
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!

author:Everybody calligraphy
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!

Nowadays, more and more exams are beginning to use "electronic marking", especially large-scale exams such as the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination.

Electronic marking has more requirements for children's writing specifications and answering habits, so let's understand the problems in the exam from a new perspective. Approach the electronic marking and see what the test paper looks like in the eyes of the marker~~~

1. Scanning

1. If you do not use the prescribed 2B pencil, you may be misjudged as an "empty selection" and lose points.

2. After writing with a blue pen, the handwriting is shallow, and if it is unrecognizable, it is easy to misjudge or not give points.

The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!

3. If you do not use the prescribed pencil for drawing, or the pen is too light, it will cause the scan to be unclear, please be cautious.

The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!

4. The language should be concise and to the point, and should not go beyond the answer area.

The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!

2. Grading

1. Subjective and objective questions

The general objective questions are multiple-choice questions, which are automatically graded by the computer; The subjective questions are fill-in-the-blank questions and answer questions, and after the area is divided, it is completed by manual online marking. The controversial parts of the paper are often subjective.

2. Positive evaluation and arbitration

In this zero-mode test, each question is scored independently by two teachers, which is a positive evaluation.

Before marking, a permissible error will be set in the system, such as 1 point, if the two teachers' scores do not exceed the allowable error, the score will be calculated according to the mean; If the score exceeds the allowable error, the test paper will be submitted to the third teacher for arbitration as the final result. The zero-mode test is classified according to different question types, and the allowable error is 0 or 1 point.

3. Marking errors

There are two main reasons for the error of marking: one is the standardization of the problem solving process, and the other is the standardization of writing.

Due to the non-standardization of the problem-solving process, in fact, the method is not comprehensive enough, and the questions are very different and not representative.

(1) Dangerous handwriting, illegible, or ambiguous.

(2) If the answer question is not simplified to the final result, multiple points may be deducted; Fill-in-the-blank questions: If the following three situations are not simplified, they will be deducted completely.

(3) Don't joke with the grading teacher, if the circumstances are serious, even if the question is partially correct, it will still be handled with 0 points.

Finally, I hope that students will pay attention to the writing norms in their usual homework, and the pressure will be reduced a lot when it comes to the exam. Good habits are not formed in a day, learn to standardize writing as soon as possible, in order to stand out in the fateful exam!!

The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!
The college entrance examination papers are exposed again, and the scribbled handwriting will not be able to get into college!

How to standardize the answers, and what kind of paper is what the marking teacher wants to see? A neat and clear answer sheet will undoubtedly give the marking teacher a bright feeling.

What the marking teacher hopes to see is the volume that can reduce the amount of reading, including the following 6 points: 1. The paper is clean, which is the most basic requirement; 2. The writing is neat and clear; 3. Answer the question in the specified answer area, otherwise it will be useless; 4. The expression is to think about the main points according to the score, subdivide it as much as possible, and clearly express it with semicolons or symbols such as (1) (2) (3) (4); 5. The language should be concise and the answer is to the point; 6. The language should be standardized and use professional terms as much as possible.

If the above 6 points are achieved on the paper, under the college entrance examination scoring principle of "points can be given or not points, lenient points will be given", the weight of more points will be invisibly increased.

The following are typical situations of irregular answers found in online marking:

First, the handwriting is sloppy

Problem 1: There are many cases of scribbled handwriting and too light handwriting. The college entrance examination marking is to read the scanned candidates' answer sheets in the computer, which is not as clear and easy to recognize as the usual paper marking, and the college entrance examination marking time is short and the task is heavy, so the test papers with unclear handwriting are not welcomed by the marking teachers.

【Response】Students with poor handwriting should strengthen calligraphy practice, not only strive to write neatly and generously for each word, but also make the entire volume clean and clean; The answer range of the answer sheet is set to assume that the number of words in the number three word is written twice the size of the correct answer, and the test taker does not need to worry about the large writing space and insufficient writing space; During the examination, students are required to use a matching 0.5mm special watercore pen to avoid unclear scanning caused by too light or too thick handwriting.

2. The question number does not match the answer

Question 2: There are optional questions in the test paper, and candidates are required to black out the corresponding multiple-choice question number in the answer sheet in addition to answering the answer to the selected question, and some candidates have the situation that the answer content is inconsistent with the painted question number, so the question will be scored 0 points.

For example, in the next paper, the candidate painted 39 question numbers, but answered the content of 40 questions, and can only get zero points.

When answering the optional questions, you must be sober-minded, and the selected questions to be answered must be marked with the correct question number, otherwise your efforts will be wasted and you will not be scored.

3. Answer questions beyond the specified area

Question 3: Some students are in a hurry to answer the question before they can think about it, so that the format is not arranged, and the answer space reserved for the question is exceeded. In the online marking, the answers outside the specified area are invalid.

When answering a big question, think about it and then start writing, what to answer first, what to answer later, to be organized, you can't write for a long time and haven't entered the topic, there is no place to write important things, and then find some place in the east and some place to write in the west, and the result will not be scored.

Fourth, the answer is divided into blocks

Question 4: Some students' answers are not arranged in a reasonable manner, and the content is divided into several parts. The phenomenon of "blocking" can easily lead to the marking teacher missing the scoring points, resulting in the phenomenon of too few points.

【Response】The non-multiple-choice questions in the college entrance examination questions are generally 2 points and a point. Therefore, before writing the answer, determine the number of points that need to be written, plan the overall layout of the answer, draft the answer before writing, and then write from the upper left corner to the lower right corner, so that there will be no "blocking" phenomenon as illustrated; In the process of preparing for the exam, strengthen the speculation of the answers to the non-multiple-choice questions of the college entrance examination, analyze the main points of the answers, where the answers are based, and why only answer these points. Be organized when answering questions, and avoid the phenomenon of adding answers after writing.

Fifth, there are no levels of answers

Question 5: When many candidates answer a big question, there is no level, and they write a large paragraph in one go, which makes it difficult for the marking teacher to find the knowledge points.

【Response】For a big question that needs to be answered with a lot of points, the candidate should be as hierarchical as possible when answering, so that the marking teacher can feel that the candidate's thinking is clear and easy to get a high score.

Sixth, the drawing is not standardized

Question 6: Some students do not draw clearly on the answer sheet, or they do not paint a line in the east or a line in the west, which makes it difficult for the teacher to distinguish clearly.

The following is question 34 of the physics paper, candidates draw the optical path diagram without a ruler, the optical path is not distinguished, there is no arrow, and there is no normal line.

【Response】The drawing question should be based on the principle of clarity and cleanliness, and the place where the ruler should be used must be a ruler, and the lines should be heavier, but not make it look dirty.

7. The deletion symbol appears

Question 7: Some candidates answered the question in a hurry and answered a paragraph incorrectly, so they deleted it in a large area with the delete symbol.

[Response] In previous years, the use of blank paper was allowed to be "patched" in the college entrance examination, but now the "patching" has been canceled in the college entrance examination. Therefore, many students feel that when they make a mistake in answering the question, they often use the delete symbol to cross out some words, which is an extremely wrong mindset.

There is a principle of "picking points and scoring" in the college entrance examination, that is, only looking at the correct answers. As long as there are no inconsistencies in the same sentence, then even the wrong answer will not affect the score that the candidate deserves. Therefore, on the premise that "patching" is not allowed, do not use the delete symbol for answers that have already been written. Solution: 1. If the answer has been marked with numbers (1), (2), (3), etc., there is no need to modify it. 2. If there is no habit of using numbers, put a full stop before and after the answer that you think you want to delete, so that there is a juxtaposition relationship with other answers.

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