoners loudly: Did you search your pockets? Did you lose something? Yes, raise your hand. No one raised their hand. Asked again, but still no one raised their hand, so they handed the prisoners to the regimental democracy movement team and made a receipt: "I received 480 prisoners from the 1st Company, and Qiu did not commit any crimes." "--Every time a captive is captured, that's the rule.

A large number of horses were also seized, all of them Mongols. Before counting the prisoners, he told Wang Dehai to find a horse, and this time he had to ride back.

Fighting a war cures all diseases, let alone winning a war, but the foot injury also began to ache faintly. There are still many battles ahead, and now he has to take care of this foot.

General Zhao Xingyuan's War Memories 12: God has become the most terrible enemy

[Zhao Xingyuan was born in January 1925, a native of Shandong, joined the Eighth Route Army in July 1939, joined the party in June 1940, and successively served as a soldier, squad leader, platoon leader, instructor, battalion commander, regiment commander, division commander, deputy army commander, political commissar of Heilongjiang Provincial Military Region, deputy commander and political commissar of the brigade garrison area. In 1988, Zhao Xingyuan was awarded the rank of lieutenant general by the Central Military Commission and retired in 1990. He died in Dalian, Liaoning Province on July 13, 2016 at the age of 91. Zhao Xingyuan was elected as a deputy to the 2nd and 3rd National People's Congress, an alternate member of the 9th, 10th and 11th Central Committee, a member of the 12th Central Committee, and a member of the 8th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. 】